The Last Sermon, Preached in Eisleben,
Matt. 11:25–30, February 15, 15 46
the Saturday following the preceding sermon Luther set out for Mansfeld to
mediate a dispute between Count Albert and Count Gebhard. Most likely his last
sermon was preached on Monday, February 15, not on February 14, to a large
crowd which gathered from all over the countryside to hear him. On the day
afterward, while confined to his bed, he signed the treaty between the
brothers, on the eighteenth he died, and on the twenty-second his body was
buried in Wittenberg. The last four sermons, preached in Eisleben, were
published in Wittenberg, 1546. Who the transcriber was cannot be determined.
(MY NOTE: The additions or changes
within the brackets, in this edited version, are mine, except for “Predigtampf”.)
This is a fine Gospel and it has a lot in it. Let us talk
about part of it now, covering as much as we can and as God gives us grace.
Walking around Crab Creek, Mattawa/Desert Aire, WA September 2017 |
Thus, he indicates that he is opposed to the wise and
understanding. He dearly loves those who are not wise and understanding, but
are rather like young children.
…To the world this is very foolish and offensive, that God
should be opposed to the wise and condemn them, when, after all, we have the
idea that God could not reign if he did not have wise and understanding people
to help him. But the meaning of the saying is this: the wise and understanding
in the world so contrive things that God cannot be favorable and good to them.
[They think they know
better,] for they are always exerting themselves. They do things in the
Christian church the way they want to, themselves. Everything that God does
they must improve, so that there is no poorer, more insignificant and despised
disciple on earth than God. God must be everybody’s pupil, everybody wants to
be his teacher and preceptor.
This is the nature of the shameful wisdom of the world,
especially in the Christian church. One bishop and one pastor hacks and snaps
at another, and one obstructs and shoves the other. We have seen this at all
times in the government of the church to its great detriment.
These are the real wiseacres, of whom Christ is speaking
here, who put the cart before the horse and will not stay on the road which God
himself has shown us, but always have to have and do something special in order
that the people may say: “Ah, our pastor or preacher is nothing. There’s the
real man, he’ll get things done!”
But is this behavior not a disgusting thing, and should not
God grow impatient with it? Should he be so greatly pleased with these fellows
who are all too smart and wise for him, and are always wanting to send him back
to school? As it says [in the parallel in Luke]: “Wisdom must be justified by
her own children” (Luke 7:35
The pope has also done the same thing. For example, when
Christ established and instituted the ministry [Predigtamt] and the
sacrament of his body and blood in order that Christians should use it to
strengthen and fortify their faith, the pope cried: “No, that’s not the way it
should be; it must be wisely handled!” For the pope’s decree says that, when
the priest reads the mass for the living or the dead it must be a sacrifice [that purchases a product].
For example, when a merchant is about to go on a journey, he
should first have a mass read for him, and then it will turn out fortunately
for him.
…So it is, with our Lord God in the world; whatever he
institutes and ordains must always be not only perverted but also reviled and
discredited by the devil and his followers. And then the world even thinks that
God should be pleased and look with approval upon the fact that every fool
wants to master and rule him.
On the other hand, however, there are others who want to be
and to do it, but they have no ability. [And
yet, they do it anyway.] In worldly government, these are [the] jackanapes
and wiseacres. These fellows [get it all
wrong] and we are quite rightly hostile to them. Everybody mourns the fact
that we can never be safe from these fools. They are good for nothing and they
do nothing but put flies in the ointment.
That’s why the people say of them: The devil has slobbered
us with fools.1
And Aristotle,2
who observed in governments that few people are properly qualified to govern,
makes a distinction between the truly wise and understanding and others whom he
calls… the wise who only think they are wise and understanding; just as we say
in German: “Conceit keeps the dance going.”
Now, if in worldly affairs one is quite rightly opposed to
these people who want to be wise and are not. [It’s much worse with those], whom both God and men rightly
dislike, who want to be wise in the holy Christian church and are not. For
these people hinder the ministry, so that the people cannot come to God….
…So, the pope, too, wants to be a very wise man, indeed, the
wisest of the wise, simply because he has a high position and claims to be the
head of the church; whereupon the devil so puffs him up that he imagines that
whatever he says and does is pure divine wisdom and everybody must accept and
obey it, and nobody should ask whether it is God’s Word or not. In his big
fool’s book,4
he presumes quite shamelessly to say that it is not likely that such an
eminence, meaning himself, could err. So, too, the emperor, kings, and
cardinals; because they sit in such high places, they too think they cannot err
or be wrong….
…It sounds almost as if, when Christ spoke these words: “I
thank thee, Father, Lord of heaven,” etc. (Matt. 11:25), they were spoken with
ill will. And yet there was no ill will or hatred in his heart; for, since he
gave himself, body and life, for us, how could there be any ill will there?
…His annoyance and displeasure comes from the fact that
these miserable, foolish people presume to become masters of the divine
Majesty. This he cannot and should not tolerate, and all devout hearts thank
him for it, for otherwise there would be no end to this affected wisdom and
…Here we ought to say: “Dear heavenly Father, speak thou, I
am willing to be a fool and a child and be silent; for if I were to rule with
my own understanding, wisdom, and reason, the cart would long since have been
stuck in the mire and the ship would long since have been wrecked. Therefore,
dear God, do thou rule and guide it thyself; I will gladly put out my eyes, and
my reason besides, and let thee alone rule through thy Word.”
Then things would be right in the church and it would be
well governed, and there would be harmony all around. Otherwise there will be
the same displeasure as there is in secular government….
