Scripture readings: Isaiah
45:22-25; John 3:16-21
Vacation December 2015 - January 2016 Desert Aire/Mattawa, WA to Live Oak at the Feather River, CA |
First of all, I want to tell you, whatever you do,
don’t be frightened. Over the next eight Sundays, or so, we are going to talk
about evangelism and we are even going to talk about doing evangelism
ourselves; but, whatever you do, don’t be frightened.
Do you think that some people get scared by
evangelism because evangelism is an “ism” and “isms” have caused so much
trouble in this world?
The “evangel” in evangelism means good news. The good
news that Christians know about is really all about Jesus. It’s about the good
news that Jesus taught, and about the good news of who Jesus is. It’s the good
news of what Jesus has done and continues to do.
We think of news as information and facts (or you
might think of news as disinformation and distortion) but Jesus is about life
and love. This is what we call grace; which is means a beautiful gift
beautifully given.
The good news isn’t merely information about the
great even of what God has done in Jesus. The good news actually brings the
gracious event or makes the event possible in the lives of those who receive
It’s the gift of God becoming human for us and God
dying for us and rising from the dead for us. In the story of the Bible this
grace is God’s unconditional and life-transforming love. It’s a miraculous
story that contains this love.
You see it was all good news. It was all about grace,
and love, and life. I was being loved by my mom, and apparently I was also
being loved by God.
Long ago I remember feeling the love of Jesus come
inside me, and fill me with joy, while I was singing “Jesus Loves Me, This I
Know” in Sunday School, when I was four. I remember praying with Billy Graham
while I was watching him on television, when I was nine.
I was old enough, at the age of nine, to know I
needed the grace of God to make up for what I couldn’t do and what I couldn’t
be, on my own. That could sound as if I was lacking in a sense of self worth,
and I was; but grace, and love, and life from Jesus was good news for a kid who
needed that.
I loved Jesus. I have always loved Jesus, even when I
was resisting him and trying to figure him out.
It’s hard for me to describe how I got deeply
involved and almost trapped, in a kind of spiritual strangeness. I always loved
Jesus, but I also had a few people who were close to me who believed in things
like spiritualism (which means contacting and getting information from the
spirit world) and in reincarnation (which means taking many lifetimes to
achieve your own spiritual development and maturity, which is also called
karma, which is the spiritual accounting of the good and bad that you do which
either lifts you higher or sends you lower).
Someone asked me, recently, why I stopped believing
in spiritualism and reincarnation. My truth is that I finally realized what it
meant to trust that God deals with us through grace (through the cross, and
through the resurrection) and not by just our own learning and achievement.
Spiritualism and reincarnation are, at their core,
about works (or about what we do, and learn, and achieve on our own). They are
not about grace. God came in Jesus to personally (and at a great cost to
himself) deal with our lives through grace.
I found (by the time I was finishing high school)
that I had to trust and hold onto Jesus alone. But I didn’t want the church,
because the church had been, in so many ways, a negative influence in my life
and in my faith. Of course the church had also been a positive influence, but
it was complicated.
Then, when I was eighteen, my best friend Danny met
Jesus and the Holy Spirit in a life-changing way. He started to talk to me
about Jesus in a very cheerful and happy way that made me think, because I had
been putting conditions on God’s love; telling him and his Son Jesus that I
loved them with all my heart, only don’t make me do certain things that make me
feel uncomfortable. I had developed a conditional love for the unconditional
love of God.
Danny’s faith was evangelistic because it was full of
good news: grace, love, and life. But I think that Danny must have remembered
the weird stuff I had believed and had talked to him about in high school. I
had never told him that I had stopped the weird stuff, and I had never told him
So Danny started basically sharing with me something
called “The Four Spiritual Laws”. (The Four Spiritual Laws are about God having
a wonderful plan for our life, and about how he had created us for a
relationship with him and, how our sin had created a separation between us and
him, and about how Jesus had broken through that separation by dying for our
sins, and how we could receive that new relationship by faith.
Danny shared this with me more than once. I finally
told him with real impatience: “Danny, I know all about that and I believe all
of that.” If only he had asked me, “Dennis, do you love Jesus,” I would have
said, “Yes, I love Jesus!”
The four spiritual laws were not good evangelism for
me (although I believe it can be very good evangelism for some people). But those
four spiritual laws were not good evangelism for me, because that wasn’t my
problem. Danny needed to deal with a place in my life where he didn’t know so
much about me or my spiritual history, even though he was, and is, one of my
closest friends.
