readings” Deuteronomy 22:23-24; Luke 1:26-38
My old friend and mentor Dick Cochran has always been
highly competitive, and he has this story that he has often told against
himself, on the affect his competitive nature had on his kids. Once, Dick was
playing tennis with one of his teenage sons. The son hit the ball into Dick’s
court. Dick didn’t hit the ball, and he called the ball out. Wherever it hit,
it was very close. The boy challenged his dad and said, “No, it was in!” “It
was out!” “It was in!” Dick said, “And I say it was out. I’m your father. and
I’m a minister of the gospel. If you can’t trust me, then who can you trust?”
And the boy said, “Yeah I know, and that’s what worries me!”
Near the Palouse River: September 2013 |
Trust and faith: the gospel is about this. The
Christmas story is about this. There would be no Christmas story without trust
and faith.
We hear it in Mary’s words to the angel, “I am the
Lord’s servant. Let it be to me as you have said.” (Luke 1:38) It was as if
Mary said, “May the Lord do with me whatever he wants. I trust the Lord.”
Nowadays the word “whatever” means indifference. It
means that you don’t care. For Mary, it meant caring absolutely. It meant
absolute faith in the faithfulness (the trustworthiness, the reliability) of
For us, for Christians, the word “whatever” (when we
say it to God) should also be that kind of absolute caring and surrender to the
desires of God. We can learn about this caring and surrender (this trust and
faith) as we look at Mary saying yes to God.
But first I would simply like us to see the first
great mystery here. Here is something that Mary said “yes” to. Could she have
said “no” instead?
The angel says that “nothing is impossible with God.”
(Luke 1:37) It was God’s will for Mary to be the mother of the eternal Son of
God, who has neither beginning nor ending. It was God’s will.
Mary’s decision, her choice, hinged on whether she
had the faith and trust to say, “I am the Lord’s servant.” I will trust him.
We have decisions to make every day. We have choices
every time a new situation comes up. We are asked to do something. We are
forced to deal with things that challenge us. We have our priorities tested. We
have our morals and ethics tested. Meeting life as a real follower of Jesus
hinges on whether we have enough faith and trust in the faithfulness of God to
say, “I am the Lord’s servant.”
Is this your calling, or is it not? Are you here for
some other purpose than this?
Now, if Mary was the Lord’s servant, her calling led
to something else. This calling would make her the mother of the Lord Jesus;
the mother of the Messiah; the mother of the king of the everlasting kingdom of God .
All of this is implied in the words of the angel
Gabriel: “You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give
him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most
High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will
reign over the house of Jacob; his kingdom will never end.” (Luke 1:3-33)
Every Jewish girl dreamed of growing up to be the
mother of the Messiah. It was a calling to the highest level of fulfillment a
woman could have. It was a calling to the highest level of what we would call
success that a woman was considered capable of.
But this calling was obviously going to be deadly
dangerous, or at least full of conflict, misunderstanding, and humiliation. The
boundaries of parenthood and marriage were so holy that the Old Testament law
made them an issue of life and death.
Mary was betrothed to Joseph. The marriage had not
yet taken place, but they were pledged in marriage and, if Joseph happened to
die before the time of their engagement was completed, Mary would be considered
Joseph’s widow.
The Old Testament (as we read in Deuteronomy
22:23-24) made this promise so holy that her life would be in danger if it
seemed that she had had a sexual relationship outside of marriage. The child
would be the proof of her sin; a sin that could be punished by death.
Our reading in Deuteronomy orders the community to
take such people out to the edge of the village and stone them to death. If
this wasn’t done, there was the danger that a member of Joseph’s or Mary’s own
family would kill her, to preserve the honor of their family.
The angel said the child would come by a miracle of
God through the power of the Holy Spirit. Joseph would have nothing to do with
the producing of this child. If he were to accept this child, he would have to
trust Mary. He would need to have absolute faith in her.
But, even in ancient times, everyone knew where
babies came from. There are no virgin births in the Jewish scriptures (except
for one single prophecy), and there is only one virgin birth in the whole
Even if Mary were not killed, she would be shamed for
life. No one would believe her. If Joseph showed the weakness of believing her,
and marrying her, he would also be shamed for life.
