readings: Exodus 13:17-22; John 8:12-30
sergeant got separated from his squad while they were out on maneuvers. It was
late by the time he caught up with them, and he had missed supper.
Around Lake Lenice, on Crab Creek North of Mattawa/Desert Aire, WA February 2017 |
said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in
darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)
think about light: what is its importance and meaning to us? Then, let’s think
about what it means to follow, because Jesus promises whatever the light is as
a prize for those who follow him.
First of
all, there’s the light. The gospel of John is full of references to light, and
the light has to do with Jesus.
means so many things to us. It affects us in so many ways. Too much light can
be painful and dangerous. A solar eclipse is going to cross the Pacific
Northwest, this August, and we all need to be careful how we watch it. In the
summer, I like walking in the shade, but you can’t find that around here, so I
make do with morning or evening light.
Light can
be fun, like playing with a flashlight, as a kid. There are fireworks on the
Fourth of July. There are candles on birthday cakes, and lights on Christmas
Light can
be kind, like when someone turns the lamp on when they catch you reading in the
dark. There are campfires. And there is the glowing fireplace on a winter
Maybe you
have a special feeling in your heart when, at the end of the last day of a long
trip, you turn the last corner and you see the light shining on your front
Jesus is
the light of the world and the light of life.
in the Gospel of John, darkness is the image for evil. In that case, Jesus, the
light of the world, invades and conquers darkness.
Light is
the real goodness behind everything good in the world. Jesus, the light of the
world, is God’s comfort for the griefs of this world, God’s healing for the
hurts of the world, God’s guidance for the questions of the world, God’s hope
for the fears of the world, God’s peace for the conflicts of the world.
compares himself with something so basic in order to invite you to use your
heart and ask yourself what light is for you, and so find out for yourself what
Jesus wants to be, for you, and for the needs of those who are around you.
Genesis, everything begins with light. Life begins with light. The first thing
that happened in the universe was that God said, “Let there be light.” Today’s
prevailing, scientific theory of the origin of the universe is a sudden
explosion of energy and light that we call “The Big Bang”.
But there
is also an experience of Jesus bringing you the first light of his life dawning
upon you. Perhaps you have a memory of that. You suddenly felt alive in a way
that you didn’t before. You can’t believe that whatever you had before was
quite worth being called life.
When my
youngest sister was little and the rest of us would be talking on and on about
things that had happened before she was born, she would get bored and say, “Oh,
that happened when I was dead.” The experience of Christ dawning upon you makes
your previous history seem like that. Because Christ has filled you with the
light of his life.
light of the world” was also a term which people used to describe the sun. They
knew that the sun gave life to growing, living things on earth and that there
would be no food without the sun. Jesus, the world’s true sunlight, is the
source of our mental, and emotional, and spiritual nourishment and growth.
The light
of your life may be someone you love who loves you back. So, the light of the
world, Jesus, often ripens nourishment for us through our relationships with
others. In his book “The Four Loves” C. S. Lewis writes this: “We need others
physically, emotionally, intellectually; we need them if we are to know
anything, even ourselves.”
people will say that the light of Jesus came to them through their spouse.
Maybe it comes when you hold your first child in your arms. You have seen it in
someone else’s dignity, or purity, or courage, or peace, or wisdom.
someone has found light in something you have said or done. When Jesus says
that he is the light of the world, he wants to shine through you, and through all
of us in the same way he has shined on us through others.
In the
Gospel of Matthew, Jesus told his disciples, and us, this amazing thing. He
said, “You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14) But you know that the
light comes from him first. And the light of Jesus (so John tells us) “shines
in the darkness and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5) That’s what
the light of the world wants for you.
Jesus is
the light of the world and you need light in order to see and find your way.
Light shows you what you are doing, and what’s going on around you.
There was
a little girl who got a stubborn case of pneumonia. She got tired of doctors,
and nurses, and medicines, and being tested and poked. When the doctor decided
to take some x-rays, she put her foot down. She wasn’t going to let them do it.
