readings: Leviticus 17:10-14; John 6:52-71
the space of two days, Jesus went from having a crowd of thousands of people
wanting to force him to be their king (if it came down to that), to having a
crowd of about twelve people, and a few more, who simply didn’t know where else
to go. “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We
believe and know that you are the Holy One of God.” (John 6:68-69)
Photos in and from my yard: Desert Aire, WA Winter Winding Down February 2017 |
At the
beginning of the two days, Jesus had fed a crowd of about five thousand men,
not counting the women and children. Maybe you could multiply the five thousand
by five for a better sense of that crowd.
He fed
them all with the remains of a boy’s lunch basket: five barley flat-breads and
two pickled fish. They tried to grab Jesus in order to make him king, and Jesus
barely slipped out of their hands and went into hiding. They went on a man hunt
and they found Jesus on the second day, on the other side of the Lake of
Jesus had failed to accomplish, by hiding from the crowd, he succeeded at by
completely alienating the crowd. Jesus made himself disgusting to them. He told
them to eat his body and drink his blood.
No one
had ever talked like that to them before. No one would have dared talk to them
like that.
We know
that eating his body and drinking his blood are good, because it says so in our
Bible. If it’s in there, it must be OK.
For the
people who thought they wanted Jesus to be their king, eating bodies was what
happened when you were under the judgement of God, and your town was besieged
by the enemy, and you were reduced to eating your dead. (Leviticus 26:29;
Ezekiel 5:8-10; etc.) Drinking any kind of blood carried the death penalty.
(Leviticus 17:10-14) Their Bible was pretty clear on that. It was not OK. It
was evil.
began the two days with a powerful graciousness. He made himself the gracious
host of those thousands of people and, by doing so (according to the culture of
their day), he bound himself to them in friendship and faithfulness. That is
what sharing a meal meant. Hosting a meal meant so much more.
Jesus hid from them, and let himself be found, he made himself a little harder
to get along with. He said that it wasn’t enough for them to eat the bread he
gave them. They needed to believe in him. They needed to trust him as the one
who brought them into a true and life-changing relationship with his Father.
They needed to trust that Jesus could give them a new kind of life which would
never die. That was hard enough. That was a giant step; and Jesus was only
going to make it harder.
It turns
into a long story. Jesus told them that they believed because he fed them with
food for their stomachs instead of believing that he could give them the
substance of life in the kingdom of God. They wanted a king who could fill
their stomachs and give them freedom from the Romans. Jesus wanted to be their
king by being one with them and giving them life with God.
The Greek
language, in which John tells this story, makes it worse and worse. Jesus
started changing his terminology for eating. At first, he used the standard,
routine eating word for eating and, then, in verse fifty-four (6:54), he used a
special word for eating that means heavy-duty eating: chomping, and munching,
and smacking your lips on his body and blood. Even a lot of the disciples
couldn’t take it anymore. That kind of talk made them sick, and they went away.
For the
famous twelve disciples and maybe the few others who stayed, this was very
disturbing. On one hand, Jesus started out making things very clear and simple.
Then he got strange.
When the
big crowd found him, Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, you are looking for me,
not because you saw signs, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.”
(6:26) Remember that the word “sign” doesn’t have the word “miracle” beside it,
even though the sign was a miracle. For Jesus, and for John, the signs were
demonstrations of who Jesus is.
The plain
truth is that God feeds us, and all our blessings come from God. The sign of
the bread demonstrated the message that this is who Jesus is. Jesus is the one
who feeds us. Jesus is the one from whom all our blessing come. The sign
demonstrates something that Jesus said clearly, later: “I and the Father are
one.” (John 10:30) “He who has seen me has seen the father.” (John 14:9)
came to serve, and most people wanted him to serve by serving them bread, and
freedom, and prosperity, and anything else that they didn’t have and wanted to
have badly. Jesus came to serve by giving them a new life, an abundant life, an
everlasting and undying life, that came from being one with him.
came to make himself one with us by being born as one of us, and by living a
human life, and by dying in such a way on the cross that he carried on his own
back our sins, our sickness, our weakness, our fears, and our own death. Jesus
made himself one with us so that we could be one with him.
