Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Bible Study: 1 John, Chapter 3

The First Letter of John

Chapter 3

Read 3:1-10.

1. In verses 1-3, what does it mean for us to be “children of God”?

2. How does the concept of being children of God help us understand what John means by lawlessness?

3. In verse 5, what did Jesus come to do? And how did he accomplish this? What does this say about how he deals with the presence of sin in us?

4. Use what you learned in 1 John 1:8-9 to understand what John says about those who are born of God do not continue to sin.

5. How does 1 John 1:8-9 help us understand what it must be like to be “children of the devil”?

6. Consider the phrase: “Be what you are.” Apply it to this passage.

Read 3:11-24.

1. Why is it easy to be a murderer? Think of a couple of the countless ways one can carry out murder by John’s definition.

2. Why did Cain hate his brother? Have you ever known an example of that? What is the normal reason we think of for hating someone? What are Christians to do about the antagonism of the world toward us?

3. What inspires, motivates, and teaches a Christian how to love? How is this like or different from the standard models for love in this world?

4. What does verse 20 imply about God’s mercy?

5. Verse 23 tells us what gives us confidence before God. What is it?

6. Think of some alternate words for “believe.” What does 1 John 3:16 teach us about believing in Jesus Christ? How is this different from other ideas about “believing”?

7. How do John’s brand of believing and loving go together? What would one be like without the other?

8. What comes from this believing and loving (3:24)?

9. How, or by what means, do we experience God in us and ourselves in God?

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