Scripture readings: 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; Acts 11:19-30
There is a saying that goes, “Life is what happens to
you while you’re busy making other plans.” Another saying, like the first, goes,
“If you want to make God smile, then tell him your plans.”
Photos Taken Around Hooper and Benge, WA, May 2013 |
The strange thing about this story is that the author
is also one of the figures inside the story. He has come into his own story (which
is also our story) and He is the major player within this story. He came into
his own story and made friends with the other characters of the story
(including us). He made them (and us) capable of being partners with him. He
has told his plan to the other figures inside the story (like the disciples;
Peter, and James, and John; and like us).
It is important to keep the plan in mind while you
are reading the Book of Acts. Jesus, the real author behind the writer Luke,
summed up the plan in a meeting with his disciples. (We are meant to be
eavesdroppers inside this story, and to hear the plan for ourselves.) The plan
went like this: “You shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem ,
and in all Judea and Samaria ,
and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
Jesus meant that they (and we) were being ordered, by
his plan, to make disciples of everyone around the world; not just the Jews,
but all the nations, and all kinds and sorts and backgrounds of people.
(Matthew 28:19) Their mission and their lives (as well as ours) were to be
organized around this central plan.
The next surprise about the story is that the very
people who knew Jesus best, and were full of the Holy Spirit of God, didn’t
follow the plan. They didn’t follow the plan except by surprise, and by their
response to seeming chaos.
They dithered with the plan. They messed around as if
they didn’t know the plan.
They look like faithful witnesses. The shared Jesus
with others, and many others came to know the beauty and power of Jesus, and
the kingdom of Jesus , and the Spirit that Jesus sent
into their hearts. They shared Jesus with great courage in the face of
imprisonment, torture and death.
And yet they were not following the plan. They were
active, courageous, compassionate, spiritual, prayerful, and bold. They were
genuine and strong in their faith. And they were ditherers. They were the seriously
dithering friends of Jesus. As much as possible (at least at first) they stayed
as close to home as possible with people (as much as possible) very much like
They did wonderful things. They witnessed to Jesus
and they saw the work of Jesus and his Spirit being done all around them. But
they clearly didn’t know what they were doing. They were an organized chaos.
They had no plan of what to do next, and the results
were always a surprise. There were results, not because they followed the plan,
but because the Lord of the plan (and the Spirit of the planner) followed his
disciples around, and pushed them all over the place, and even went ahead of
them. The Lord of the plan (and the Spirit of the planner) got things done
through the disciples, and for them, in spite of their dithering.
The disciples took the good news of Jesus to the half-breed,
traitor Samaritans because the persecution led by Saul drove them there. The
Lord told Peter to go not very far to the home of the Roman centurion Cornelius
to share Jesus with that Roman family and their friends. (Acts 10) The Holy
Spirit told Philip to go not very far to share Jesus with a high ranking member
of the Ethiopian government. (Acts 8:26-39)
Then more of the people who had been driven off by
Saul finally got to the great Roman-Syrian city of Antioch . When they got there they did
something that none of the disciples seemed to have thought of doing. They
shared Jesus with the pagans, with the non-Jewish people of that city. They
built a great Christian community among them. It’s important to notice that
Luke tells us that, “The Lord’s hand was with them.”
It’s important to remember that persecution and not
intentional organization made this happen. Those disciples who went to Antioch were where they
were because their original intentions were upset and they were running for
their lives. They had not been thinking about any plan. They were winging it.
They were doing the best that they could in a world
that was ready, at any moment, to turn against them. They found themselves
sharing good news that had almost gotten them killed.
In some way it didn’t make sense. They had been
defeated and driven from their homes, and so (naturally) they were in the very
place where the Lord wanted them to be. They didn’t really know where to go
next, and so (logically) they were the ones who were sent to show the way.
This is a part of what Jesus started. It is an
organized chaos. In the Biblical model of things, the conditions under which we
will be called to serve and function will not always be the conditions we intend
or want. That does not mean we will not thrive, but it will be an odd kind of
The thriving of the Christians in Antioch is described this way: “The Lord’s
hand was with them.”
Here is one example of thriving that Paul gives us in
his second letter to the church in Corinth :
“We want you to know about the grace that God has given the Macedonian
churches. Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme
poverty welled up in rich generosity; for I testify that they gave as much as
they were able, and even beyond their ability.” (2 Corinthians 8:1-3) In Paul’s
description of things, we can see that, “The Lord’s hand was with them.”
