Scripture readings: Psalm 69:1-21; Matthew 14:22-36
God is an artist. We
are privileged to live in the sort of place where anyone who believes in him
can see this clearly every day. We can watch his handiwork unfolding and we can
see how he is never done.
Priest Rapids Lake, Columbia River Desert Aire WA: February 2015 |
He is the painter who
is never done with his painting and never leaves it alone. He is always
blending his colors in a new way. This isn’t because he doesn’t love what he
has already done, but it’s because he loves it so much.
God is also a
sculptor. God is still carving this valley. How long has he been at it? He uses
strange tools: mostly soft tools; such an odd thing for a sculptor. God uses
the wind and the rain. God uses fires underground. God uses the river. God uses
time. And here we are.
God uses storms to
make sudden changes to his work of art. Even when those changes are sudden they
may last forever.
It’s easy to see that
this valley is a work of art. It can be much harder to see that each and every
human being is a work of art: a work in process, a work of God.
The name Peter means
“rock”: good material for sculpting. I think Jesus was joking when he took a
fisherman named Simon and renamed Peter. A rock is strong, tough, and stable,
and Peter wasn’t that, at all.
Of course Peter was
physically strong. He was a commercial fisherman. He worked using his whole
body to maneuver his boats, to haul in nets full of fish, and he lived in the
days when everything was hard work.
He was physically
strong, but he was unstable. He was constantly changing. You never knew what he
might say or do next. Peter ran fast and slow. Peter ran hot and cold. Peter
was brave and afraid. Peter was faithful and doubting.
Peter was in Rome and he tried to
escape from that horrible death. In the story, during his escape from the city,
Peter met the risen Jesus. Jesus was walking into the city as Peter was walking
away. Peter asked Jesus where he was going. Jesus looked at Peter and said,
“I’m going into Rome
to be crucified again.”
Hearing this, Peter
plucked up his courage. He went back into Rome
where he continued to serve his church until he was caught, and arrested, and
crucified. So Peter finished his life with fear and courage, doubt and faith.
He was Peter to the last.
There’s a story about
the artist and sculptor Michelangelo. When he had finished his famous sculpture
of Moses, someone asked how he had done it. He said, “I simply chipped away
everything that was not Moses.”
The storm on the Lake of Galilee was like a soft chisel that
Jesus used to chip away a bit of whatever wasn’t Peter, so that Peter could see
himself better. Jesus used the storm to chip away a bit of what wasn’t Peter so
that we can see ourselves better, in him. The poet George Herbert says this
about the Lord: that “Storms are the triumph of his art.” (George Herbert, “The
It’s not a bad thing
to say that Jesus sent his disciples into a storm. There are storms. There are
going to be big, nasty storms.
Jesus sent them out
into reality, out into the real world, out into life. Of course he sent them into
a storm.
Jesus sends his
disciples into storms. Some people claim that when you listen to the Lord and
do what he says, you will have smooth sailing. But that was never true of the
They did as Jesus told
them to do. They did it even though it made very little sense. Was Jesus going
to walk around along the shore and meet them on the other side?
And they worked hard
to do what Jesus told them. This put them in danger. This exhausted them. And
they missed Jesus.
They rowed and they
rowed against the wind, and they didn’t turn back. That was faith. When you
have faith, you still have storms, and those storms are everything for you that
a storm can be for anybody.
When Jesus has a
purpose for you, things can still go badly. When you follow the calling of
Jesus, things can be hard and joyless.
There was an amazing
Christian woman who, many years ago, was my Sunday school teacher. Years later,
I remember her standing up in church in order to give a testimony about joy.
What she said was this: “You know me. If I don’t get joy out of doing
something, you won’t find me doing it for long.”
Another fact about the
storm is that Jesus didn’t send a single disciple alone into the storm. Jesus
sent a boatload of disciples into the storm.
There was a time in my
life when I tried to be a solo Christian; a private Christian. There is no such
creature in the Bible. The only solo, private Christian in the Bible was Adam,
and God saw that it wasn’t good. (Genesis 2:18) The disciples worked together
and sweated together. They even failed together, and they were the church of Christ .
The story of Peter
walking on water and almost drowning had to be a shared experience. His friends
never forgot it, and one of them put it into writing so that Peter teaches us
about what it is like to be a Christian today. This is how Jesus arranged it.
This is how he designed the life of those who follow him.
There is a saying that
religion is what the individual does with his or her own solitude. This is
convenient and a lot of people seem to believe it. I think they believe it
because it is easier that way.
This is why what we
call the church, the body of Christ, is formed of people who are not members of
a club but members of the Body of Jesus. In this kind of membership we are
bound together like we are bound to Christ; by great, solemn, everlasting
promises. If we are not bound to each other as seriously as we are bound to
Christ what have we learned from him?
Peter had learned a
lot from Jesus. He had learned wonderful things and he wanted to imitate them.
