Scripture reading:
Revelation 7:9-17; John 16:29-33
Wanapum Dam, Columbia River, Near Desert Aire WA: September 2014 |
Some new army recruits were in basic training. They
were on maneuvers, and they were eating out in the field, and they were
complaining about the food. There was dirt in the food. An officer passed by,
and he heard the men complaining. He yelled, “Men, did you enlist to fight for
your country, or to complain about the food?” One of the enlisted men spoke up,
“Sir! I enlisted to fight for my country Sir! Not to eat it, Sir!”
There are a lot of armies in the Book of Revelation:
the armies of the enemy and the armies of God. We have a picture of the army of
God in the verses we have just read. The soldiers in this army are people from
That means there are people in that picture from Iran , and England ,
and Africa, and Mexico , and China , and India ,
and Vantage, and Mattawa, and Desert Aire, Washington . More people belong in that
picture than any human being can count. But God can count them, because we all
fit into his hand.
John’s picture of this army, a picture that the Lord
showed him, is a picture that comes from the end of time. It comes from the
time of the most brutal and catastrophic struggle between the Lord and the
powers of darkness. We don’t know for sure when that time will be. It may not
be very far off. To the Christians who live in those future, final years, those
times will be called “The Great Tribulation” (or the great trouble): terrible
things happening everywhere, and there will be no escape.
Something like this has to happen because, if God is
love, and if God is Holy, then the contest between good and evil has to come to
a head. It has to be sorted out and settled, so that it can be stopped.
The powers of evil have to come out of hiding and
take off their disguises in order to end the masquerade. They have to show
themselves for what they truly are. They have to come out into the open and
fight as themselves so that the whole meaning of the struggle and God’s victory
will be clear.
Well, this picture is taken at the end of that
struggle, but I believe that the picture is looking back from the future; back
through time, so that whether you are far or near to that future time, you
should still be in that picture. People you know should be in that picture.
This isn’t just an idea. We are in Christ. How can we
not be anywhere that Jesus has been? How can we not be in the picture?
When this picture in the Book of Revelation was first
written, most all of the world’s Christians were living in or near the Roman Empire . In that single year almost all Christians
were living through a Great Tribulation. In the nineties of the first century,
the leaders of the Christian congregations were either dead or they were
waiting in prison to be killed, or they were running or hiding for their lives,
or they were being held in isolation like John, with an unknown future. Common
Christians were being burned, or beheaded, or fed to the lions by order of the
emperor Domitian.
Those Christians might have asked John (if only they
could), “John, are we in that picture of victory? Are we in the winning army
that comes out of the great tribulation?” I don’t think that John would have
said, “No, I’m sorry, that struggle belongs to others far in the future. You
are not in that picture.”
I believe that scripture teaches that the tribulation
is a much bigger event than a lot of people think. On the night before his
crucifixion Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I
have overcome the world. In the world ye shall have tribulation; but be of good
cheer; I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)
This world killed Jesus, and he rose from the dead.
All Christians live in Jesus, and we will all have a partnership in his
troubles, and we will all come out of the great tribulation.
Sometimes tribulations, or troubles, bring people
together. Other times they isolate us. Some illnesses, like cancer, are great
isolators between even the best of people. People are afraid of cancer and
won’t go near it. People are afraid of hospitals and nursing homes. They will
neglect the people inside. They will say, “I want to remember them as they used
to be.” I tell them that the greatest gift you can ever give to them is to go
and be with them, even if you think they won’t recognize you, even if they are
in pain and it feels as though they are struggling in order to see you, at
least for a little while.
When my dad fell off the roof and hit his head and
died it was a complete shock and we didn’t know what to do. The funeral
director got my dad’s body from the ambulance and froze it, waiting for our
scattered family to travel and make decisions about the arrangements for dealing
with the body. It took me a few days to get there.
My dad hated funerals and so there was no public
viewing. But there was no private viewing either. Nobody was going to see the
body. No one wanted to remember him that way. I went by myself and I asked to
see my dad’s body: most of all because I didn’t want my dad to be a person who
went unvisited in his death.
In Christ, none of us go unvisited, because we are in
Christ and Christ comes to us. But in Christ we are called to be Christ to each
other. Jesus said, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one
another.” (John 13:34)
There is “a great multitude that no one can count,
from every nation, tribe, people and language…These are they who have come out
of the great tribulation; they have washed their robes and made them white in
the blood of the Lamb.” (Revelation 7:9-14) If we are in Jesus, we must try to
visit each other in our tribulations. If we are in Jesus and if we are not
going through a great tribulation then we want to visit those who are. If they
are in Jesus they will try to visit us.
