readings: Exodus 16:1-12; John 6:1-15
that joke that you say when you’re getting to know someone and you say, “You
can call me anything. Just don’t call me late for supper.”
Along Crab Creek, Desert Aire/Mattawa, WA January 2017 |
On this
occasion, Jesus seemed determined to avoid this at any cost, only supper didn’t
cost him anything. It only costs the kid who supplied Jesus with the supper to
be served. Jesus was determined that the crowd, that seemed to follow him
everywhere, wouldn’t be late for supper.
John, in
his gospel, is going to take one of the most popular stories about Jesus and
make it into one of the deepest stories of Jesus. Tradition tells us that John
wrote his gospel late, because he saved the writing of it until he was old, and
tradition also tells us that John lived to be almost a hundred years old.
as late as he did, John seemed to know what had been written in the other
gospels, and he mostly avoided repeating them, in the sense that his gospel
repeats very little of the other gospels except for a scene in the Temple, the
walking on water, the trial, the crucifixion, and the resurrection. He tells us
about the Last Supper too, but only about what happened before and after supper.
back to the feeding of the five thousand, John finds ways to tell us that it
was more than a miracle. Remember that John, in his twentieth chapter, tells us
that he chose to write what he wrote so that those who read him could know who
Jesus is, and, knowing, have life in his name.
As for
who Jesus is, John shows us that those who know him best know that, as
spontaneous and surprising as he seems, Jesus is more than a miracle worker.
Jesus is a miracle planner.
As for
having life in his name, John shows us that the life we have in Jesus’ name
means that Jesus gives us the grace of involvement in his planning, and in his
caregiving, and in his hospitality. We see this in the questions that Jesus
asked his disciples, in his concern for providing a meal for the crowd right
from the start. We see Jesus involving us in the life of the grace of his hospitality
in the way that he drew one young boy to share his supper with him, and with
the whole crowd.
Just as
he did with the Last Supper, John skips over most of the day. The other gospels
(at least) tell us that, between the coming of the crowd and the feeding of the
crowd, Jesus did many things and said many things.
The other
gospels tell us that Jesus healed the crowd and taught the crowd. John only
tells us that Jesus saw the crowd coming, and that he fed them, and (after he
fed them) that he ran away from them.
tells us that Jesus thought about feeding them as soon as that day began, as
soon as he saw the crowd coming from a distance around the shore of the lake.
He asked his disciple Philip, “How are we to buy bread so that these people may
eat?” And John tells us about Jesus the miracle planner because, with the
question to Philip, John tells us this about Jesus’ question: “This he said to
test him (to test Philip), for he himself knew what he would do.” (John 6:6)
By the
way, Galilee produced a pickled fish product that was famous all over the Greek
and Roman world. It was a big cash export for Galilee. It was an expensive
delicacy all over the empire; but it was common fare in every hut and cottage,
in every local town and village that Jesus and his disciples knew.
It was
also true that, in the world that Jesus and his disciples knew best, most
people walked everywhere. This took a lot of time, but it was so much part of their
lives that they knew how to do it. They were always prepared. They took the
time because there was no other way, and they took food with them.
The Jews
were famous for walking around with a basket at their side. It was part of
their costume. They hadn’t really worried about food because they had brought
something to eat with them, but now that it was late in the day and perhaps their
food was gone. They probably knew that this would happen.
knew exactly what he was going to do, but his disciples, just like us, never
knew what Jesus was going to do next. Jesus was taking so long to heal and
teach, and now it was late in the day. The Feast of Passover was near, and so
the moon was getting fuller, and the people would probably finish their day by walking
home in the moonlight.
Jesus had
planned, right from the start, to do the unnecessary. He had planned to be the
good host. He planned to give everyone a good supper for the hike home.
There was
a trick involved. Jesus played his disciples and he let them think that he
didn’t know what he was doing, or what he was going to do. But, the truth is,
they would have wondered anyway. They should have known, long before, that
Jesus knew what he was doing and that he could do anything; but they didn’t
seem to know this.