Danny didn’t know what I needed because I hadn’t told
him. I wonder if I will hear from him about this because I do send him my
Evangelism is good news, but it’s not a thing, and
it’s not information, and it’s not a list of laws and rules that fit everybody.
The good news of Jesus is always grace, love, and life, as it is needed.
The good news is always grace. It’s about a beautiful
gift beautifully given in Jesus. What could be more beautiful than to know that
the ultimate reality in the universe became one of us and died for us to give
us a life of peace and fullness with him? There is nothing here to be afraid
Simply being a witness is not completely a matter of
knowing the facts and giving factual information. Even in a court of law, if
you are a truthful witness, your witness can still be challenged on the basis
of who you are and what your life has been.
Being a witness to Jesus is a matter of the power of
the Holy Spirit changing you into a person of grace, and love, and fullness of
life. You are to become not only a factual witness of reliable information, but
a good witness. And there should be nothing about that to be afraid of.
Belonging to Jesus is to be in love with a message
that is so much more than information, because that information gives everyone
who receives it grace, and love, and life. The message is the one who loves us.
The message is God in Jesus.
And if your job is to share by being like Jesus, in
grace, and love, and life, then there is nothing to be afraid of. When was the
last time you heard anyone being condemned for being too much like Jesus? OK,
that can happen; but the more you are like Jesus the less you will be afraid of
In Isaiah we read these words about bearing witness:
“They will say of me, ‘In the Lord, alone, are righteousness and strength.’”
(Isaiah 45:24)
“In the Lord, alone, are righteousness and strength.”
This is about a living relationship. This is about who the Lord is. It is also
about what the Lord can give to those who belong to him.
There is a passage in one of the novels of George
MacDonald that says this: “The power of God is put side by side with the
weakness of men, not that He, the perfect, may glory over his feeble
children…but that He may say thus: “Look my children, you will never be strong
but with my strength. I have no other to give you.” (“Annals of a Quiet
Neighborhood”, Chapter 28) “In the Lord, alone, are righteousness and
We are afraid of evangelism when we believe that it
is about fear and hell. But it is hell to find out that you are not what you
have thought you are. It is hell to have stopped being righteous and strong. It
is hell when your light has gone, and you are living in the dark. It is hell to
find that you have been blind to the truth, and even that you have been hiding
from it.
Even the truth is not about information alone. Truth,
as a part of God, is twice as true as any fact. Have you ever had anyone tell
you the facts in such a way that it wounded you and made it hard for you to
grow stronger and better?
The first time I almost drowned (when I was eight
years old) I didn’t think I needed to be rescued. I got really mad at the kid
who saved me, and I told him off. I yelled at him.
I know now that he was only trying to help, and I
know that I looked like I needed help. I hope I didn’t make him afraid of
saving other people. If he ever told anyone about how I had yelled at him for
saving me, I hope that there was someone who was wise enough to encourage him
to never, never be afraid of doing it again and again and again (bringing good
news again and again and again), if it needed to be done.
Never be afraid of this. Never be too cautious.
Does knowing this love make you a different person?
Does your new life in Jesus give you a message that is so much more than
information, because it is grace, and love, and life? And, if you know this
love, then you know that God’s love is not only about heaven. You know that it
is just as much about life now. Eternal life in Jesus always begins now.
In Jesus, heaven comes down to earth for you, here
and now. That is the truth. No one does this better than Jesus.
Evangelism is not about getting a decision based on
information. It’s about feeding the real hunger and quenching the real thirst
of others so that they want to eat and drink like never before, and live.
Find their hunger. Find their thirst. Be willing to
be bread and drink for them. Be a holy meal for them, so that they are not
afraid to see Jesus through you and find grace, and love, and life. Jesus and
the Holy Spirit will do the rest. There is nothing to be afraid of.
Thank you for this. I came to Christ through a pamphlet left on my windshield at work, one you also know as the Four Spiritual Laws. There were no explosions after I said the prayer at the end, but I knew something had changed inside me; something was different. Evangelism is another subject. A sense of failure comes to mind. A feeling I failed to reach those most important to me with the gospel message. I appeared to fumble every attempt. Of course you might say we never fully know the impact of our Christian witness, but that was the final effect on me. Evangelism makes me nervous, so I'll be watching this series with interest!