Scripture readings: Psalm 8;
Matthew 21:12-17
A little girl was drawing a picture in Sunday school,
and her teacher asked her what it was. The child said, “I’m drawing a picture
of God.” The teacher said, “No one knows what God looks like.” The girl
answered, “They will in a minute.”
What the child did through her picture, the children
in the psalm did through their voices. They made a picture with words. “From
the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your
enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.” (Psalm 8:2)
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Nature Park near Long Beach, CA |
The children made a picture of praise. “O LORD our
Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth.” There are two “Lords” in
this line. The first “LORD” (which, in English Bibles, is always spelled all in
capital letters) is the name that the psalm talks about. It names who God is.
The second “Lord” is a glimpse into what God does.
The second “Lord” (written mostly in small letters)
is about what God does, and it tells us that God rules. God governs. God keeps
The first “LORD” is about who God is. It is the name
that God gives to himself. It means, “I am what I am” or “I will be what I will
be.” (Exodus 3:14)
This name is the name for God when he touches us in
making us; when he bends down to our world and makes us from the earth.
(Genesis 2:6) It is the name for God when he hears us and answers us. It is the
name for God when he forgives us, and rescues us, and saves us. It is the name
for God when he commits himself to us and makes a relationship with us that he
will not turn away from; to which he is always faithful. It is the name for God
that he uses as the God of steadfast love.
When the children in the psalm make their picture of
praise it is about this name. “O LORD our Lord, how majestic is your name in
all the earth.”
“Majestic” means “excellent”, “wonderful”, “great”,
and “awesome”. The name of God is his true identity; as the one who touches us
when he makes us; who hears us, and answers us, and forgives us; who rescues
and saves us; who commits himself to us and makes a relationship with us; and
who is forever faithful and a God of love: this is the name that is excellent
and awesome. The excellent identity of God is what makes his kingdom excellent.
The name of God, the identity of God, is the place
where children see his kingdom: “O LORD our Lord”. Here is where they paint
their picture of praise, because who God “is” is what the kingdom of God is all
Psalm number eight looks at the activity of children
making their picture of praise, and it sees that this is the most excellent
part of the kingdom of God. The praise of children is some of God’s best work. This
is the fact that silences the enemy; because the name of God is all about
relationship. This is his greatest weapon, and it shows us how differently God
sees things than we do.
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John & Diana's Garden, Fullerton CA |
It is the same with the picture of the man, the human
being crowned with glory and honor. The picture shows the glory and honor of being
created for the purpose of serving as a kind of bridge between heaven and
Being “a little lower than the angels” means
occupying a place that works for heaven on earth. It means being on earth in
such a way as to do for the earth and for its creatures what God would do. We
were created to embody God’s relationship to his creation.
God created humans in his image to have dominion over
the earth, but dominion doesn’t mean domination. If we are created to have
dominion over the earth; and if we are created in God’s image; then our
dominion will reflect God’s dominion. God did not create us to dominate us, but
to love us. God did not create us to dominate the world, but to faithfully rule
it in love, and for the sake of sheer delight.
This psalm tells us a lesson that runs completely
opposite to the conventional wisdom of this world. This psalm tells us that the
greatest things in creation are not the creation we see above us that goes on,
and on, and on.
The greatest things are not planets, moons, stars, and
suns. The greatest things are not oceans, and mountains, and sunrises, and
sunsets. The greatest things in God’s creation are the beings who live on the
worlds that God has made; beings made from the dust of their worlds, who learn
to govern the creation around them in love. And the greatest things are the
little and the young who paint pictures of praise that show the excellence of
the faithfulness of God.
Adam and Eve were the first humans in whom God set
his image. They were meant to be a kind of bridge or relationship between
heaven and earth, between God and the world. They were created to be the
kingdom of God on earth, just as solid and rooted in their world as the earth
from which they were formed.
They failed their calling because they took themselves
too seriously. They really did want to be like gods; only gods of their own
self-making, and their own self-controlling.
In the Old Testament, King David, who wrote so many
of the psalms, saw this. He also saw another possibility. He saw that the God
of relationship, faithfulness, and love still wanted this connection: not the
glory of space, and of stars, and of worlds; but the glory of creatures like
us, joining heaven and earth together. David saw that God had a plan to do this
in a way that could not fail, and could not be broken.
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John & Diana's Garden, Fullerton, CA |
David saw that God intended to use even him in this
plan. God intended to use David, and his family, and his descendents to weave a
history of families who trusted and waited for God to keep his promises.
From their hope (even when their hope seemed hopeless)
there would come a man named Jesus to walk this world as the bridge between
heaven and earth. In this Jesus all things would be joined together for ever
because, in Jesus, God brought himself and his human creation together as one.
This man would hold the dominion that was empowered
by love and sacrifice. In a vast universe this man would paint the true picture
of God by caring for the greatest things even when they looked like the littlest
things; the weakest and most foolish things.
When Jesus came to Jerusalem he went to the Temple,
and there he chased out those who exchanged currency and those who sold animals
for sacrifice. It was the children, singing there, who drew a picture of praise
for this.
Jesus was the messiah, the king of the Kingdom of
God. But he was a king who loved to hear children and simple people sing. He
was one of them. He was the baby in the manger. He was the carpenter from a
tiny village called Nazareth.
What the children who sang could not know (and what
would have made them stop singing) was that, very soon, Jesus would become a
convicted criminal, sentenced to death by crucifixion, killed, and buried. Jesus
was the king who joined God with the littlest, and the weakest, and the most
foolish things.
When Jesus took over the temple, there was no one left
to exchange the currency. The people only had their Roman and Greek money with
pictures of the gods and of the divine emperor. You couldn’t use such pagan
things for an offering in the place where you came to meet with God. You couldn’t
use such money to buy doves, or lambs as your sacrifice for thanks or
forgiveness. Jesus had even chased away the sellers of sacrifices. Jesus made
the Temple useless.
