readings: Psalm 23; John 10:1-21
A grandma
gave her little grandson a big hug when he came in the door, and she said, “How’s
my little lamb?” The boy’s answer was, “Grandma, I don’t want to be your little
lamb any more. I want to be your little tiger!”
Walking along the Columbia River at Desert Aire, WA March 2017 |
described us as his flock, with himself being our good shepherd. This has a lot
to tell us about who Jesus is and what he wants us to become. It’s true that,
compared to Jesus, we are pretty sheepish. But the main reason Jesus compares
us to sheep in his parable of the good shepherd is to let us know that, if
sheep are lucky to have a good shepherd, then how much better it is to be real
human beings with Jesus as our Lord, our Savior, and our Friend. (paraphrase of
Leslie Weatherhead)
The root
of the Hebrew word for shepherd is the same as the root for friend. And
shepherd is also one of the titles given to the ancient kings of Israel.
Jesus is
our friend and our King: our Lord. He isn’t so much telling us that we’re sheep
as he is telling us that he’s our friend and leader, and that we can count on
A good
shepherd is an expert shepherd. Jesus means that he knows what he’s doing and
so we’re in good hands. We’re in safe hands. Two kids were talking about their
dogs. One kid had taught his dog to do lots of tricks. The other kid hadn’t,
and he asked the successful dog-training-kid how he did it. His friend said, “Well,
first of all, you’ve got to know more than your dog.”
A good
shepherd knows more about being a sheep than the sheep do. Even if they could
talk, sheep couldn’t tell you much about themselves. They could say: “I’m
eating very well, thank you.” Or, “I’m playing.” Or, “I’m tired.” Or, “I’m
If you
asked the shepherd how his sheep were doing, he could tell you where they were
in the season, where they had come from, how long the present pasture would
hold out, and where their next pasture would be. The shepherd could tell you if
there were any signs of danger serious enough to worry about.
know what they want to eat, and where they want to eat their way to. The
shepherd knows whether their desires are good for them.
The sheep
that’s always able to go its own way is, in the end, the lost sheep, the
frightened hungry sheep, the wolf’s dinner. It’s the sheep who follow their
shepherd that have the most abundant lives.
humans following Jesus, there are two kinds of following.
The most sheep-like
kind of following is the practical kind. It’s getting directions and being
guiding in life’s choices. “What should be my life’s work?” “Where should I
live?” “Who should I marry?”
“Shall I
have a slice of the chocolate cream pie, or a slice of the coconut cream pie?”
These are the questions about the mechanics of life. These are important, but
not the most important questions.
After you
eat the chocolate pie, you could realize your mistake and you could go back for
some of that coconut pie. Although you could eat your way into the problem of having
to stop eating any pie at all.
one way of following. The other way is for the more mature sheep. This means
following Jesus where he goes morally and spiritually.
It isn’t
so much a matter of where to go, but how you get there. After all, Jesus is
more than a shepherd and we are more than sheep. Instead of leading us to
pastures of grass, like different spots on the map, Jesus is leading us to
pastures of fellowship and relationship with others, pastures of faithfulness,
pastures of commitment, pastures of peace, pastures of involvement.
described his own best pasture to his disciples, and to the woman at the well,
in Chapter Four of the Gospel of John. Jesus said, “My food is to do the will
of him who sent me.” Jesus’ favorite pasture is serving his Father.
This is
where Jesus really goes ahead of us and leads us. Being a sheep, in Jesus’
flock, means asking yourself, “How can I apply Jesus’ way of life, or his way
of loving, or his way of praying, or his way of sacrifice?”
So, our
choice of what to do and where to do it is not as important as our choice of
how to live with the Lord, and with others, along the way. Things like our job
and our place in life are mainly something that occupies us while we apply
ourselves to serving Jesus and others, and loving Jesus and others.
seem to be wrong turns and detours, but the main part of following the good
shepherd is following how to live, not where to live. Following Jesus is moral
and spiritual, and that is the obedience of following that will allow him to
make you the person he created you to be.
A sheep
can never hope to become like its shepherd, but Jesus is more than a shepherd,
and we are more than sheep. We will never be like Jesus in all his glory, but
we can be like him in surprising ways: in humility, in simplicity, in love.
what matters. Whatever your practical choices, you will look back and see that
you might have done better. You might have been wiser. Yet the good shepherd
always gave you the best that you were prepared to receive. You will see that Jesus
has always provided for you and cared for you along the way, and he always
will. Even the times when he had to correct you were right and good.
You will
look back and see the Lord’s power at work, leading you and caring for you.
That is another part of following. There is power in this.
The Greek
word used here for good (as in the good shepherd) also means “beautiful”. It
means a beauty that is attractive and powerful. This beauty doesn’t only serve
itself, it actually does something to those who see it. We have to experience
this strange, and powerful, and compelling beauty, or else we won’t know
anything at all, no matter how well we might follow.
of the beauty of Jesus has to go into our heart, or else something essential
will be missing. Jesus describes the powerful beauty of his voice as the bond
between him and his sheep: between him and us.
I was at
a church women’s meeting once, where there were a couple of mothers with babies
and there was a baby sitter in a nearby room with the babies and the older
kids. We heard a baby start to cry and one of the mothers got up and left the
meeting, because she knew that the sound of crying came from her own baby’s voice.
Her baby’s voice had power, and that one voice moved her, and not the others,
because the crying was just for that one mother.
Who Jesus
is, and what he has done for us, is a unique, powerful, and beautiful voice
that reaches inside us, changes us, and motivates and moves us. Who Jesus is,
and what he has done for us, is a bond that ties us to him, and we are no
longer the same.
ordinary shepherd would die for his sheep only because he was risking his life
to keep them, and himself, alive. An ordinary shepherd wouldn’t want to die
because, if he did, that would be the end of the sheep, just as much as if he
had run away. The enemy would have a free hand and the flock would be
defenseless and lost.
Jesus is
different because he intentionally sacrificed his life for love of us. In his
life, and death, and resurrection, we see how far he went to share everything that
we have got to deal with it, and also to give us everything that he has for new
fought with, and took the punches of, all our enemies: temptation, weakness,
tiredness, abandonment, sin, and even death. Jesus intentionally went all the
way so that wherever we are he can come to us qualified to be our good
The cross
is his tool (his rod and his staff) because it is how he guides us to live and
encourages us to trust. The cross represents a real battle that he has fought for
us, and for our salvation (our rescue), because it really was the weapon of his
success. The cross is how he sets us free from our sins, and our guilt, and our
fears. The cross is the sign that Jesus is the best shepherd (the great
shepherd), and that he will never quit, and never hold back.
When we follow
Jesus, our Good Shepherd, we start out as sheep: smelly, foolish, and fuzzy.
The path we take with him is changing us into something else. Instead of merely
guiding us and protecting us; instead of merely planning for us; the skill and
the beauty of Jesus are changing us into his children; his own sons and
daughters; his own little brothers and little sisters. Jesus is much more than
any good shepherd. Jesus is our Lord, and Savior, and Friend.