The doctor told her it wouldn’t hurt, and that it was just like having your
picture taken.
little girl gave in and said, “OK. You can take my picture, but I’m not going
to smile.”
But this
can be a good thing. The artist Michelangelo said that, when he made a
sculpture, all he did was to set free the shape that he saw inside the block of
shows us what we are dealing with on the inside of the people around us. He
enables us to see the potential strengths, and the unexpressed needs, and the
mysterious weaknesses. The light of Jesus shows us what we need to do in order
to deal, in God’s way, with what we see in God’s light.
enables us to look within ourselves with honesty, repentance, patience, and
faith. The light of Jesus reveals that we are God’s creations, that we need
him, and that we are made to be loved by him and by others. Jesus shows us that
everyone else is made for just the same reason.
shows us that we are made for fellowship and partnership. Jesus enables us to
see behind, and around, and ahead, to see him at work, to see his gifts, his
wisdom, and his hope.
The light
of Jesus shows us where we could be taking ourselves if we don’t follow him.
Doubt un-wrestled with, and discouragement, are forms of darkness that keep us
from seeing what we can do. The light of the world helps us see that we can do
something, or (at least) be something, by following Jesus.
On that
journey, God led his people every step of the way; but he led them in the strange
form of a moving column. It was a column of smoke by day, and a column of fire
by night. With God acting like this column, the people of God could travel day
and night. They could see in the dark because they had the light of God who is
the light of the world.
rabbis passed down one of the prayers from the Feast of Tabernacles, as it was
celebrated in the Temple. The prayer goes like this: “Oh Lord of the universe,
thou commandest us to light the lamps to thee, yet thou art the light of the
world.” The people had been praying that prayer during the week when Jesus said
that he is the light of the world.
Jesus is
the pillar of fire that guides us through the dark, in the wilderness, so that
we can find our new life. Jesus is the light that needs to be followed. Jesus
is the light that shines for the express purpose of bringing us somewhere.
We have
plans about where we want to go in life. These plans are our idea of what it
means to be successful, or to have a meaningful life. They make our life into a
journey to somewhere, unless, perhaps, our goals are mainly behind us.
In the
wilderness, the Lord had goals for his people that they often forgot, or
misunderstood, and they often thought more about the goals that were behind
them, in Egypt. They often wanted to go back, if only they could.
In the
end, the journey will bring us home as members of his family, and there will be
more freedom there, in our true home, than we can dream of.
We are on
what is called a pilgrimage, a journey with a holy purpose. Since we don’t know
the purpose exactly, everything along the way could turn out to be important in
reaching the goal. Every crisis and every decision to be made is part of
getting to the promised land.
And yet
the important thing isn’t so much making the right choices that will take you
to where you think the promised land is. The most important thing is sticking
close to the light of the Lord, so that the journey makes you what the Lord
wants you to be, wherever you go. Every turning point or choice that comes
along is the opportunity to receive more of the light of life from Jesus.
In the
long conversation of Jesus, one of the things he said to those who didn’t
understand a word he said was this: “When you have lifted up the Son of Man,
then you will know that I am the one I claim to be.” (John 8:28) Jesus lifted
up means Jesus lifted up on the cross. Our journey, following Jesus, is a
wilderness journey where darkness is a problem, but it’s also a journey of
grace, and forgiveness, and hope, all because of a God who offers himself for
us on a cross.
A soldier
follows his sergeant into the fight. A patient follows their doctor or
counselor, but the best doctors and counselors need to be players, too, in the
wellbeing of their patients.
Jesus is
our leader, and a player with us. His leading work and his shining work are
part of his saving work. Following Jesus makes for an interesting life so much
beyond the understanding of those who don’t know who he is. It’s the difference
between light and darkness.
Jesus means living his way but, most of all, coming back again and again to
that cross that gives us the light of love and the light of life. This is what
makes Jesus the light of the world.
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