Scripture readings: Mark 10:
35-45; Mark 15: 25-39
In my childhood and my growing up days, the big
annual event of my family was to spend a couple weeks in the summer, camping.
Sometimes we drove all over California ,
camping in a half dozen places. Sometimes we did all our camping in one spot.
We always slept in a tent. It was big enough to hang
a sheet across the middle. That gave my parents whatever privacy you can have
sharing a tent with three children.
Sunsets and One Sunrise, Desert Aire, WA August 2015 |
We slept in the tent. We didn’t live in the tent
unless it was raining; which would be a lot of fun for about half a day. So
(normally) when we camped, our house had no walls and no doors or windows. Our
house didn’t need them because it was a big as the world.
If our house had a door, you could say that our door
was always open. We liked to pick a campsite that had some privacy, in the form
of trees, or bushes, or rocks but, if someone came through our invisible door,
we made them feel at home.
Camping wasn’t our house. It was our home. It was
nothing like home, except that it had us.
So camping taught us this lesson, that home wasn’t a
place. It wasn’t our familiar stuff, and it wasn’t our familiar routine. Our
way of living and everything and everything else about it was different.
Home was us. Home is always that way. Home is people.
Home is a relationship of people who belong to each other. The kind of home
that went with camping has a lot in common with the kind of home that belongs
to the cross. The cross makes for an open house.
Think about the kind of home the cross makes. Jesus
died on the cross to open the door in God’s house so that whoever wants to come
in and belong can do so. This is what it meant for the curtain in The Temple to
be torn in two from top to bottom.
The curtain was the tent-like door that covered the
entrance to the holy inner room in the house of God. The curtain was a big
door. It was about sixty feet tall and about thirty feet wide.
The Temple
was God’s house. It was all about God living in the midst of his people where
they could come close and meet God. Only the curtain represented a barrier
between God’s family and their God who loved them.
This separation is a thing that we call sin. The word
“sin” in the New Testament is an archery word that means missing the mark. It
could have been a golf word too, if the ancient people had played golf. You
either hit the mark or you miss it. Close only counts in horse shoes.
You can overshoot. You can undershoot. You can veer
to the left. You can veer to the right. Apparently, in golf, you have four and
a quarter inches to get it right, and you have hundreds of feet in every
direction to get it wrong.
The doorway
into holy inner place of The Temple was covered with a curtain to keep out
those who missed that mark. Does this seem unfair?
The people who were around the cross were in a holy
place without knowing it. It wasn’t anything like the holy place they were used
to thinking about.
In the holy place they were used to thinking about
everything was simple, and quiet, and orderly. One day a year the blood of an
animal sacrificed for the sins of all the people was brought into the holy
place, in The Temple. When the blood was sprinkled there, in the presence of
God, it brought God’s loving forgiveness to all his people. The blood that was
shed made the infinite love of God real and true.
Jesus, hanging on the cross represented the forgiving
love of God. Jesus was God making himself into the powerful sacrifice of love.
Jesus is God shedding his blood to give us a real and true forgiveness that
allows us to come home to God, and to become that home in that close
relationship with him.
The blood of God takes away all the stuff and all the
routine of our old home. It makes us at home with a family as big as the world.
The cross makes it possible for absolutely anyone to come in, if they want to
come home.
The cross also shows us why a life-changing
forgiveness is needed. Jesus was, and is, the holiness of God. He is the Son of
God who represents his Father . His Father is the Sender and the Son is
“The-One-Who-Is-Sent”, and the resemblance between them is perfect. Glory hung
upon the cross; the glory of an infinite and unconditional love.
See what the people at the cross do in the presence
of the holiness and glory of God.
The priests and the teachers of the law were the pros
of holiness and goodness. They were successful in all the rules and techniques
of the game, but they didn’t like holiness and goodness at its best the way
they saw it in Jesus. They loved their own holiness and goodness.
They thought it would make them pros. They thought
they could be like God and so they could claim authority over their own lives.
They wanted to be in charge. They misinterpreted and misunderstood God, and
God’s motives, and God’s ways.
The priests and teachers of the law were looking at
the face of God covered with the blood of the crown of thorns and they didn’t
know what they were looking at, and they didn’t like it. They knew the truth
but they didn’t understand it when they saw it. They said, “He saved others,
but he can’t save himself.”
Even in the Old Testament, the prophets knew and
spoke the truth that if God’s people and God’s creation were to be saved, then
he would have to do it himself. God said, “There is no God apart from me, a
righteous God and a Savior; there is none but me.” (Isaiah 45:21)
The point was for God to be our Savior. God’s love is
about saving others and not about keeping away from us in our need. God had to
get involved and spend himself to pay the cost of a new world and a new way of
life for us in that world.