Walking on water was one of those wonderful things that Peter wanted to
imitate. I don’t think he understood that faithfulness was the truly wonderful
thing; more wonderful than walking on water.
Faithfulness was the
reason why Jesus came to them in the storm. Peter did a better job imitating
the walk on water than he did the faithfulness of Jesus. Faith involves
faithfulness. That is why Peter sank.
It was because they
shared the boat together in the storm and the darkness, it was because they saw
Peter walk (and nearly drown) and be rescued, that they were able to bow down
and say to Jesus, “Truly you are the Son of God.” (Matthew 14:33) “Storms are
the triumph of his art.”
The storm teaches us that the Lord never sends
us beyond his reach. The Lord never sends us beyond his help.
Some people will say
that if you doubt the Lord then the Lord will not work in your life. They say
that if you have doubts the Lord will not answer your prayers. This is not
true. The Lord came to them when they were afraid of the storm. Even when they
were afraid of Jesus and doubted who and what he was, he still came to them. He
said “Take courage! It is I! Don’t be afraid!” (Matthew 14:27) When Peter
doubted and sank, Jesus saved him.
This is what happens
when you are afraid and when you have doubts. Listen for that voice. Wait for
him to come. Trust that he will work. The faithfulness of Jesus is greater and
stronger than your doubts.
The disciples were of
little faith all through the gospels and what did Jesus do? He took them with
him everywhere and showed them wonderful things. They saw people touching the
hem of his cloak and being healed. That’s what happened when they doubted.
Jesus always warned his friends about what they might miss because of doubting,
but he was always better than his warnings.
This really is the
secret of faith. Faith is the proper use of your eyes. Faith is looking at the
faithful Jesus, and not at the storm. Peter knew more about Jesus than we do,
by experience. Peter had seen much more of Jesus than we ever have. But
experience and the knowledge that comes from experience are not enough. They
don’t make you immune from doubt.
Seeing is not
believing. Looking is believing. Peter should have kept on looking at Jesus.
Looking would have served as faith.
When Peter sank under
the waves of the storm it was a hand like his own hand that grabbed him and
lifted him up. It wasn’t only the stormy water of the lake that Jesus crossed
to help them. He crossed over from heaven to earth and became human to help and
to save them and us.
I wasn’t breathing. I
was purple when they got me out of the water. When I got home at the end of the
day, I opened one of my Bibles. (It was
really my Dad’s old Sunday School Bible.) It opened straight to these words in
Psalm 69: “Save me, O God; for the waters are come in unto my soul. I sink in
deep mire, where there is no standing: I am come into deep waters, where the
floods overflow me. (Psalm 69:1-2)
The way that Bible
opened was a sign. It was a small and clear sign that God was there with me in
my room, and in the Bible on my lap. It told me that he was there when I was
underwater and couldn’t get to the surface. It told me that it was his small,
still voice that told me to trust him when taking one more breath would mean
death. He could make me live when I should have died. He could even bring me
back when I had left this world. I could trust him.
The truth is: I don’t
always trust him, but he is always better to me than I am to him. He is that
The most interesting
thing about this Psalm is that it is about two people at the same time. The
Psalm is about David being surrounded by enemies. It’s also about Jesus being
surrounded by enemies. Jesus lived out the words of this Psalm when he was
dying for the sins of the world on the cross.
When Jesus drove out
the “money changers” (the currency exchange officers) from the Temple
in Jerusalem ,
his disciples looked back and remembered this Psalm and the words: “zeal for
your house consumes me.” (Psalm 69:9; see John 2:17)
The Temple was the place where people came into
the presence of God. Because of the cross, Jesus is now the place where people
come into the presence of God. On the cross, Jesus was consumed with our
sufferings and sins. His zeal for opening the way to the Father
is what consumed him on the cross.
On the cross the
guards gave Jesus vinegar to drink. (Matthew 27:48, The Psalm says: “They…gave
me vinegar for my thirst.” He came to cure our hunger and thirst. He was hungry
and thirsty for us, in our place.
In the story of the
storm where Peter nearly drowned, Jesus’ hand was the hand of God saving him
when Peter yelled for help. In this Psalm Jesus is also the drowning man crying
for a saving hand.
We ask for help, but
we don’t even ask for help very well. Our cries for help, our cries for God,
are full of pride and full of blame. Even our hand reaching out for another
hand is half full of ourselves. In Jesus, God reaches out for salvation and for
rescue on our behalf. In Jesus God does what we cannot do. When we are under
water, in whatever our storm may be, Jesus does our reaching with us. He helps
us do our reaching out, with a degree of humility and a whole heartedness that
we can never match.
Christ is God reaching
out his hand to those in need. Christ is Peter reaching up to the hand of God
for us. He does this on the cross.
The Psalm is like a
bridge on which we meet ourselves and God, in Christ. The cross is also the
bridge. Christ is the bridge, the bridge of hands holding on to each other.
This is God’s word about storms, and about faith, and about us, and about how
God makes us his storm art.