readings: Isaiah 25:1-9; John 2:1-11
There’s a
“Transformers” movie series which begins when a young guy buys a used Chevy Camaro
that proves to have a mind of its own. It turns out that the car can transform itself
into a super-intelligent, super-strong robot from another planet.
On that Walk between Live Oak CA and the Feather River December 2016 |
It’s a
member of an alien race of robots who can transform themselves into mostly
motor vehicles of various sorts. Those are the transformers.
There are
all kinds of books, and videos, and programs out there that promise to turn you
into a transformer. They don’t promise to give you the power to change yourself
from one thing into another, but they promise to teach you to change yourself
into a different person than you currently are. They promise to teach you to
transform yourself into someone smarter, more physically fit, more confident,
more successful, sexier, or richer, or some combination of these.
Some of
these programs may actually work. They may turn people into transformers.
When I
was in high school, my grandma Evans believed that I was in serious need of transforming
myself into a different person. So, she gave me a copy of “The Power of
Positive Thinking” by Norman Vincent Peale, in hopes that I would take it to
heart. She hoped that, by taking it to heart, I would become a more confident
I gave it
a half-hearted try; even though I clearly understood that the book warned me
that half-heartedness was doomed to failure. I experimented with it, and I soon
felt that it was a program that could only succeed if I hid myself from myself.
My experiment only worked when I pretended to be someone else (someone I was
not), and I found that I couldn’t really eliminate my old self.
In the
end, I gave it up. I didn’t become a transformer.
A couple
years later, when I was eighteen, I received an experience of transformation
without ever becoming a transformer. The people who knew me as a kid would be
able to vouch for this. They noticed the transformation, at the time, and they
said so.
There’s a
common phrase among Christians about “accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior”.
And I don’t know how well even Christians understand this phrase.
is a word we seem to take to mean that Jesus is the source of our forgiveness.
Jesus died as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross. That’s true. I had officially
accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior when I was about nine. I did this while I
was watching Billy Graham on TV, all by myself, at home in our family den.
I believe I knew something about this long before. That was part of the reason why
I loved Jesus.
also means rescuer. Jesus is the one who saves the day. He comes to our rescue,
and this goes infinitely beyond sin.
When I
was eight I almost drowned. And, when I say that I “almost drowned”, I not
referring to the time when I really did drown. I really did drown when I was seventeen,
in the sense that I wasn’t breathing and I had turned purple when they got me
out of the lake.
When I
was eight, I only, almost drowned in a swimming pool. When this happened there
was a kid who jumped into the pool, and grabbed me, and swam me back to shallow
accept Jesus as their Savior from the sins that are really bothering them, but they
aren’t very open to admitting everyplace where they truly need forgiveness,
because there are places where even the best of us don’t want to accept
responsibility or blame. Letting Jesus saves us from our sins doesn’t go very
far, unless we are willing for him to save us from ourselves.
Christians accept Jesus as Lord, sometimes it seems that they only mean
admitting that Jesus is the big guy, and that he has the power to answer their
prayers, if they pray the right way. But the word “Lord” means that he’s the
boss. It means that we always say yes to Jesus, and that we never, never say “no”.
The best of us have trouble with this.
When I
was eighteen, I was faced with a choice of whether I was willing to say “no” to
anything Jesus said. I felt, from the depth of my heart, that I couldn’t face it
any longer. I could no longer face being someone who said “no” to Jesus.
To the
best of my ability, I have stopped saying “no” to Jesus. If you catch me saying
“no”, please confront me about it.
For me,
positive thinking can only be the willingness to say “yes” to Jesus; and not
say “no”.
There is
really only one transformer. That one is Jesus.
Wine is a
sign for what God does. So is water. All through the Old Testament, God
sometimes provides water as needed. God provides water because water is life-giving.
God is the life-giver: the maker and protector of life. Water is a sign of God.
The Old
Testament also shows God as the wine-maker, or the provider of wine. (Isaiah
25:6; Jeremiah 31:12; Amos 9:13-14; Hosea 2:14-23) When God brings the wine, it’s
the sign of joy, and promise, and abundance. When God brings the wine, it is
part of the celebration of the union, or the marriage, between God and his
people, or even between God and his creation.
Isaiah, God brings the wine to celebrate the end of the world as we know it,
and the beginning of a new world where there is no more doom and gloom. There
is no darkness. There is no death. There is no grief.
The wine
is for everyone who has trusted in God. The wine is for everyone who has been
brought by the love of God into that new world that will not end. It is a world
where all people are married to God.
