Scripture readings: Psalm
33; Deuteronomy 10:12-22
Let’s look at the idea of a whole nation having a
special relationship to God.
Photos taken Independence Day, Desert Aire, WA July 4, 2015 |
Many times, God spoke to the people of Israel about
how he wanted them to live as a nation. It was typical for them to ignore and
reject the Lord’s message. They worshipped gods invented by human beings. They
worshiped their own desires and ambitions.
But there were times when the people were consumed
with a desire to commit their nation to the Lord. They wanted to be God’s
people. They recognized that the nation needed God.
They were nothing without God. And the Lord’s will,
the Lord’s direction for them, was better than having their own way. God’s
plans were better than their own plans.
The times when they saw this were rare, and the times
when they saw this seldom lasted for long. Yet those people were, and are,
God’s people. They are Israel .
They have continued to have a special relationship with God that has always
been stronger than they ever deserved. But the whole point of that fact (that
truth) is what gives us hope as a nation.
How can a nation survive by being merciful? That was
the great challenge for Israel .
How can a nation survive by being merciful? That is also the great challenge
for us in our times.
The times when Israel was best at being God’s
people were the times when they had failed the most, and came to their senses,
and repented. They had their best times when they got into trouble, or when the
world became scary and difficult. Then they remembered what they had forgotten,
and they turned to God; not because they were great and holy, but because they
saw how great their need was.
Those who first came to this country, especially to
New England, were overwhelmed by the sense that God was doing something very
important by driving them so far away from their homes (and many of them were
definitely driven; forced to come here to keep their convictions and beliefs,
or driven by desperation for survival). And they had the sense of being planted
in the new world by God.
In the years just before the Revolution, a British
governor reported this to England .
He wrote, “If you ask an American, who is his master? He will tell you he has
none, nor any governor but Jesus Christ.”
You see a special relationship with God happening in
a nation when there are people in that nation who know the Lord, and who pray
for his kingdom to come, and for his will to be done. You see a little bit of
the kingdom at work among them. Or you see those people at work, making things
happen the way they would happen if only people were listening to God. “And
now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you but to fear (or
reverence) the Lord your God, to walk in his ways, to love him, to serve the
Lord your God with all your heart and soul.”
Moses pairs up a fear, or reverence, for God with
walking or living in God’s ways. He pairs up loving the Lord with serving the
Lord with all you’ve got. Wherever there is reverence and love something has
got to happen, beyond mere talk. You should see people being kind, fair, just,
and compassionate and sharing the need for this way of life, as a community and
as a nation, with others.
This can happen. The people who know grace and power
of God in Christ are essential for making this happen. What they know about God
enables them to know what to do in the part of the world where God places them.
A nation will begin to change its ways to fit God’s
standards. It’s what Moses means when he says that God is, “mighty and awesome,
who shows no partiality, and accepts no bribes. He defends the cause of the
fatherless and the widow, and loves the alien, giving him food and clothing.”
Moses is basically telling them (and us): “Now you better be careful to love
all those people too.”
A nation where people love God will pattern their
laws after God’s laws. They will also pattern their compassion after God’s
compassion and God’s heart.
The movements to abolish slavery in this country, and
to give women the right to vote, were begun by Christians. The movement to have
safe food and medicines had Christian motivation. So did the movement behind
our child labor laws. So did the civil rights movement during the fifties and sixties.
Most of our ancestors came here because they were in
some kind of trouble. In colonial days Britain
sent prisoners to America
as a punishment for their crimes. (After our revolution Great Britain used Australia for that purpose.) Some
of our ancestors came as refugees from persecution or the threat of arrest and
the fear of punishment. Some came to America to escape from the effects
of poverty, or at least they came in search of a better life.
A legend on the Polish side of my family says that
one of our ancestors came to America
because of what he did in his hometown in Russian-ruled Poland . The
Russian Empire had ruled most of Poland for more than a hundred
years. My ancestor did his dangerous deed during a parade that the Russians
were staging on the czar’s (the emperor’s) birthday. He threw a rotten egg at a
big picture of the Russian czar that was being carried in the parade.
My ancestor knew that everyone would see him do this.
He made his statement anyway and, then, it was time for him to run away to America .
It is as if God says to us, as a nation, something
like what he said to Israel :
“You were small, and weak, and hungry, and I made a place for you. You do the
same for others.” If a nation yearns to be God’s nation then they must know
that God wants to give them his laws but, more than that, they must know that
God wants to give them a heart like his own heart. This often requires more
than we plan for.