If you are a servant of the Lord, and if you choose
to live a way of life based on faith, and if you choose to explain yourself in
terms of your faith and your love for the Lord, then you will sooner or later
be laughed at. You will be passed over. You will be unfavorably evaluated, or
misunderstood and looked down on, and made fun of, because of it.
There will probably be some people who call
themselves Christians who will treat you just the same. And that will hurt most
of all.
Mary’s son was the Messiah, the Christ, the anointed
one, the king of the kingdom
of God . Mary was a
kingdom person. She could be counted on to meet life on the terms of the kingdom of God . She could be counted on to make
choices and decisions that other people would never dream of making. The fact
that other people would not understand, and would not change their ways to suit
her, did not deter her from living the kingdom of God way.
Faith and trust mean not being deterred from
thinking, and talking, and living, and reacting a different way. The love and
grace of God will make you into a nonconformist if you are faithful: if you
mean it when you say, “I am the servant of the Lord.”
Now I want to warn you against a false notion of what
it means to be a nonconformist. Some nonconformists are strange, eccentric,
awkward, and weird.
Some Christians are this way, God love them all. They
don’t have to be this way. Sometimes it just happens.
The reason they don’t have to be is found in a fuller
understanding of the word grace. Grace is the unconditional gift of God’s love;
but grace also means beauty.
The angel told Mary, “You are highly favored” and
“you have found favor with God.” (Luke 1:28 & 30) This word for favor
translates the same Greek word as does grace (“charis”).
A bit later in the gospel of Luke, Luke tells us that
Jesus, as a boy, grew… in favor with God and men.” (Luke 2:52) As Jesus grew up
and made enemies, what those enemies hated the most was the fact that most
people really liked Jesus, even though he was so different. Our lives can be
different in a beautiful way (a handsome way) coordinated by the grace of God.
Christians sometimes try very hard to not be weird by
conforming to everyone else. But such Christians know very little about the
grace and power of God, because they are dominated by their fear of what other
people are thinking.
Think bout it! Surely you are thankful for knowing
some people in this world who are not just like everyone else. The difference
makes them nonconformists who are not weird.
God’s grace means that you are greatly loved. His
friendship for you is infinitely deep. Being deeply befriended and greatly
loved can make you absolutely a different person without being weird: crazy
yes; but weird, no.
Great love is what you find in Jesus. And you can
hear the words that were spoken to Mary spoken to you, “Do not be afraid, you
have found favor with God.” (Luke 1:30)
Her mission was to be a person through whom God came
into the world in a unique way, but God would do this simply by Mary being
herself. She was willing to simply be there trusting that God would work
through her.
In a sense, our mission is the same. What ever
choices God gives us are ways though which he wants to come into the world
through us. He will take care of his own arrival.
All we are asked to do is to “be there”, and to be
ourselves, and to carry out the tasks that life gives us, as well as we know
how. God’s calling is simply for us to be our grace-given selves.
The woman who said, “Let it be to me as you have
said” had a son who said to his father, the night before he was crucified, “Not
my will, but yours be done.” (Luke 22:42) It really is the same response, both
mother and son, after all.
Mary was saying a hard thing to say. It was a hard
thing to be brave and trusting enough to say. Without knowing about the cross,
she said “yes” to the God of the cross, and the resurrection.
The God of the cross and the God of the resurrection
came into her womb, in Jesus, in order to say the words, “Not my will, but
yours be done” and to give himself up for the life of the world. Mary said
“yes” to a Savior God, whose love and friendship would set her free.
As Christmas comes near we can think of a God who
wants to be near. This God came near, and took our life into his own life. He
became a baby who would grow up to love us to the depth of laying down his life
for us. He died so that he could take away from us the power of sin and death
and say to you, “You have found favor with me.”
To be his servant is not easy, but it is a life of
love and friendship. You love, and are loved by, a faithful, savior God. You
serve him with the same love that led him to give his life for the world.
When you celebrate Christmas this year think about
the faith that made the Christmas story possible. Think how the Christmas story
teaches you to live. Think about the faithful God who calls you, in that
miraculous birth, to make yourself available to him through faith.
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