When we read what the gospels say about the holy
place around the cross we see what sin does. The thieves on either side, in
their pain, could only make themselves feel better by causing the pain of
heckling Jesus. The disciples who had spent so much time learning from Jesus,
including learning about the cross ran away from the cross. The Gospel of John
tells us that the only the disciple there was John standing by the side of Mary
the mother of Jesus.
The women who served Jesus were there because they
thought of themselves as servants and slaves. The world taught them to think
that way and they had learned their lessons well. They were not so afraid of
the messiness of the cross that they would think of running from it. They would
take care of Jesus, as well as they could, as long as he lived, and even after
he died.
Jesus said that the cross was a price that had to be
paid as a ransom, as the cost that had to be met to set others free. Taking a
house and making it into a home is costly. The cost of changing the hearts, and
the minds, and the way of life of those who are supposed to be at home together
is price that no one has ever found.
Making a home for those who don’t want to come home
is a price that no human being can pay for another, let alone for the whole
world. It only happens as a gift. God paid the price for that gift in Jesus.
The cross is the price that God pays for us and for
the world. The cross is also the price that we are called to pay for our love
for Jesus, and for our love for others. The cross is not just the price we pay
to faithfully tell about Jesus. The cross is the price we pay to be Jesus in
this world, and to live his life for others.
The word “gospel” means good news. The good news
about the cross is that it gives us the forgiving love of God that opens the
door to the presence of God. But our own lives also have be the same kind of
love that opens the door to the forgiving love of God in Jesus.
Jesus said, “Whoever wants to become great among you
must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be the slave of all.
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give
his life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:43-35)
As Christians we are called to be “slaves of all”
just as Jesus was. We must do this prayerfully and, in our prayers, we must
pray to be wise and good users of God’s gifts. But the wisest and best users of
God’s gifts see themselves as the slaves of all. The wisest and best users of
God’s gifts always worry that they might not be going far enough. Jesus calls
us to this.
Part of how we do this it to tear through the door
between others and us because we are living in God’s home. Not every one will
see that you are in God’s home, because they don’t know how to see God. If they
saw God they might act like all those people around the cross. But they can see
you, and you can give them a home without walls.
I didn’t know what to say, because I knew I had a
hard time with my feelings toward Buzz. All I could come up with was this: “No
I don’t hate you. We’re just really different.” I tried not to close a door,
although I know he wanted, with all his heart, for me to say that I hated him.
It didn’t do any good. It was the best I could come
up with as a seventeen-year-old and (so far as I know) nobody had ever been
able to get through to him.
The first church I served, after I was ordained, was
in a small town on the Oregon
coast. It was a recreational and vacation community. It had a lot of artists
living in it. It was also a lumber mill town, and so it could be very rough.
There was a lot of drinking and drugs. I never knew so many people who had been
in jail, or in prison, or who went to jail or prison after they got to know me.
I had to learn that there was no shame in this. Parents
got as mad as heck when one of their boys went to jail. They were mad because
their boy had been so stupid. They were mad, but not embarrassed. That was the
way their world was.
I learned to not be embarrassed. I went to their
homes, even though they weren’t church people, and they never repaid me by
coming to church. They knew that even though I lived with an open door toward
them a lot of people in my church wouldn’t show them an open door except for
the door out.
I talked to kids out on the street at night. I talked
to the drunk who came to church drunk on a Sunday morning. Even with all the
people there, he didn’t even realize it was Sunday morning. I was able to spend
some time talking to him. He had a lot of problems. I think some of my people appreciated
my doing this, but others didn’t.
The guy who came to church drunk actually conned me
at least once, and I was too dumb to see it. I don’t know if I ever did him any
real spiritual good, but I was his servant, his prayerful slave, to pay a price
to set him free. I was willing to be his ransom.
Even when we don’t see that we are making a
difference, Jesus has made a difference in us. It makes us trust that, when we
become slaves to all, Jesus can do something with that. That is what the Son of
God wants.
The Roman officer didn’t know who Jesus was until he
heard and watched Jesus die on the cross. That was all he knew about Jesus.
That Roman was (perhaps) the first convert. At least he could say, “Surely this
man was the Son of God!”
It happened because (even without understanding it) he
saw Jesus paying the price of being the slave of all. If we are such slaves,
then that same power of Jesus will be at work in us; and, then, Jesus can do
anything with us.
There will be a film that will be released in 2016, called "Risen" and is from a viewpoint of a Roman solider who must find the one who was crucified and put into a tomb but his body is now missing. I hope it will be a well done film and make people think.
ReplyDeleteI saw the trailer for that movie today. I hope it's good too. It was a preview at "War Room" which I went to see. I have mixed feelings about War Room. There is so much monologue. The spiritual transformation in the characters' lives was wonderful, but Christian movies can be arificial and preachy. The acting I saw in the trailer for Risen seemed good, but the story seemed to be all about a concerted and exhaustive effort to find the body of Jesus in order to disprove the resurrection. Even in the trailer it seemed exaggerated and endless. We will hope and see.