We forget that our Revolution did not grow out of
human ideas or plans. For one thing, the Revolution came about as a last
resort, after the people of the colonies seemed to run out of other options.
But, more than that, the revolution came about because those English colonies
had been experiencing a spiritual renewal (a change of heart) that had the
effect of uniting them.
There was a time in our history called the Great
Awakening. It began in the 1730’s. It grew out of a sense of spiritual hunger
and a desire to be God’s people. It was fed by preachers such as George
Whitefield, and Jonathan Edwards, and the followers of John Wesley, traveling
through the colonies preaching about the reality of the love of God in Christ.
People in Connecticut
raised money for orphanages in Georgia .
And people from Virginia , like James Madison,
went to school in New Jersey where a new
college, later known as Princeton , had grown
out of a desire for an education that balanced learning with faith.
It was the Great Awakening that began to make us one
nation even before the Revolution.
In those days, a preacher in Boston wrote these
thoughts: “’That the Son of God came down from heaven to make us free indeed,’
and that, ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty,’ this made me
conclude that freedom was a great blessing… and who knows, our liberties being
thus established, but that on some future occasion, when the kingdoms of the
earth are moved and roughly dashed one against another… we or our descendants
may even have the honor to ‘save many people alive,’ and to keep Britain
herself from ruin.”
The train of thought in that old preacher’s head
turned out to be prophetic. Our nation has not only fought for itself. Our own
people have volunteered many times to go abroad in the daring hope to “save
many people alive.” More than once our own people have gone out to keep Britain herself
from ruin.
There are many people who are discouraged about the
way our nation, and our world, and our churches are going. They don’t see how
the trends can ever turn and change for the better.
In a way, it’s true that trends can’t change: not by
themselves. Trends never change by themselves. A trend is like a wave of
energy. Change always requires a new wave from a different direction, and you
can never predict that change by looking at the old wave.
The world makes waves, but God’s waves are greater.
God can create new trends of his own, in his time. God can inspire his people
to act as his agents by making waves and setting seemingly impossible trends in
This is where the fear of the Lord comes in, just as
Moses says: “And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but to
fear the Lord your God.” The fear of the Lord is where hope comes from. The
person who knows what it is to have a healthy fear of the Lord will not fear
anything else.
But maybe there is a healthy side of fear; like
climbing a mountain for the excitement of reaching the top. The fear of the
Lord is like the fun of using a chain saw. The fear of the Lord is like the joy
of driving a car fast, or flying an airplane, or riding a motorcycle. The fear
of the Lord is like setting off fireworks on the Fourth of July. The greatest
things in life are not to be avoided for fear of the disappointment that might
come if the great thing goes wrong. If everyone lived by such fears, no one
would live at all.
The fear of the Lord is what helps us live actively
and boldly with the love of God because, if we fear the Lord, we will not be
afraid of anything else. This is true for a nation, for a community, and for a
So we can trust that absolutely any nation (even our
own nation) can belong to God, and serve God’s purposes. And we can work for that
goal, and pray for that goal.
We are not afraid to pray for our nation to turn to
the Lord. We are not afraid to work for the kingdom of God
within our nation, because we know who God is, and what he asks us to do.
It has always been this way. The typical picture of Israel is a
model for the way it usually goes. Israel , as a whole, typically
didn’t place a high value on God’s laws, or God’s ways, or God’s heart.
In the Bible, the typical picture of God’s people is
of a nation that is not being faithful to God and yet there are people in that
nation who refuse to give up. There are a few people in that nation of God’s
people who are listening to God, and working for God.
History tells us, as a nation, what Moses told his
people, that the Lord has been with us all along. The Lord has done great and
awesome things for us many times in the past, and the Lord has not changed. So
fear him, follow him, love him, serve him, and work for him. Prayerfully commit
our country and our society to the Lord.
(Many of the
unattributed quotes in this sermon can be found in “The Light and the Glory” by
Peter Marshall and David Manuel.)
Thank you, Dennis, for the post. Your article reminds me of the colonial proclamation, "No King but King Jesus!" If you interest, I just released the first book in a series about Francis Asbury. As you may know, Francis Asbury preached to many of our nation's founding generation. The website for The Asbury Triptych Series is Enjoy the numerous articles on the great men and women who mentored and labored along with a young Francis Asbury. The opening book, Black Country, details Asbury's early circuits in England, something never attempted since his death in 1816. Again, thank you for the post.
ReplyDeleteThe Great Awakening...I am thinking that sounds like something that we need right now.