Scripture readings: Hosea
2:12-23; 1 John 4:7-5:5
Many years ago I would be talking to my Baci (my
Babcia, my Polish grandma) or writing to my Polish Aunt Genia, and I would make
some observation or other, and the response would be, “You say that because
you’re Polish.” Maybe that was wishful thinking on their part. I could never
understand the pattern of thinking that they called Polish. They saw a family resemblance.
White Bluffs, Opposite the Hanford Reservation, WA Columbia River, April 2015 |
Many years ago, some non-Polish relatives were
visiting me in Oregon :
my Dad’s brother Uncle Don and my Aunt Joyce .
We got into a conversation about God, and what God did by coming into our world
in Jesus, and dying for our sins, and rising from the dead.
The conversation went on and on, and it was very
lively and exciting. Most of the interaction was between my Uncle Don and me.
My Uncle Don, for years, had raised big barriers between himself and the
Christian faith as it is commonly understood and explained.
I felt like I was making progress, but my Uncle Don kept
raising objections. Finally he seemed to try to get off the subject by saying,
“Do you know why I don’t go to church?”
We hadn’t been talking about the church. We had been
talking about Jesus, and why we needed Jesus. I felt like he was trying to worm
his way out of what we were talking about. So I said, “I don’t care why you
don’t go to church.”
My Uncle Don’s eyes got large. Then he beamed a big
smile, spread out his arms, and looked up on high, and he said, “Spoken like my
brother’s son.”
My Uncle Don told the truth. This is how the Evans
men all talk to each other. Of course there aren’t many of us, and maybe that
is one reason why.
It’s all about family resemblance. It’s not just
about a resemblance of eyes, and noses, and chins. (I have a double cowlick and
that’s from the Polish side of the family.)
I have an Irish side to the family. Some of us came
to America about 1850, and
some of us went to Australia ,
about the same time. We have been writing, off and on, ever since. It’s a
family habit that has gone on for well over a hundred and fifty years. It’s a
family resemblance. Enough of that!
There’s a God resemblance that gets inherited by the
people who are born by grace and faith into God’s family. It’s the resemblance
of love.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus said, “A new command I
give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
(John 13:34-35) It’s a spiritual genetics that points to Jesus. It’s a
resemblance that perpetuates Jesus physically in this world.
Think what this means. Jesus died as a sacrifice for
the sins of the whole world on the cross (John 1:29), and then he rose from the
dead. That is the kind of love with which we are to love one another.
The Apostle John made this love part of the center of
his teaching. “Beloved, let us love one another, for love comes from God.
Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love
does not know God because God is love…This is love: not that we loved God, but
that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. Dear
friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.” (1 John
There was a woman who occasionally attended a church
I served. She confessed to me, one Sunday morning after worship, that she had
trouble feeling God speak to her in a sermon when the preacher wasn’t preaching
fire and brimstone. (Yes, she really said that.)
But who is my brother? Someone asked Jesus “Who is my
neighbor?” And that question is just another way of saying, “Who is my
To answer that, Jesus gave the example of the Good
Samaritan who helped a member of the people of Israel who had been attacked, and
robbed, and left for dead on the road. The Samaritans were deeply hated enemies
of the people of Israel , and
they hated Israel
right back. The story Jesus told them gave the lesson that we are to love our
enemies. (Luke 10:25-37; see also Matthew 5:44)
We are to show the family resemblance that we inherit
when we are born into God’s family by grace and faith. John says that God loves
those who don’t love him, and that God sent Jesus and came down in Jesus to be
a sacrifice for our sins that would atone for our sins.
Atonement means unification. It means reconciliation.
It means bringing together those who have been alienated and divided. It means
making them one. God loves those who do not love him and so we need to love our
brothers and sisters, even when they are our enemies and do not love us. It’s
in the Bible!
They became what is called, in fancy theological
language, apostate. Apostate means, among other things, leaving and denying a
relationship with God. It means denying the faith. It means living life in
contradiction to the faith.
In the Book of the Prophet Hosea, God never stops
loving those people. In the Old Testament, apostasy was considered spiritual
adultery. It was as if Israel
was married to God by the promises that God had made. God had promised to be
their God and to make them his people. His people betrayed those promises of
God. They had mated with other gods and loved them better.