…Therefore, this is what we say: “I grant that emperor,
pope, cardinals, princes, and nobles are wise and understanding, but I shall
believe in Christ; he is my Lord, he is the one God bids me to listen to, from
him he bids me to learn what real, divine wisdom and understanding is.”
…The Lord says: “All things have been delivered to me by my
Father” (Matt. 11:25)….
…The Lord, who is the only one we ought to hear in these
matters, says: “No one knows the Father except the Son and any one to whom the
Son chooses to reveal him” (Matt. 11:27). [That means] to the childlike and
simple, who consider themselves neither wise nor understanding, but rather hear
and accept his Word. So, if it is his Word you hold up to me and command, I
shall gladly accept it, even though it be spoken by a little child, or even the
ass [or donkey] that spoke to Balaam (Num. 22:21–30)….
But to combat this we must learn what this means: “All
things have been delivered to me.” In other words: [Jesus] must rule, teach,
counsel, give orders, and command in [his] church. And when he said that,
Christ openly confessed that he is true God; for no angel nor any other
creature can say that all things have been delivered to him.
…God has set his Son at his right hand and said in Psalm 2:7,
“You are my son”; I have made the whole world and all nations your possession;
hear him, you kings and lords, if you would be wise; do homage to [Jesus] as
your Lord; and know that what he says to you I am saying to you.
This we Christians should learn and acknowledge, even though
the world does not want to do it. We should be grateful to God that he has so
richly blessed us and granted that we ourselves are able to hear him, just as
Christ himself here gives joyful thanks to his heavenly Father.
“Oh”, people say, “what is that? After all, there is
preaching every day, often many times every day, so that we soon grow weary of
it. What do we get out of it?”
All right, go ahead, dear brother, if you don’t want God to
speak to you every day at home in your house, and in your parish church, then
be wise and look [somewhere] else. [Go on pilgrimages to look at the relics.] In
Trier is our Lord God’s coat, in Aachen are Joseph’s pants and our blessed
Lady’s chemise.
Go there and squander your money. Buy indulgences and the
pope’s secondhand junk. These are valuable things! You have to go far for these
things and spend a lot of money….
…[No, instead] we should listen to God’s Word, which tells
us that he is our schoolmaster, and have nothing to do with Joseph’s pants….
This is the first point in this Gospel—that Christ and God
the Father, himself, are opposed to the wise and understanding….
…When, therefore, the great lords, the emperor, pope,
cardinals, and bishops are hostile and wrathful toward us because of all this,
excommunicate us, and would gladly burn and murder us all, we must suffer it
and say: “We did not start this on account of the pope, the bishops, and the
princes, nor shall we stop it on account of them.” Christ says, “Come to me,
all who labor and are heavy-laden” [Matt. 11:28],
It has… been written of St. Agnes5
that when she was led to prison to be killed, it was to her as if she were
going to a dance. Where did she get this? Ah, only from this Christ, from
believing this saying, “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I
will give you rest.” That is to say: “If things go badly, I will give you the
courage even to laugh about it; and if even though you walk on fiery coals, the
torment shall nevertheless not be so severe and the devil shall nevertheless
not be so bad, and you will rather feel that you are walking on roses.6
I will give you the heart to laugh even though Turk, pope, emperor, and
everybody else be filled with horrible wrath and rage. Only come to me; and if
you are facing oppression, death, or torture, because the pope, the Turk, and
emperor are attacking you, do not be afraid; it will not be heavy for you, but
light and easy to bear, for I give you the Spirit, so that the burden, which
for the world would be unbearable, becomes for you a light burden. For when you
suffer for my sake, it is my yoke and my burden, which I lay upon you in grace,
that you may know that this your suffering is well pleasing to God and to me
and that I myself am helping you to carry it and giving you power and strength
to do so.”
Let misfortune, sin, death, and whatever the devil and the
world loads upon you assail and assault you, if only you remain confident and
undismayed, waiting upon the Lord in faith, you have already won, you have
already escaped death and far surpassed the devil and the world.
Lo, this means that the wise of this world are rejected,
that we may learn not to think ourselves wise and to put away from our eyes all
great personages, indeed, to shut our eyes altogether, and cling only to
Christ’s Word and come to him, as he so lovingly invites us to do, and say: “Thou
alone art my beloved Lord and Master, I am thy disciple.”
This and much more might be said concerning this Gospel, but
I am too weak and we shall let it go at that.[1]
2 Luther may have had in mind Aristotle’s reference to epistÄ“mÄ“ and doxa in Nichomachean Ethics,
VI, 10; cf. WA 51, Nachträge
und Berichtigungen.
4 I.e., the papal decretals, part of the Corpus
Iuris Canonici.
5 St. Agnes who died ca. 304 is commemorated in
the Roman church on January 21 and 28.
6 The allusion is to St. Vincentius, early Christian
martyr who was laid on fiery coals, etc.
Martin: Pelikan, Jaroslav Jan (Hrsg.) ; Oswald, Hilton C. (Hrsg.) ; Lehmann,
Helmut T. (Hrsg.): Luther's Works, Vol. 51 : Sermons I. Philadelphia :
Fortress Press, 1999, c1959 (Luther's Works 51), S. 51:383 (Edited 2017 by
Dennis Evans for use in his pulpit to celebrate the 500th
anniversary of the Reformation.)
Let misfortune, sin, death, and whatever the devil and the world loads upon you assail and assault you, if only you remain confident and undismayed, waiting upon the Lord in faith, you have already won, you have already escaped death and far surpassed the devil and the world.
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for this. I will write these words and keep them close.