Scripture reading: Acts
There was
a family with two little boys, about eight and ten. They were full of mischief.
That’s putting it nicely. Their parents were at their wits’ end, how to deal
with these boys.
Each Photo Is Different: May and June 2016 |
Then they
heard that a minister in their town had a technique for straightening out kids
like theirs. When they met with him, the minister asked to see the boys
individually, and they sent their eight-year-old first.
minister sat the boy down and asked him sternly, “Where is God?” The boy didn’t
know what to say, and the minister repeated that same question louder, “Where
is GOD?” The boy squirmed and the minister shouted, “WHERE IS GOD!”
The boy
was scared to death. He ran home all by himself, and hid in the bedroom closet.
His older brother went to be with him in the closet, and asked him what
younger boy answered, “We’re in big trouble this time. God is missing, and they
think we did it!”
The Book
of Acts is about the first followers of Jesus, and what their lives were like
knowing that God is never missing. Jesus is the evidence of this. Jesus is God
in the flesh. In Jesus, God came to be with us. He was born to be with us in
life. He died for our sins on the cross in order to be with us in our sins and to
take them upon himself. He also died for our sins on the cross in order to with
us in our death. He rose from the dead to be with us in a life that is stronger
than all evil and injustice; and stronger than death and stronger than hell.
Paul said
it, “In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.”
(Romans 8:37) Jesus said, “I have come that they may have life, and have it
abundantly.” (John 10:10) The angel who opened the jailhouse doors for the
apostles told them to “tell the people the full message of this new life.”
(Acts 5;20) Wonderful words of life!
The old, full,
traditional name of the Book of Acts is the “Acts of the Apostles”, but some
people have wisely said that it should be the “Acts of the Holy Spirit”. It
could just as well be called the “Acts of Jesus”. It’s about everything that
Jesus continued to do, and to teach, after he was taken into heaven. (Acts 1:1-2)
In some
way that you cannot understand until it happens to you, this life is a new way
of life because it is simply life with Christ, and life in Christ. We belong to
Jesus, and we are never alone. Again Paul says it in an amazing way: “For me,
to live is Christ.” Then, the rest of Paul’s sentence is more amazing still, “and
to die is gain.” (Philippians 1:21)
whole sentence is very important, because it relates to the story we have just
read in Acts. Jesus was with the apostles when the angel opened the jailhouse
doors. Jesus was with them when they went back to share the wonderful words of
life again, in the Temple, where they would be found and arrested again.
You have
to see that the angel opened the jailhouse door so that the apostles could be
re-arrested and whipped till they bled. I don’t think the miracle happened
because they had faith. I think the miracle happened because the Lord wanted to
accomplish something. The Lord has a purpose, and part of that purpose was (and
is) to make his kingdom come, and part of that kingdom coming needs to happen
now; through us and in us.
There’s a
sorting out that goes on in the coming of the kingdom now. The priests who had
sent Jesus to be crucified didn’t seem to realize that they were guilty of
shedding Jesus’ blood. The kingdom continued the process of sorting them out by
letting them act out, more and more, who they truly were.
For the
apostles, Jesus, through his Holy Spirit, was making them more and more truly
what he is. For the apostles, the kingdom of God was coming into their lives
now, in order to make them more and more clearly part of the new life. More and
more, Jesus was Lord, and Savior, and Christ in them.
In a
period of about twenty-four hours, they were all free men, and they were
arrested and jailed, and they were freed and sent back to certain arrest and to
an uncertain fate, and they were all whipped until they bled.
It was
all so unpredictable: so many ups and downs in twenty-four hours. But it was a holy unpredictability. It was all
in Christ.
freedom, and in torture, and in danger of death, they were not in charge; they
were not at the center of their own lives. Their lives were not about
themselves. Their lives were about others and, most of all, their lives were about
Jesus. The kingdom coming now meant that they were learning more and more who
Jesus is, and that Jesus is good, and that Jesus can be praised.

scriptures are not only God’s words. They are God’s words to us. They are God’s
words to you and to me.
words in Acts tell you and me that it’s typical for the Lord to send his great
joy and a holy arrangement of our lives, to include the sure and clear experience
of his power, and love, and deliverance. It also tells you and me that it’s
typical for the Lord to send his people into difficulties and troubles, and into
dangers and pain.
we would stop having the deepest unity and fellowship with those who don’t know
Jesus. Otherwise we cannot be one with them, as Christ came to be one with us,
and with the whole world.
In my
life, I find that there is always something that needs my attention. Sometimes
it wears me out to think about it. The Book of Acts presents us with an account
of the Christian life where there is no pause, there is no let up. The next
thing always comes promptly along, and the people of Jesus are always having to
say “yes” to the next thing.
One of
the disciplines in the prayer journal of the book our adult class is studying
is the discipline of asking the Lord what to do next. What is the next thing?
It can be
surprisingly difficult. But it’s good to visualize the next thing as God’s next
thing, and say “yes” to it as such. It’s definitely the new life that the angel
told the apostles to tell the people about. Like God’s holy unpredictability,
it’s our form of a holy insanity that makes our offer of a new life credible
and believable to others: our willingness to say “yes” to the next thing in a
way that looks like Jesus.
We have
learned, in Christ, to not find reasons for saying “no” to people and plans. We
have learned, in Christ, to say “yes” to people and plans.
God came
to share our temptation to say “no”. In Jesus, God deeply desired to say “no”
to his own plan to die under the burden of our sins. The Son prayed to the
Father, “Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me.
Yet not what I will, but what you will.” (Mark14:36)
said “no” to himself and “yes” to the cross. He said “yes” to the cross in
order to say “yes” to us.
apostles rejoiced to be counted worthy to share the sufferings of Jesus by
suffering for his sake. They said “yes” to sharing life with Jesus on the
cross. If we say “yes” when we are tempted to say “no” then we can know that we
are with Jesus, and that we truly belong to him all the time.
We may be
saying “no” to some wonderful and joyful things. We may be saying no to going
back to a place where we got in trouble before; like the apostles being sent
back to preach in the Temple. We may be saying “no” to something dangerous and
difficult; something that is still God’s next thing.
Each of
us, as individuals, have such next things. So does the church, the body of
Christ. Our message is about life. We can say “yes” to whatever the next thing
is, and find life there. We will find Christ there. What is it?
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