Scripture readings: Psalm 4:1-8;
John 8:31-59
There was a minister’s cartoon that I still think
about. It shows a preacher in the pulpit; and you can tell he is very serious.
He is shaking his fist in the air and saying, “This is not just my idea. This
is the idea of someone who knows what he is talking about!” If you want to
know, I think about this a lot.

It’s about the harvest. It would be like saying, “You
have filled my heart with greater joy than when their wheat and potatoes
abound.” Or maybe it would be like when someone’s cattle and alfalfa abounded.
When I was growing up, I daydreamed all the time. One
of my many daydreams was about being a farmer. Farming was all around me where
I lived, and I had friends whose families farmed, and I worked for farmers.
Of course I daydreamed about a lot about doing a lot
of other things too. I daydreamed about being an archeologist, and about being
in the service, because there was a war going on, in those days, in Vietnam .
In my farming daydreams, I would think about the
farms around Live Oak, the ones I particularly liked; and I thought about
diversification. What would I grow to balance my farm’s operation? My friend
David Crane’s family farm grew walnuts and prunes. In any given year they might
say that it was a bad year for prunes but not so bad for walnuts, or vice
versa. To have a good year for both would be exceptional. It would be an almost
impossibly happy harvest.
So Psalm Four tells us that there is a certain kind
of happiness, and joy, and gladness that you have when everything is going
well; when everything abounds. And the psalm tells us that there are some
people who are really looking for this kind of happiness. This is a very
conditional kind of happiness. It’s very rare.
Even if that conditional happiness came their way, I
almost doubt that they would recognize it when they saw it. I think they would
manage to find something wrong with it.
The psalm tells us about these people with the
unhappy expectations. “Many are asking, ‘Who can show us any good?’” These are
the people who can’t see any good even when it falls into their lap. The psalm
writer says that he has more gladness than they have, even when everything
abounds for them; when everything goes their way.
The writer of this psalm shouldn’t have more gladness
than others, because this person knows that there is something wrong. Things
are not abounding for him. This psalm is a cry for help. We don’t know what
kind of help the writer needs or wants because he doesn’t tell us, but he does
say, “Answer me when I call to you, O my righteous God.”
David, or some member of the David family, asks for
“relief” (as the New International Version translates it). But the original
Hebrew allows us to translate it with a more vivid word; a word you can tell
stories about. “You have given me room when I was in distress.” What our
translation calls “relief” is really the Old Testament concept of “room” or “largeness”.
For several years, when I was growing up, we lived in
an old farmhouse on a few acres of what had once been part of a small farm. I
could look out my bedroom window and (looking across our yard) I could see down
the long rows of an old walnut orchard. Through our front windows I could see
some of the acres we owned, and then there was a big prune orchard.
Beyond that there were more and more orchards. The
orchards ran almost a mile north, on that side of our house. I learned to love
the feeling of having plenty of room.

It drove me crazy. I had no room. I had learned, in
life, to love having lots of room.
In the Old Testament, and in the Book of Psalms,
having room is the opposite of being trapped in a small space. It is the
opposite of being in a cage. It gives you room to maneuver. It probably has to
do with combat, because there was almost always a war, or some battle or fight,
going on. The room to maneuver means that you can face a problem by going
forward, or by backing up, or by going around it. Having room is the same thing
as having options.
The writer of the psalm doesn’t tell us what his
trouble was, but it may have been a lack of room, a lack of options. God had
answered his prayers, before, by simply giving him room to maneuver. That had
been good enough. Even the room to maneuver is a kind of abounding.
Sometimes I find myself talking to younger people who
have had a serious injury, or an illness, or lost a job, and they feel that
everything is impossible. They have nowhere to go. Usually, because they have
family, and friends, and abilities, I can see that they will be OK. They will
be able to find options if they keep looking; even if they don’t see this all
at once for themselves.
Even being young is an option. The problem is that
the young don’t realize how young they are.
There is a positive twist to this. Once, when Kim Schafer was using the gas barbeque in back of
the church, I confessed that I had never used a gas barbeque before. And Kim
told me this. He said, “Then you can’t learn to do this any younger.” It was
his dad Vernon ’s
It’s a good saying. It says, you have room right now.
You have options. You can learn something new; something different.

There is not always room there right now. Sometimes
all the doors do close, and God has not opened the window yet. But there are
times when faith is the willingness to stop saying “no” to every option that
God sends your way.
The writer of this psalm was a person of hope, and
part of his problem was that he was surrounded by people who resisted hope. His
hope was God. God was his glory and honor. God was his possibility; his room
giver. He was surrounded by people who worshiped another kind of god.
It seems as though he was surrounded by people who
mocked him for what he knew about God. “How long will you turn my glory into
shame?” They made fun of his sense of the glory of God and the faithfulness of
The psalm writer called God, “my righteous God”. He
meant the God who was righteous for him, whether he deserved it or not. If
David or another member of his family had run out of room even through their
own fault, God was still righteous and ready to give them new room, when the
time was right. Saying “my righteous God” is a lot like saying “my faithful
The voices that say, “Who can show us any good?” are
the voices of those who are in love with the god of the pessimists. There are
such people. There are those who love to say “no” to every open door and
window. You can count on their ability to find reasons why there is not enough
room to do anything. You can count on their ability to find reasons why there
is not enough room for you to do anything. They will love to give you their
wonderful reasons for saying “no”. They will love to see that outlook take root
in your life.
There is not much room to maneuver in the world of
saying “no”, but maybe, for that reason, it is a strangely cozy world. It is a
world that has comforts of its own; but it is a kind of dream world. In a
universe where God, in his love, gave everything for us, their world of saying
“no” is a world of lies. There is even a presence of hell and devilry in that world,
and I want no part of it, at least not in my better moments. “How long will you
love delusions and seek false gods?” (Psalm 4:2)
Those are the false gods the psalm warns against.
It’s as much of a lie as thinking that you can only be happy when everything
abounds. It’s a false god that ruins many lives.
Jesus came to die for our sins on the cross and to be,
for us, the God who gives us room. Jesus grew up singing this song about a kind
of freedom that that can be joyful even when nothing abounds for you except
that faithful and righteous love of God; as if God smiles when he thinks of you.
Jesus grew up singing about a freedom that comes from the love of God; a
freedom which we can refuse; or a freedom to which we can say “yes”.
Psalm Four told the growing Jesus to bring this
freedom and this joy to others. He grew up to tell his people this. “So if the
Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” (John 8:36) And he offered them
the ultimate freedom: “I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he will
never see death.” (John 8:51)
The psalm prepared Jesus because it taught him to
expect that he would find many people who were dead set against believing him;
people who could never accept his offer. Those who resisted Jesus show us that
there are people who will think, and say, and do anything (absolutely anything)
to avoid the freedom that Jesus came to give. They even accused him of being
demon possessed. (John 8:48) In the end, they crucified him for what he offered
to give them.
This freedom and this life begin when we say yes to the
God who comes to us in Jesus. He denied himself room on the cross, so that he
could give it to us when we seek his peace. Then, no matter what happens, we
can have more joy in our heart than the ones who seem to have everything go
their way.
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life", John 3:16...
ReplyDeleteAnd I do believe that! Because He loves us...He is there for us, sinners!
Psalm 119:11" I have laid up thy word in my heart, that I might not sin against thee."...and that is what i try to do in my day to day life!
Love yous words, Pastor, Than you!