We let
his death become our death because his love on the cross presents itself to us
with so much power. When that happens, then his death comes into us just like
the best food in the world, only different. Even the worst food in the world
keeps us alive. His death, coming into us, makes us alive for the first time in
our lives.
it’s the best food or the worst food that this world has to offer, we take that
food into our digestive system and our bodies convert that food into us. The
food of Jesus is different. The body and the blood of Jesus come into us by
faith and it turns us into Jesus. The food of the death of Jesus turns us into
brothers and sisters of Jesus who have his life living in us, and through us.
We can
understand this, perhaps, from marriage. I live alone (although the truth is
that I am never alone). What I mean by living alone is that whatever gets done
in my life, I’m the one who has to do it. Sometimes I’ve thought that, if I
were married, I would have someone to help me do everything. Because of my
wife, I would even be smarter because I would have two heads instead of one. I
would have someone to motivate me and encourage me.
Does that
mean that I would fall in love with a woman on the basis of what she could give
me? Or would I give myself to some crazy woman because she was crazy enough to
simply give me herself? Marriage (at its best) is a kind of faith that comes
from a miracle of self-giving.
will not accept a marriage with us on the basis of what we have to offer him.
Jesus doesn’t come into us, and live in us, on the basis of what we can, or
will, do for him. Jesus will not accept a marriage with us on the basis of
giving us what we want, and what we think that we need, if what we want and
think that we need is anything less than simply himself. We must want Jesus
alone, for his own sake alone.
Jesus is
crazy enough to want us alone. Jesus wants us to be crazy enough to want him
alone: to want him for nothing but for himself. If that sounds harsh, knowing
how harsh it sounds helps us understand the story of Jesus’ loss of popularity.
That will
either be enough; or it won’t be enough. Jesus promises to be enough, and he
asks us to trust him on this, beginning now; or beginning when you finally come
to your own crucial “now”.
The story
of Jesus and his loss of popularity helps us learn a few important things.
It shows
us a picture of people who think they are followers of Jesus, and believers of
Jesus, who haven’t come to this crucial decision. They have followed and
believed because they believe that following Jesus will provide them with what
they want. For them, Jesus is still the Bread King, or the King of Blessings
and Gifts.
my own life challenges me to question myself. Have I been willing to choose
Jesus alone?
The story
of Jesus the Bread King versus Jesus the Bread of Life also teaches us that
Jesus can be scary, and that living by faith can be scary. It’s right there in
the Bible. The Gospel of John tells us that it is written to show us, truly,
who Jesus is, so that we can truly know who he is, and (knowing) have life in
his name. It comes down to us having him alone.
It’s no
use hiding this from anyone. Anyone who has ever heard anything about Jesus
somehow knows that Jesus could turn out to be scary. It’s not that hard to
listen to Jesus and think to yourself: “Oh, avoid getting tied down to this at
any cost.”
again, couldn’t the prospect of getting married look like this? And yet, what,
then, shall we do about any love that is truly worthy of being called love?
What is left of life if you will not face your fear of love? What is left?
One other
lesson to be learned is the lesson of those who were left. They loved Jesus
alone. They loved what Jesus must be up to, even though they couldn’t
understand it, even though Jesus seemed to be failing and blowing it all. They
stuck to Jesus even when Jesus seemed determined to be unpopular, and
distasteful, and scary.
advantage they had was that they had suddenly found themselves choosing Jesus
alone. They had taken the leap. They could say goodbye to popularity and
numbers. They could still go on working with Jesus for the kingdom of God and,
the truth is, Jesus would be faithful.
All in
all, Jesus the Bread King would mean “Jesus and this, Jesus and that”. Choosing
Jesus alone is something entirely different.
For Jesus
alone, as he offers himself to us, the first step is the hardest step of all.
The first step to Jesus the Bread and the Blood of life is the leap of faith.
It’s the plunge into deep waters.
When you
listen to enough old stories, you find that people used to learn how to swim by
getting thrown into the water. Looking back, we will see that Jesus really did
that to each one of us, and to all of us together. It’s all the same, though,
whether he has thrown us in, himself, or whether we just take the jump and dive