Scripture readings: John
15:26-16:15; Acts 2:1-37
After worship a pastor was greeting his people, and
one of the members shook his hand and she told him, “Pastor that was a very
good sermon.” And he told her, “For that I will have to give the credit to the
Holy Spirit.” And she said, “Well it wasn’t that good.”
But that is exactly how it works.
White Bluffs on the Columbia River Near Hanford Reservation, WA April 2015 |
The friends of Jesus were filled with grief because
Jesus told them that he was going away (John 16:5-6), and they were afraid
because they read, between the lines, a message they didn’t want to be true.
Jesus was going away by dying on the cross and he was leaving them in charge of
the mission of the kingdom
of God . Their job would
be to represent Jesus and to win the world for Jesus as the King of the world.
This filled them with grief. No matter how much time
Jesus had spent with them, showing them who he was and teaching them what he
wanted them to do and to be, Jesus was always better at everything than they
were. They were only eager to represent Jesus when Jesus was right there with
them (to represent himself).
But that was going to change; or that is what they
thought. They didn’t understand what Jesus was saying about the Holy Spirit
making Jesus present in the world in a new way; especially through them.
But they didn’t understand most things. They didn’t
understand the connection Jesus was making between his going away and his
purpose of dying and rising from the dead. They didn’t understand how Jesus
dying and rising from the dead could be connected with him being king.
The Holy Spirit could enable them to understand
Jesus, and the Spirit could empower them as the friends of Jesus. But the
Spirit could only do that if Jesus actually did go away in some sense. The
Spirit could only help them understand if Jesus actually died and rose from the
The friends of Jesus needed to die and rise from
their old life, So Jesus needed to do it first, so that they could catch it
from him.
The old saying was never true. The old saying is,
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” In anything that matters, this has
never been true. In teaching, you can only give what is truly yours to give.
When Jesus gave his death and his resurrection to the
Holy Spirit, then the Spirit could give it to the friends of Jesus, and they
would have it in them. They would be able both to do and to teach
There are those powerful words about God’s motivation
and purpose that we can read in the third chapter of John. “God so loved the
world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him should
not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
There is a special way that God came down to live in
such a world as ours. We belong to a world where it is typical not to believe
him and not to receive him. This is as true now as it was when God came down in
In Jesus we see this special way that God lived among
us; and because Jesus has died for our sins, and because he has risen from the
dead, we receive a new life like his. We receive his special way to live. We
can love a loveless world. We can be faithful in an unfaithful world.
So we can live the ways of Jesus. We can love each
other, and that is the secret of success.
You know what this means. If we can truly love each
other as Jesus loves us, then we can love anybody. That’s a tall order. Think
of it. If we can truly love each other as Jesus loves us, then we can love
anybody; and we can give evidence for Jesus, because the Holy Spirit has
hovered over the creation of a whole new way of life in us.
In a way, the Father
is God ruling, the Son is God serving, and the Holy Spirit is God sharing. When
various translations of the Bible translate the very strange word that Jesus used
to describe the Holy Spirit, it comes out as Comforter, Counselor, Advocate,
Helper, and Friend. The word means “one called alongside”. Who can you call to
be all these things in your time of need: Comforter, Counselor, Advocate,
Helper? A true friend can be all of this.
A friend will also speak up for you. The Spirit is
the friend who speaks up for Jesus. We are friends of Jesus and speaking up for
him is part of that.
Jesus said that the Spirit would, “testify about me.”
(John 26) The Holy Spirit is the speaking part of God who speaks invisibly and
inaudibly to the heart and to the conscience.
The Holy Spirit testifies, but this testimony is more
than a statement. Testimony, here, means to give evidence. The word translated
as “testify” can also mean to be a martyr. In fact our word “martyr” has its
root in that word.
The crowd in Jerusalem
(on the day of Pentecost) was focused on the behavior of the disciples more
than they were on the message (even though the disciples were full of the Holy
Spirit). Peter (inspired by the Holy Spirit) made the case for their strange
behavior being the evidence of Jesus. “This Jesus…has poured out what you now
see and hear.” (Acts 2:32-33)
Ever since those days, some of the greatest work of
Jesus is what others see and hear in us through the work of the Holy Spirit. We
called to be the evidence that “God so loves the world”.