We need to know that we live in a world full of God’s
people, who are going through the common troubles of this world. Much more than
that, we live in a world that is full of God’s people who are going through the
special troubles that come only from being faithful to Jesus. We must at least
live in a way that shows that we know that those people’s lives belong to us
and that we belong to them.
There is a story of a man from Korea who came,
all by himself, to my home town many years ago. He came because, one evening,
the prayer meeting he attended in Korea
prayed for the United States ,
and he felt God calling him to come here, all by himself, to do the work of
Jesus among us Americans.
He lived, for a while, in my home town, because God
led him there. He came because Christians everywhere are called to care for
each other and help each other. No matter how far away we are, we belong to
each other.
I’m getting old and I have scraps of old stories
about my brothers and sisters in Christ around the world, and I try to think
and to live accordingly.
The late Chuck Colson was a Nixon Watergate convict
who became a Christian in prison. He founded “Prison Fellowship Ministries” and
he wrote lots of stuff. In one of his magazine articles he wrote this about the
dangers of being a Christian convert in prison. (Jubilee, Summer, ’97, p. 7 ff)
He said: “Many make that walk through hostile territory.”
He wrote about a prisoner named Ben, in a
maximum-security prison in Georgia .
Ben’s fellow inmates started “testing him” when they learned he was a
Christian. One day, outside the shower, a guy slugged him and busted his lip.
The correctional officers asked what he would do next time, and Ben told them
that he would never fight back. He believed in the Bible’s teaching to “turn
the other cheek”. So, to protect him, the officers put Ben in solitary confinement
for more than two years.
Ben used the time to complete several Bible
correspondence study courses, and he got a stack of certificates to prove it.
Ben was a soldier in that army of Jesus that comes out of the great
But a ministry to street children gave her a Bible,
and started sharing the gospel with her. Then Jessica began to lead the younger
kids in the house, and changed the way they lived.
Even after that she would find herself asking, “If
God loves me, why do I wear these shoes? Why do we live in this kind of
poverty?” Yet she also told her interviewers that she believed it was because
of God’s love, not the lack of it, that she was there. “These children need me.
They need love. And I need them.” Jessica was a soldier in Jesus’ army that
comes out of the great tribulation.
I don’t know how many Christians really care about
some first Sunday in October that we call “World Communion Sunday”. I suppose
that, for some Christians, every Sunday is “World Communion Sunday”. It means
that all Christians, all around the world, are in the same boat in the army of
Jesus. There was an old comedy movie entitled “The Wackiest Ship in the Army”
(1960). We are all on that ship. The church, as the army of Jesus, can be a
very wacky ship.
For a long time now, most Christians in the world
have known that they were playing for high stakes and that they have to be
faithful, even though they are living in the great tribulation. We are all
struggling in a world conflict between the forces of good and evil. We are part
of the army of Jesus, the army of the Lamb, locked in combat around the world.
Those of us who are in this room, near the Columbia
River, in southern Grant
County , happen to serve
on the part of the lines where the bullets are not whizzing by, and the bombs
are not falling, and the police are not coming to round us all up. But we are
not as secure as we think. And we have the responsibility to fulfill a mission
in this place.
The spirit of our world and the spirit of our times
are against us. When Jesus talked about overcoming the world, it was right
after he had predicted to the disciples that they would all run away and leave
him alone. But Jesus said that he is never alone.
Serving where the enemies are overwhelming is
debilitating to say the least. But Christians have faced such odds before. Many
of our brothers and sisters, around the world, are facing bigger, and much more
dangerous, and much more frightening enemies than ours.
We need to see that our own mission, in this time and
this place, is just as important as the mission of the army in John’s Book of
Revelation. It is the very same mission. All of God’s people, in this place,
are called to rally around this mission. We don’t dare to step outside of the
When the struggle is over, this army will have a
special uniform: white robes and palm branches. This is picture language for
joy and accomplishment. That is what we will have.
The white robes stand for victory and purity. The
palm branches stand for victory and celebration. Waving a palm branch was the
same as waving a flag.
The victory chant of that army tells us that we will
celebrate in heaven the very same great things we celebrate now. We will
celebrate the Lord. “Salvation belongs to our God, who sits upon the throne,
and to the Lamb!”
Do you know this? We know just a little bit about
wonderful things: an infinite love that has died for us on the cross. We know
that our best victories are not our own. They come from God.
We are a family where wonders do happen, because the
Lord feeds us, and refreshes us, and gives us life; just as he does at this
table with Christians around the world. Do we really know this and do we live
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