Scripture readings: Genesis 1:1-3; John
There was a new baby in the family:
as normal and as perfect a baby as you could hope for. The problem was, after
the end of the first year, the parents noticed that he wasn’t talking. In fact,
except for crying and laughing, this was a strangely quiet baby.
Walking near the Columbia River Mattawa/Desert Aire, WA November 2016 |
They began taking their little son
to the doctors for testing, but the doctors couldn’t find any signs of anything
wrong. The baby passed all the physical and cognitive tests for his age with
flying colors.
At the age of four, the boy still
hadn’t spoken a single word. Then, one day, at lunch, the boy looked straight at
his mother and clearly said, “Mom, this soup is way too salty.” “Oh son, my
son, you talked? You’ve never talked before. How come you’ve never talked until
And the boy said, “Well, up till
now, everything’s been just fine.”
Even if we couldn’t talk, we are
made to express ourselves. It can be with a look, a sign, a sigh, or an
expression. It can be with our actions, with gardens, with art, with music,
with making things, or making things happen.
We express ourselves through what we
do for others, or through what we do to others. The list goes on and on.
We’re made to express ourselves, and
to receive what others express, because we are all made in the image of God.
The God who speaks in the Bible is the God who expresses himself, from all
eternity, and the Gospel of John calls God’s self-expression “The Word”.
Since God never changes, our God has
always been a God who expresses himself, and so “The Word” has always been with
God. Since “The Word” expresses what God is, “The Word” is what God is. “In the
beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. He was
in the beginning with God.” (John 1:1-2)
If I said nothing more than the
words “Jesus is awesome” (with all the power of that misused word “awesome”)
then I would have done my job. Jesus is awesome. There!
But, going on from that, in our
preparation for Christmas, over the next few weeks, I want us to look at the
first eighteen verses of the Gospel of John. There are no Christmas stories in
the Gospel of John, but these first eighteen verses tell us the meaning of
Christmas. They tell us the heavenly side of what happened when Jesus was born
as that baby in Bethlehem.
Before Jesus ever spoke a word with
those sweet little lips of his, Jesus was God’s eternal self-expression. Jesus
was, and is, God speaking to us. When we put up our Christmas decorations, if
we have a Nativity set and the child in the manger, we should look at it and
say, “Speak to me, Baby!”
As Christians, we often connect the
word to the Bible, and that’s a fair thing to do. The Bible is the written word
of God.
But Jesus also speaks through his
life and actions. And Jesus speaks through us, his disciples. And, since Jesus
speaks through us, he also speaks to us through others, especially through
other disciples. And Jesus speaks to us through our lives. The truth is that Jesus
speaks to us from everywhere and through everything and through everyone.
When we meet Jesus as the God who
expresses himself and speaks to us, we need to see how he does it. The written
word shows us how he did it and that should give us a clue as to how he does it
Jesus spoke by meeting people and
relating to them. Jesus told people to do something. Jesus told people to trust
him. Jesus did wonderful things for them, whether they asked him or not. Jesus
asked people questions. Jesus answered questions with strange answers that left
people with more questions than they had before. Jesus spoke by challenging
people who didn’t want to be challenged. Jesus argued with people.
More than the other Gospels, John
shows us Jesus in conversation with others. The Gospel of John shows us that
the Eternal Word of God is interactive. John shows us the conversational and
relational God.
God himself is an eternal
interaction, face to face: which may be a part of what it means to say that God
is love. God was, and is, never alone. It’s the eternal nature of God to be a
relationship, and this is what he has made us for, in his image.
The Word whom we meet in the baby of
Bethlehem is clearly not about information or even instructions. The Word is
about relationships and conversations. Even the work of the Word, in creating
the universe, was about relationships leading up to us.
Because of the issue that we call
sin, the issue that has damaged the image of God in us and damaged God’s
expression of himself through us, what we have in this world is a vast system
of broken relationships: some of them horribly broken. This brokenness seems to
feed on itself and multiply itself; and it brings ugliness, and fear, and anger
into our world.
Sometimes it seems to make the world
into a place where God is absent. But God, who is all about expression, reached
into a world that couldn’t see beyond itself so that it could see God again,
and hear God’s voice, and be healed by God’s work: as a baby, and a carpenter,
and a condemned man on a cross.
Jesus is the unchanging Word of God,
and he is still in the business of expressing himself by creation. Creation isn’t
something that was done a long time ago. Creation has never stopped, because
God has never stopped being himself.
This involves you, and me, and every
human being. The fact that Jesus is the self-expression of the unchanging God
means that, when we see him come onto the scene of our world of history, and
time, and space, he comes to be the creator, as always.
The Word of God isn’t just about
words. In the Bible words are nothing if they don’t have the integrity of
making something happen: and it better be something good.
For us, the cross, where Jesus died,
is just as powerful as the word that said, “Let there be light.” (Genesis 1:1)
The baby in Bethlehem, the man on the cross, and the empty tomb are the Word of
God to us. They are messages, acted out, and given to us, that have the
integrity of making something new happen. God wants to make that creation
happen to you, and to everyone you know, and to everyone on earth.
In the second chapter of Genesis,
the story pictures God making us out of clay. God still expresses himself by close
and even messy actions and relationships. That’s what he wants to do with every
one of us, and with everyone in the world.
Genesis shows us the picture of a
God who gets his hands dirty in order to be involved in his universe; and in
the lives of people who are created to be his living images in this universe.
The cross was a dirty and bloody business that left its mark and stain upon the
hands of God. God loved doing that because he loves his world and those who
live in it.
Being a Christian is not about the
right information, but about God expressing himself to us so that we can be his
new expressions, in his image, for a world that needs to hear from God. This
world needs the creating, and healing, and life-changing Word (the Word that
comes to our rescue, which is what “saving” is all about). We carry that Word
as we carry Jesus with us in this world.
We are called to be the Word of God in
this world because we are called to be like Jesus and follow him. We are to
share Jesus with words, but the Word of God is more than words. The Word of God
spoke through his birth in Bethlehem, through his life and actions, through his
healings and his care for others, and through his death and resurrection.
This is a message. This is the
expression of the Word of God. We live together in a mission field that needs
us to carry this Word to others.
The baby does speak. The baby of the
Word is God invading our world so that we can see him and hear him again. This
is the baby we meet at Christmas time. This is what the Baby came to give to
our world, and he wants to give it through us. He wants to give himself to the
world through us.