The Lord told Hosea to marry a prostitute to
symbolize what the relationship between the Lord and Israel had turned out to be. He
told Hosea to do this deliberately because that is what the Lord had really
done by making his vows to Israel .
When the Lord made his covenant with Israel
at Mount Sinai , it was clear that this is
exactly what he was doing.
God’s love, perfect love, can be angry for a long,
long time and never stop loving. The Lord described all the things he wanted to
do to Israel
in his anger, and then he says: “Therefore, therefore, I am now going to allure
her; I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her.” (Hosea 2:14)
The desert, in the Old Testament, is the place for intimacy with God. The anger
of God would end in everlasting tenderness.
Eventually this prostitute left Hosea completely, and
became the slave of another man. Hosea had to go and buy her back. He didn’t
have enough money so he had to empty his cupboard. He had to pay part of the
price with his own food. (Hosea 3:2)
Hosea and his unfaithful wife had children. He had to
wonder if they were even his own children. One was called “Not Loved”. Another
was called “Not My People.”
In his anger God gave these children terrible,
terrible names to reflect his anger and his separation from his people. In the
end, God in his love tells Hosea to change their names, because “Not Loved”
will be loved, and “Not My People” will be God’s people. (Hosea 2:23)
The New Testament describes this same love that Hosea
writes about, and the New Testament tells us that this same love also belongs
to us. It belongs to all people who love God and who love others. Paul says
this in Romans: “What if he did this to make the riches of his glory known to
the objects of his mercy whom he prepared in advance for glory; even us, who he
also called, not only from the Jews, but also from the Gentiles? As he says in
Hosea: ‘I will call them “my people” who are not my people; and I will call her
“my loved one” who is not my loved one.…” (Romans 9:23-25; see also 1 Peter
We all share the same story of being changed by the
love of God. We are all “God’s loved” and “God’s people”.
If we are God’s children, then the family resemblance
holds true. We love the unworthy, and the outsider, and the enemy, and even the
apostate redemptively, because that is the only way to make them God’s children
and our own brothers and sisters.
I’m not making this up. God did it first. It’s in the
If God’s love (which means God’s kind of love) is not
in us then God is not in us. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because
God is love.”
The Lord gave Hosea a seemingly impossible task. It
would take all of Hosea’s life to work it out. This is God’s task with you.
This is God’s task with the whole world.
The Lord gave Hosea a seemingly impossible task: to
make someone who was not God’s person into God’s person. He gave this seemingly
impossible task to Hosea in order to show God’s own seemingly impossible task:
to take a whole human race that was not his people and make them his people.
In the end, this required death on the cross by
Jesus, who is God made flesh. (John 1:14) In Jesus, God died in order to love
those who did not love him. In Jesus, God died in order to love those who were
his enemies.
Paul says this in Romans chapter five. “For if, when
we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son,
how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life.”
(Romans 5:10)
There is a Christian thinker who wrote this: “When
God sets out to embrace the enemy, the result is the cross.” (Miroslav Volf,
“Exclusion and Embrace”, p. 129)
I am commanded to love others with God’s love; which
means that I am commanded to trust God’s love. When I know God’s love, then I
trust God’s love to work in those who are unworthy, and in the outsider, and in
the enemy, and in the apostate. We are not called to fear or to anger. Perfect
love (God’s love) casts those out.
Can you live like that? Can I live like that? We
better, if we want the love of God to live in us. We better try to live like
that, or else we will prove ourselves to be liars. There’s the fire and
brimstone again, but it’s not my words. It’s John’s words.
We are part of this world, but God came in Christ to
overcome the world. (John 16:33) There is a holy discipline in this matter of
love, and that discipline is faith. We struggle and we trust. We struggle and
we trust. “This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who
is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of
God.” (1 John 5:4-5)
This means that we believe that Jesus is more than a
teacher or a holy man. We believe that Jesus is the face and the resemblance of
the living God. When we have seen Jesus, we have seen the Father . (John 14:9) When we have seen the love of
Jesus, we have seen the love of the Father .
When we see it, we will resemble it. We will live it.
“If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God,
God lives in him, and he in God, and so we know and rely on the love God has
for us.” (1 John4:15)
We are God’s people and we have been born by grace
and by faith into God’s family. We have been born to act as the power of God’s
redemptive love in this world.