It’s a
world where all people have been transformed by the transformer God. “The
Sovereign Lord will wipe away the tears from all faces; he will remove the
disgrace of his people from all the earth.” (Isaiah 25:8)
The blood
of the cross became the power to transform people, and to bring a new creation
to life. In the gospel, the bearer of the cross brings the wine.
turned the water into wine in order to show that he is the one who brings the
wine. He is the bridegroom of the new world. He is the transformer.
the end of the Gospel of John, John tells us his purpose for choosing to write
what he wrote. “But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the
Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”
(John 20:31) John chooses every episode, and every talk of Jesus, in order to
show us exactly who Jesus is, and in order to show us how he gives us life.
At the
marriage in Cana, Jesus shows us that he is the transformer. He turns water
(which is a symbol for life) into wine (which is a symbol for abundance, and
celebration, and union).
shows us that his power can transform our limitations. Jesus shows us that we
can live with his abundance, and celebration, and union in our ordinary lives
in this world. Jesus shows us that we can live in this world without anger or
fear because he will use his power to change this needy world into a new world,
in his time.
In the
time and the world of Jesus, everyone in town, and people from miles around,
would attend any local wedding. The whole world went to your wedding. And they
were all supposed to be wined and dined by you.
family that ran out of wine was probably a poor family doing the best they
could, and they were failing. Their failure would not be forgotten, and no
amount of positive thinking could prevent it.
Mary, the
mother of Jesus, noticed the trouble they were in, and she feared for them. She
decided that something needed to be done, and she was sure that Jesus could do
it even though he had never given any sign of being able to do something like
that before. She had a good reason for knowing this.
In some
ways, Mary was the first Christian. She was the first person to have their life
changed by Jesus. Doesn’t this make sense? Mary had a God-given identity and
calling that came totally by the grace of God in Christ.
Mary was
a person of grace who saw that others had a need for grace. She saw that they
needed something that only Jesus could give them. She saw them with the eyes of
one upon whom the Holy Spirit had come. (Luke 1:35) When the angel told Mary
that she had “found favor with God” (Luke 1:30), the word translated as favor
is the same word that is translated as grace.
spoke to Jesus on behalf of this young couple and their family. It was one of
the first prayers made to Jesus. Jesus sounds like he was surprised by it, and
not quite prepared to do anything about it.
this show us something we already know? We may not always be sure that Jesus is
prepared to come to the aid of others for whom we pray. We may not always be
sure of what he intends to do. It’s true that he might have other plans. So, it
isn’t strange that the people who knew Jesus the best felt the same as we do.
This is
the mystery of not saying “no”. Refusing to say no is not a way of getting what
you want from Jesus. It’s simply the only way that we can really trust Jesus as
Jesus was,
and is, the transformer. In a way, Mary (as the first Christian) became a
transformer, too. She saw a need. Her heart spoke to her. Her heart was the
same heart on whom the Holy Spirit had come. Her heart was the first heart to
beat side by side with the heart of Jesus. Timothy Keller writes: “There’s a direct
relationship between a person’s grasp and experience of God’s grace, and his or
her heart for justice.”
This is
what God’s justice is about: confronting a world where (over and over again) we
see that the wine has gone. Mary spoke from the experience of a heart that knew
this. She spoke to Jesus. She also spoke to the people who needed to be spoken
to. She got people to listen to Jesus and not to their own common sense. She
got other people to do what they would never have done without her initiative. She
played a part in getting the water turned into wine. Mary set it up.
We live
in a world where there is love and hope and yet there is not enough of
something missing to see it all through. No matter how much we have to love and
celebrate, we live in a world where the wine is gone, and we are called to see
and confront this, with Jesus’ help, and with prayer, and with the will to do
whatever he tells you, and with the will to persuade others.
We don’t
have the power to turn the water into wine, but we can bring to others our
service to Jesus. We can be like the servants, who were the only ones at the
wedding who really knew everything that was going on. We can bring out to the
world whatever Jesus wants to turn into wine.
Our story
can become the story of Jesus and the transformers.
When Mary said, "Do whatever he tells you" a child, when I first heard those word spoken from the Bible, I was so startled by the truth of the words! It reminded me of my cousin who was a teenager at the time, and he would fuss and fume over the things his mother asked him to do but he ALWAYS did it! I don't know why, but I remember thinking as a kid, if that one thing is very true then, all the rest of the Bible must be also.
ReplyDeleteIn a way, that one story in the Bible transformed me!
Kay, thanks for sharing that. It's interesting what God teaches children, and us as children. Which reminds me of something else Jesus said...