This is
exactly what the people of Israel were like in the Old Testament. In their escape
from slavery in Egypt, the Lord had already shown them that he had a complicated
plan, and that he was able to do anything to accomplish it. The Lord had already
demonstrated this to them, but they couldn’t keep the faith. So, they were
surprised that the Lord was able to feed their multitudes in the wilderness.
The Lord
held them in suspense to make an impression on them. He did it to help them
keep the faith, and to remember that he cared about them, and that he was more
than able to truly provide for them.
John is
going to make this even deeper, because he will follow up the feeding of the
five thousand, later, with a conversation in which Jesus would tell the people
that he is the bread of life. Jesus would go on to tell them, and us, that he
was going to do something for the whole world that would make him real food and
drink for all of us.
didn’t understand him, but we know that Jesus’ death for our sins on the cross,
and his rising from the dead, are our food and drink. It is love that empowers
and fills us up. It is the real way that we have life in his name. It is also the
great work that we are called to share, and to offer to the whole world in his
Jesus is
the great host. Just as feeding the crowd was not expected, and no one would
have considered it necessary, the cross and the resurrection of Jesus are like
that. Jesus did it out of love, and not because was necessary: not because it
was necessary for him.
course, it is necessary for us: absolutely necessary. There is nothing that we
need more than for Jesus to be our host and feed us and quench our thirst with
The life
we have in his name means something even more than this. If our Lord is the
perfect host who gives himself for the life of the world, then life, in his
name, means our learning to follow him. Life means learning to be what he is
for the world and (again) we can only be what he is when he is our very
subsistence; when he is our food and drink. We can only live for him if we eat
and drink Jesus.
So, our
calling is hospitality. There are many important things we do together. We
worship. We pray. We sing. We eat together. We share our joys and concerns in
prayer; and we pray for the whole world. We form a family and a friendship
together. We support missionaries in their work around the country, and around
the world. We learn to share our faith with others; meaning that we learn to
share the good news of Jesus: who Jesus is, and what he has done, and why it
matters. These are all important things.
The meal
by the sea was an expression of hospitality. Hospitality bound the host and the
guests together in friendship. They would belong to each other as a result.
Jesus was pledging his loyalty and the loyalty of his disciples, and the
loyalty of the boy with the food, to the crowd. Hospitality in the ancient
Middle East did this.
Jesus fed
the crowd in order to give his disciples a mission of hospitality, and we have
the same mission. It isn’t only about potlucks, or about eating together.
Hospitality is doing for others an unexpected and unnecessary thing that
promises our loyalty, and our commitment, and our belonging to them.
How can
we show the world around us that we belong to them? I don’t know the answer to
this, but I believe that the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, can give us a
special calling in this direction.
For the
disciples, and for the boy with the food, feeding the crowd was impossible.
They only had a very little bit to give, but that little bit was something worth
giving, because Jesus was more than able to bless what they shared.
We want
Jesus to bless something that we can share. Jesus wants to bless something that
we have in our power to share, even though it looks impossible to us.
we are like those disciples who were stuck at the point where Jesus let them
wonder about everything. Jesus let them wonder whether they were able to
believe that he knew what he was doing. He let them wonder if he had a plan,
and whether he was able to do it. Sometimes we are wondering just like them.
So, he
gave them signs. John calls them signs. We would like to think that John’s word
“signs” means miracles, and that Jesus is simply the miracle worker, but signs
mean something more than miracles. The signs of Jesus were designed, like John
says, to help us know who he is and to live accordingly, in his name.
We are
called to trust and to pray for the miracle of being Jesus in this world. The
feeding of the crowd tells us not only to feed the hungry, but to be his hosts
to the world.
We are
called to Jesus’ mission of hospitality. Then the world can meet him, and know him,
through us, and through the signs of our lives. Then the people around us can find
life in his name.
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