“Those who can, do.” The Holy Spirit shares the
fullness of Jesus with us; so, if we are Jesus’ friends, his fullness is always
lurking somewhere in us. It’s true that Jesus always does it better, but that
doesn’t matter. The fact that we are obviously not up to the quality of Jesus,
but that we are people who are seeking to live the life of Jesus, anyway, may
actually be very good evidence. We are learning to be what we are not, instead
of pretending to be what we are not.
That is what makes a difference. That will testify.
The Holy Spirit speaks to the world on behalf of
Jesus. The Spirit shows the beauty of Jesus. The Spirit asks the inner
consciences of the people of this world how it can possibly be that they are
able to reject such beauty. The Spirit asks the world why it doesn’t prefer the
kingdom of the cross when that kingdom shows up the world, as it is, every
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would convict the
world of guilt in regard to sin….because men do not believe in me.” (John
16:8-9) We don’t have to say much about guilt and sin in order to give the
right testimony about Jesus. We can give the right testimony by talking about
what we love about goodness, because we learn about goodness from Jesus.
He has taught us about goodness by dying for us to
give us his goodness. If we live the goodness of Jesus and if we are not afraid
to talk about it, the Holy Spirit will convict the world of guilt and sin.
Essentially Jesus testified about sin by forgiving
it. This is what made people mad. This is what made people hate Jesus. The
people who knew they were sinners didn’t hate Jesus or his testimony. I want to
give that kind of evidence. I want my testimony to be like Jesus.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will convict the
world of guilt with regard to righteousness….because I am going to the Father , where you can see me no longer.” (John 16:8,
10) The words, “I am going to the Father ”
refer to his crucifixion and resurrection. These give us righteousness as
grace, as forgiveness, and as a gift. If we live our lives as a response to
grace, and forgiveness; and if we live our lives as if they were the gift of
God (God-centered and not self-righteous); then the Holy Spirit will give
evidence alongside us about the right kind of righteousness.
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit “will convict the
world of guilt… in regard to judgment….because the prince of this world now
stands condemned.” The cross and the resurrection condemned the Devil and his
influence on the selfishness and power-seeking of this world.
The cross and the resurrection judge this world
because they are stronger than this world. This world and the prince of this
world have never been able to overcome the cross and the resurrection, or the
people whose lives have been changed by Jesus.
The people of the kingdom of Christ
keep going on and on and they keep giving evidence; if they don’t lose heart or
go astray. The Holy Spirit drives this home to the consciences of the people
who have not seen it before.
When we read the Scriptures we read inspired messages
from long ago. But the Holy Spirit keeps on working. The Spirit is with us
forever, and the Spirit speaks alongside the Scriptures, and within the
Scriptures, so that the message goes into our hearts, and our consciences. When
the Spirit reminds us of something it becomes like a voice that we cannot
ignore except at our own peril.
Most of all the Holy Spirit reminds us that the
message is not about a lot of things. The message is not really about
information; and it isn’t about techniques, and methods. The message is always
about Jesus, and what Jesus said and did. The center of the message is the
life, and the death, and the resurrection of Jesus, and the life that comes
from him.
Jesus once called the Holy Spirit “Another
Counselor”. He said, “I will ask the Father ,
and he will send you another Counselor to be with you forever.” (John 14:16)
Jesus was the first Counselor the disciples had
known. Jesus would die and rise to send another Counselor, the Holy Spirit. The
word for Counselor could be translated as “friend”.
In all his bloody and resurrected majesty, Jesus is
our friend. The Holy Spirit is also our friend. Friends comfort, and counsel,
and help. Friends change us.
The Holy Spirit is a friend, and we never use our
friends. We listen to them. We team up with them, but we never use them, and we
never study methods to get more out of them. Maybe we could study methods to
give more to them. Our friends are our partners.
This partner Spirit is a friend of Jesus: such a good
friend that he never gives us anything except to serve as a living connection
with Jesus. Jesus (and all that he is, and all that he has done) is present
with us through the friendship of the Holy Spirit.
That is how we know God. That is how the world can
know God through us.
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