Thursday, July 26, 2012

Intimate Creation

tomatillo blossom
My God, you are a good Father,
With a loving purpose for me;
Molding me to show your greatness,
Demonstrating all your beauty.
Lord, that I may fulfill your will,
Let me pattern my life with you.

Father, you made in me a mind
To think about you and your plan,
To creatively comprehend
The meaning of where you put me.
That I may grow wise in your light,
Lord, let my thoughts return to you.

My Father, you gave me a tongue
To speak of your wonderful ways,
Of your residence in my world.
I am taught by your justice, Lord,
And your mercy gladly heals me.
Let me be found telling of you.

Father, you gave me flesh and bone
As a doorway to your purpose:
Solid comfort for my neighbor.
Christ lived in his flesh to save me.
Let him live now in my own flesh.
Lord, through me, let others know you.

My God, in each part of my life
You offer me your strong presence.
Father, work in my thought, my word.
Plant your action in my action,
Until I delight in your will.
Lord, let me always enjoy you.

Dennis Evans, November 24, 1975, revised

1 comment:

  1. So nice!

    Father is good.God is father.
    We must fidelity .
    Thanks for your poem.
    God bless you.