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Nature Park near Long Beach, CA |
There was no sacrifice left in the Temple to bring
sinners back into fellowship with God. There was no sacrifice left but Jesus
who ruled there. The sinners came to him and they were forgiven, as only God
could forgive. (Mark 2:1-12)
The blind and the lame had been forbidden by the law
from entering enter the Temple. They could only wait outside and beg. With
Jesus ruling his kingdom in the Temple the outcasts could come to the place of
the presence of God and be accepted, and healed, and changed.
The big priestly choirs were gone. God’s praises were
sung by the young and the small. They could see the kingdom of God, when the
wise were blind to it. Earlier, Jesus had said, “I praise you, Father , the Lord of heaven and earth, because you
have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little
children. Yes, Father , for this was
your good pleasure.” (Matthew 11:25)
This is the dominion of God. Without God coming into
this world, in Jesus, to be the man (the human in God’s image) that we could
never be, we would all belong to the “den of thieves” that Jesus saw in the
“Den of thieves” described the life of rebels who
have to hide in caves in the wilderness and make a living by robbery and ransom
until they find some way to take the kingdom for themselves. The Temple had
become a cave of rebels holding out against God.
In Jesus, the Temple stopped being a place that other
people could control and use. In Jesus, the Temple (the place where God and
humans meet) became Jesus himself. Jesus is the King and the Temple of the
Kingdom of God. The children who sang “Hosanna” were singing about this, even though
they didn’t understand it.
The wise, no matter how religious or spiritual they
were, followed the conventional wisdom of the world. They looked at Jesus and
saw only weakness and foolishness. For one thing, if Jesus had anything to do
with the kingdom of God, he should stop fighting against them and start
fighting the Romans. Jesus seemed determined to do what was worthless in its
weakness, and he would pay for it. The wise watched the children sing and they saw
that Jesus was pleased by what was worthless and foolish.
The wise looked at their Temple and their city, and
they saw accumulated wealth, and wisdom, and grandeur, and beauty, and
tradition, and they saw defensible walls of stone. These were the important
things, not forgiveness, or healing, or children singing praise.
The foe and the avenger is our own heart. Our own
heart and mind do not see the majesty of God where it really is. Our world
tells us to look at the heavens and the vastness of space to be inspired. The
world tells us to look at the world of nature.
These are wonderful things, but God’s word tells us
to look at the people God has made. God has created them to be relationships,
to be bridges of love. God’s word tells us to look at the children who have
such a capacity for wonder and praise and think about them, because they live totally
in their relationships.
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Nature Park near Long Beach, CA |
I know parents who confess that they did not
understand their own life until they held a child of their own in their arms.
Then they knew what was important. Then they knew how they would have to
change. The life of the grown up would have to change to fit the child. This is
also true of the Kingdom of God, if we want to be children there.
One morning, during Vacation Bible School, I saw a
kid hiding in one of the window wells of the church basement windows, on the
south side of our building. Go and look at those and think how long it has been
since you were small enough to hide in one of those.
Children are small enough to see and go where we
can’t. We can see the glory of God in the night sky, or in the fields that
spread out around us to the horizon; but we can’t see God in other people; not
even when those other people gather to worship and pray.
Psalm number eight tells us that it is our nature to
doubt that God is present especially in another person when, all the while, God
has “crowned that person with glory and honor.” Maybe no one can see it yet.
Maybe they don’t know it themselves. But Christ is the bridge between heaven
and earth. Through his dying and rising for each one of us, God came in Jesus
to crown us with his glory and honor.
God came in Jesus to make us an acting part of his
dominion of love. Beyond your self, God wants you to imagine the crown that
awaits the person in whose life you do not see the glory of God.
Somewhere I read that the world of nature around us and
the whole universe really only show us the back side of God’s glory. The image
of God’s face is found in human beings who cause us so much confusion, and
struggle, and pain.
God is a God of relationships, and the face of God is
seen in our relationships, and that is why Jesus calls us into fellowship. The
word of God calls that fellowship the Church, the body of Christ.
God is seen in the face and the voice of his people
when they gather together in faithful relationship. It is our relationship that
is Christ’s face. It is our relationship that forms the voice, the hands, and
the feet of Jesus in our world.
We live in a time when the conventional wisdom tells
us that a relationship is precisely something that doesn’t last, because it is
called a relationship. This world tells us that families themselves are
expendable, or that they are of value only as they serve us, not as we serve
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Nature Park near Long Beach, CA |
But relationships and families (even when the church
is such a family) all have a God whose name makes them holy. They seem like one
of the little things (the weak and foolish things) that we can safely ignore. We
wonder how God could expect so much from them. But, once again, children know
Children praise such things, and relationships are
holy to them. Let us seek a miracle from the God who makes us his children in
Jesus. Through him, let us become the kind of children who can paint a true picture
of God in our lives and in our relationships, so that others will be able to
look at us there, and know what the LORD himself looks like; and recognize his
voice when he calls to them.
Boa noite
ReplyDeleteCaro "Eremita",
Estou rendido aos seus sermões.
Permito-me contar-lhe uma pequena história deste Alentejo , em tempos celeiro de Portugal.
Conta-se que um dia um moço se enamorou pela filha de pessoa muito rica. O pai da moça, reservado perguntou ao candidato a genro, quais eram as suas verdadeiras motivações em relação à sua filha.
Se por amor ou por interesse.
O apaixonado moço, na sua sinceridade disse: Só pode ser por amor, porque ela não me interessa!
Assim, sejamos nós com Deus.Só por a amor e, nada de interesse.
Please use translator.
Very good sermon. Thank you.