Readings: Isaiah 58:1-9; James 1:26-2:7; Luke 19:1-10
Youth Group of Foster-Tukwila Presbyterian Church: Preparations for the Mattawa/Desert Aire Vacation Bible School, August 4-8, 2014 |
Earlier in the gospel of Luke (Luke 14:12-14) Jesus
says an interesting thing, as he so often does. He says” When you give a
luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or relatives, or
your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be
repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame,
the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be
repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.”
Is Jesus crazy?
Or are we crazy, claiming that we follow Jesus when
we don’t think anything at all like he does?
What is Jesus thinking about? For one thing, Jesus is
thinking about righteousness; the righteousness of grace, the righteousness
that helps people in need. In the Jewish faith, “acts of righteousness” means
helping people. It even means giving to beggars (“Alms for the poor!”). Or it
means standing up for people in need or giving them what they need.
It happens that Jesus connects this with “the
resurrection of the righteous”. And “the resurrection of the righteous” is a
huge thing. It’s everything. It’s where we want to be. It is part of God’s goal
to basically recreate the universe, and to eliminate all evil, and to eliminate
the true source of evil, which is sin (including your sin and mine).
God’s goal goes as far as the need goes: eventually
to abolish even the most seemingly natural and inevitable of evils. God wants
to abolish death itself, because sin is death. The cross and the resurrection
are all about this.
We are not going to talk about all of that. But we
are going to think about righteousness.
Righteousness is part of God’s goal, God’s intention,
for us. But this righteousness has nothing to do with being better than other
people, or trying to act like you are better, or trying to think like you are
In the Bible, righteousness is about mercy and grace.
It is unconditional love and putting that love into constructive action. That
is why Jesus is not talking about being better than others but helping those
who need help, and not expecting to be repaid for your efforts.
That is why Jesus tells us to give to those who can
never repay us. How can we ever repay him for the cross and the resurrection?
The word gospel means “good news”, and it is good
because it is about unconditional love, mercy, and grace. God showed that this
was the kind of righteousness he thinks about when he came and died and rose
from the dead to give us this unconditional love, mercy, and grace.
The Old Testament prophets thundered against God’s
own people when they did not live by God’s standard of unconditional love,
mercy, and grace. God expected the people who knew his grace to constructively
show that grace to those who needed it. For all the violence of the Old
Testament, God wanted the world to be able see a truly gracious people.
One of the great ends or purposes of the church is to
promote what is called “social righteousness”. Just as God’s people in the Old
Testament were called to create a righteous or gracious society in the world;
so Christians are called to care about a righteous, gracious society.
James told his people to take care of widows and
orphans, because those were the classic examples of the most vulnerable people
in a society. They were some of the people who were least likely to be able to
repay any help that they were given.
Along with “aliens” or outsiders, widows and orphans
formed the short list of the people that God, in the Old Testament, wanted.
They weren’t the only people God cared about. They were only examples. It is
never enough to only care about the shortlist.
We can find one of the many occurrences of the short
list in the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy. (Deuteronomy 24:17-18) God says:
“Do not deprive the alien or the fatherless of justice, or take the cloak of
the widow as a pledge. Remember that you were slaves in Egypt and the
Lord your God redeemed you from there. That is why I command you to do this.”
(See also Deut. 10:18-19)
The early Christians were noted for taking care of
other people’s orphans and widows, as well as their own. They went to the
garbage dumps where the unwanted babies were left. These garbage dumps were
places that slave traders would visit for the purpose of collecting the
strongest babies and raising them as cheaply as possible to sell as future
slaves. The Christians took any baby they found, and brought it to their own
homes to be raised as their own children.
When their towns were struck by plagues, and everyone
ran for their lives, many Christians would stay and take care of the sick, even
the pagan sick. When they found someone hungry they fed that person whether
they were Christian or not.
The hard core pagans were indignant about the
graciousness of Christians because it made the non-Christians look bad. It
seemed grossly unfair. Any self-respecting person should have known that
everyone was supposed to take care of their own. And why would they ever learn,
if you did it for them? The Christians were shameless because they didn’t
respect that essential principle. They were setting a bad example for everyone.
The gospel is about grace. The early Christians were
very good at giving grace. Even though it was dangerous and illegal to be
Christian, the Christian faith spread because grace was contagious, and the
good news of the gospel was demonstrated by their grace.
