readings: Genesis 13:1-18
A man’s
car had a headlight out, and so he drove over to his favorite mechanic’s garage
and told him what was wrong. The mechanic had the right bulb to replace the old
one, so he did this while his customer waited. It didn’t take long.
Around Cow Creek, North of Desert Aire/Mattawa, WA May 2016 |
When the
work was done the customer asked what he should pay and the mechanic said, “You
don’t owe me a thing. It was a small job and I’m glad to do it for you. The
customer insisted on paying, and the mechanic responded, “For cryin’ out loud;
can’t you just let me do something to stretch my soul?”
I puzzle
over where Abraham shows fear and where he doesn’t. That fear reflects on his
faith. His wife, Sarah, seems to have scared him. That fear of Sarah caused
Abraham to make some big mistakes. He also seems to be afraid of other people
being generous to him; as if he were afraid of owing them something. But
Abraham is not afraid of being generous to others. And, maybe, being generous
to others was one way that Abraham stretched his own soul.
Abraham was not afraid to be extravagantly generous
to his nephew Lot. Lot’s father, Abraham’s brother, Haran, died at some point way
back before Abraham’s father (and Lot’s grandfather), Terah, took the whole the
family about half of the way to the promised land, and stopped there. Abraham
called Lot his brother, and the situation in their family may have made Lot
seem like Abraham’s baby brother.
and Sarah being childless, and staying childless over the years, may have seen the
much younger Lot almost as if he was their son, and (probably) the heir to
everything they had.
Lord’s promise to make a great nation out of Abraham really didn’t tell him
much, and Abraham may have thought that the promise of the blessing could
involve Lot. It’s only after Lot left that the Lord specifically spoke about
Abraham’s descendants.
Lot would
naturally have started out with his share of the grandfather’s inheritance and
he seems to have done very well with it: about as well as Abraham. Lot seems to
have been blessed by association with Abraham. But you also have to give Lot
credit for taking off into the unknown with Abraham. Lot seems to have started
out on the same journey of faith with Abraham.
The Lord
had given Abraham the promise of land but not the ownership of that land.
Abraham wouldn’t dare to act like he owned the land because other people already
owned it. They had homes, and farms, and towns on that land.
would have gotten in terrible trouble if he acted as though their land was
really his. He never owned any of the promised land except for the hill where
he buried Sarah after her death. (Genesis 23)
and Sarah, and Lot, and their people could never settle in one place because
they could only use the land that no one else would claim because it wasn’t
worth settling on. They migrated back and forth on marginal rangeland, and so
they lived in tents and moved whenever their herds and flock had overgrazed
wherever they happened to be.
The more
successful they were, the more often they had to move, because the growing
herds ate everything faster and faster. It was becoming a problem, and Abraham was
finally forced to admit to himself that the only real solution was for him and
Lot to divide their herds and go their separate ways.
In spite
of knowing his rights, Abraham’s generosity kicked in. He refused the privilege
of first choice. He gave the honor to Lot.
Lot seems
to not have deserved the honor that Abraham gave him. At least he didn’t use
the honor very honorably. He didn’t return Abraham’s generosity with generosity
of his own. Lot used the choice to his own advantage and, apparently, to
Abraham’s disadvantage. Lot chose the best land for himself.
Jordan Valley was Lot’s choice, and the land there was almost too good.
Jeremiah, later on, would call it “the jungle of the Jordan” (Jeremiah 12:5) It
was so extremely fertile. It was so well watered. The soil in that valley was
so ridiculously good that you could never hope to stretch your soul by living
The proof
of this was that, at the southern end of the valley, the land sank down to the
towns of Sodom and Gomorrah where life was so good that it always went bad. They
could have been called “the sin cities”. Lot knew this, and he couldn’t resist.
He had
joined the journey of faith with Abraham, but he turned out to be ready for
something else. He wanted to live on more than promises. He wanted to live on
more than faith. The New Testament Letter to the Hebrews says this about faith:
“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not
promised land was their land even though they never owned it. In a way the
whole world was theirs because they lived a promised life. Most of the promised
land was very sandy, and it ran through your fingers, and you could never hold the
deed of ownership in your hand.
Valley of the Jordan was rich ground and you could hold a ball of that soil in
your fist, and you could hold the deed of ownership to a house in Sodom in your
hand, and Lot did just that. He chose a blessing that you could see and hold
onto, even though doing that made the good life go bad.
life was based on a promise that he mostly never saw come true, but the
substance of what he hoped for was in his heart and in his life. God gave
Abraham a lot. Abraham became rich. But what he had was always at risk. Abraham
and Sarah were always on the edge; on the edge of drought and famine. They had
already seen that before.
journey of faith had included scarcity and danger, but they had faith in God’s
promises. They had faith, which means trust. They trusted the God who called
them to leave everything that made their life secure. They trusted the God who
made them part of a great thing he was beginning to do to change the human
of this, Abraham and Sarah were normally able to live generously. They were
normally able to live bold lives. They were also able to give boldly.
choices of Abraham and Lot tell us about our own choices if we want to travel
with God on the journey of faith.
Lot chose
the gold. He chose the sure thing, the safe thing. He looked out for number
one. And his number one was himself. By choosing this way, Lot lost himself.
was generous toward Lot, but he was even more generous to God, because he let
God be in charge of all those promises and blessings. He didn’t hold onto what
he had with a tight fist. He was gracious to God by putting his life in the
hands of the grace of God.
and Sarah were well off and safe before they left the city and became wanderers
in the desert in their old age. In a way they sacrificed their future for the
sake of the God who gave them promises that they would never see fulfilled. So
they journeyed to the land of faith which they would never own.
For a
while it seemed possible that Lot would be their future, in their old age, and yet
Abraham let go of that. He let Lot go. Lot could have the first choice and the
first claim on the land that God had not promised to him.
let go of his own rights. He put God’s promises back into God’s hands.
trusted the God who gave him the promise, and this was the generosity of faith.
The faith of Abraham was well placed because God turned out to be the kind of
God he had promised to be.
The God
who is faithful to his promise makes it possible for us to live with the
generosity that comes from faith. We see this God in the gift of Jesus: the
only everlasting Son of the everlasting Father. God is the generous giver and
the generous gift. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten
son; that whoever believes in him should not perish, but have everlasting
life.” (John 3:16)
The God
we meet in Jesus is the God who gives and does not grab. This God is not like
Lot who only grabbed the best.
This God
loves to wander through deserts with his people. He loves to give his gifts to
those who live on the margins and in the deserts. This God comes to barren
lands like our own lives, and makes us his own promised land.
He sent
his Son to die for us on the cross, in order to make us his own promised land.
In Jesus he gave us his life in order to give us freedom from our sins and
freedom from the fear of death.
delights in his own generosity which we call grace. Gracious giving is God’s
glory and riches. Our own being able to give to others is grace.
choice to live by giving is, above all things, a choice as well as grace. God
organized our lives so that, like Abraham, could choose it: so that we could
choose to live by giving. And we can only have such a life by choosing it. Let
us choose the life of grace. Let us choose the life of giving. Our God gives us
Jesus, and Jesus is the way of giving.