The leaders of the empire blamed the Christians for
being gracious. But, when the Roman Empire
became Christian, and when the kings of the barbarians invaders later became
Christian, you found emperors and kings founding hospitals, and orphanages, and
shelters for the poor, and creating other institutions like that. Not that
those emperors or kings were all true Christians, or people of grace, but
societies and nations that were full of Christians tried to make themselves
Zacchaeus was not a gracious man. He was a traitor
because he served the Roman occupiers for his own profit. He didn’t care about
anyone but himself. But, when Zacchaeus received grace from Jesus, he changed.
By offering to repay his overcharges by four times the amount, he was offering
to pay the penalty for stealing, as if he had been convicted of theft in a
court of law.
He could have justified paying less if he were only
confessing to having made a mistake. He could have claimed that he hadn’t known
what he was doing, as a lot of rich and important people do today.
Instead of plea bargaining, Zacchaeus willingly
accepted the label of a convicted criminal. He accepted the shame of being a
thief. But he was a repentant thief. Jesus changed him into a man of grace.
Even though he was not a member of the government,
his change of heart could change the influence of the government in his
district, in his province. Christians can do this too and, when they do it,
they are promoting social righteousness.
Christians and churches are not always gracious, but
graciousness has come into the world through Christians and the church because
it comes from Jesus.
In early modern times the first real movement to
clean up sewage and get it out of the streets came from Christians. Laws for
safe food and drugs over a century ago came with the lobbying of Christians.
Child labor laws came with the lobbying of Christians.
Beginning in the early 1600’s, the Puritans settled
in New England . They brought a concern, as
Christians, to create a righteous and gracious society, and one of the first
things they did was to set up a system of universal, public education. They set
the standard for public education in America . This was the work of the
Higher education for women was promoted by
Christians. The great evangelist Charles Finney (who thrived during the early
and middle 1800’s, and who was the inventor of the altar call) created Oberlin
College, which was the first college in the United States that taught men, and
women, and people of other races, without segregation.
In the late 1700’s, and through the centuries in America ,
Christians developed a concern for not just punishing but for rehabilitating
law breakers. They have tried to make prisons more than places of punishment,
but also of training and education.
Chuck Colson was a lawyer for the Nixon White House
in the 1970’s. He was involved in the Watergate scandal and he was convicted
and sent to prison for obstruction of justice.
He could have thought, in his heart, that prison was
not the place for him. He could have thought that he didn’t belong there; that
he wasn’t at all like the other people in prison.
In the area of addiction, Christians were the
creators of the twelve-step programs, beginning with Alcoholics Anonymous.
Christians looked at the damage done to families and communities by drug
addiction and lobbied for laws against the free sale of opium, cocaine, heroin
and other addictive drugs.
Christians also tried to change society through
programs that did not last. They saw the damage done to lives from gambling,
and they lobbied against gambling and made it illegal in every state except Nevada .
Christians got Prohibition passed, temporarily, which
was very well meaning of them, but not very successful, and not even very wise.
They forgot that Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine.
They proved that it is a risky thing for Christians
to try to be holier than Jesus. This is, also, something for us to think about.
Habitat for Humanity, which helps the poor to build
and own their own homes, was the inspiration of Christians in the South.
Christians from the Pacific Northwest have organized
groups that go to the Gulf Coast of the United
States , or to Latin America ,
to help people build homes and new lives from the wreckage of storms and
hurricanes, or from the wreckage of simple, basic poverty.
The church is the body of Christ; the hands and the feet
of Jesus. When the people who call themselves Christians are transformed by the
grace of God they want to bring grace to the world around them.
They work to find ways to make things happen in their
communities that show the unconditional love of God. They work to show the
forgiveness, the mercy, and the grace of God that they have found in Jesus
They do this without expecting any recognition or any
repayment in return. This comes naturally to them because their own lives have
been taken up into the story of God’s grace which they can never repay.
James says: “Listen my dear brothers: Has not God
chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to
inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him?” (James 2:5)
Now those who are poor are not always rich in faith,
and those who are rich are not always enemies of the faith. This is easy to see
as we read the Gospels and the Bible as a whole.
James says what he does because he is wrapped up in
the story of God’s grace. The simple fact of the story is that we are all truly
poor; and we are all made rich by the love of God.
When we know what it is to receive grace, then we
know what it is to want to give grace, and make God’s gracious ways a reality
in our country and our world. That is why it is our purpose, as the church, to
promote the righteousness of grace, the righteousness that helps others in
need, at every level of our world.
This is “the promotion of social righteousness. This
is what the Bible tells us to do. Thus says the Lord!
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