In the midst of severe trial (which probably means
persecution) and in the midst of extreme poverty (probably due to the same
persecution and because a large percentage of the early Christians were poor,
or even slaves) the Christians in Macedonia were still givers by
nature. Paul says this, “They pleaded with us for the privilege of sharing”. (2
Corinthians 8:4) They surely believed that, “the Lord’s hand was with them.”
This teaches us a lesson about what it means to be
full of the Holy Spirit of God. The fullness of the Spirit is not a kind of
inspirational experience. It isn’t something that happens to you and makes you
sit back and say, “Wow, I am Spirit filled.”
The fullness of the Holy Spirit is a kind of
equipment. It is an ability that is actually a gift.
It is the gift of the working of God in your life for
the purpose of making you a partner with the working of God in the lives of
others. When Luke tells you, in Acts, that someone was full of the Spirit, or
filled with the Spirit, he always tells you the results of it. He tells you the
outcome of that fullness. He tells you what the presence of the Holy Spirit
made possible.
The fullness of the Spirit, the goodness, the faith,
the gladness, and the encouragement of Barnabas are all part of the same thing.
These are all part of the fullness of the Holy Spirit in Barnabas.
Some people, claiming to be full of the Spirit, could
have gone up to Antioch
and only seen disciples gone amuck. They could have seen the disciples who went
to Antioch
crossing a forbidden line, and leading people astray by giving them a false
It was hard for the original members of the Jewish
Christians to stop thinking that Jesus was a Jewish Messiah and not a Messiah
for everyone. They kept thinking that anyone outside of the family of Israel had to
come inside the family and inside the Jewish law in order to receive the Jewish
Messiah. They may have been full of the Holy Spirit themselves, but they were
not allowing themselves to see what the Holy Spirit was doing, and what the
Spirit wanted.
In this way, they were not full at all. It was only a
claim that they made based on their experience and not based on their
partnership in what the Spirit was doing. In the eyes of those who only claimed
to be full of the Spirit, these Gentiles could not, under these circumstances,
be genuine Christians.
Someone who only claimed to be full of the Spirit
would have looked and seen chaos. Barnabas looked and saw an organized chaos.
It existed where it shouldn’t. Out of what seemed to be chaos, the Holy Spirit
worked out the plan.
It started (seemingly) without any forethought or
plan. But it was planned by the Lord of the plan and worked out by the
organizing power of his Spirit.
The disciples in Jerusalem
had not sent missionaries to Antioch .
The missionaries drifted there because Saul’s old hatred and persecution had
driven them there. But the grace of God had been hidden in that old, long-gone
hatred of Saul.
In his old days, Saul had seemed to create chaos.
Saul had blasted their easy times to pieces. And the organization of the Holy
Spirit reassembled the pieces into a new and surprising shape. It all turned
out to be the plan of Jesus; as they knew it should have been all along.
We look at ourselves, and we look at the state of the
church in the world around us, and we may not see the presence and the
opportunity of the grace of God. We may not see the Lord’s hand with us.
Goodness, the fullness of the Spirit, and faith:
these, will enable us to see what we are to do. These will show us where we are
to pitch in, and lend a hand, and work in partnership with the Holy Spirit.
They showed Barnabas how to adapt to a complete
surprise. They opened up to him a whole new concept and model for doing things,
and for being Christians, and for being the church.
There is really no way to prepare for this. Organized
chaos seems to be the way the Holy Spirit drives the people of Jesus outside of
themselves and into a new life.
This is founded on Jesus. He was the Messiah who took
his people completely by surprise; so much so that they killed him.
Without knowing what they were doing they made him a
sacrifice for their sins and for the sin of the world. Jesus offered up
himself, under the evil and the sin that the world had laid upon him, and he died
for it and he rose from the dead to defeat it. This too was a surprise.
Jesus, and what he did, threatened the organized
structure (the organized ideas) that his people had built to cope with the
world as it was. Jesus was a dangerous chaos to them, and they hated this about
Paul said, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ; that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you
through his poverty might become rich.” (2 Corinthians 8:9) Jesus had become
poor in his life and on the cross in order to give them the riches of his life
in them. They also needed to become poor in order to truly live.
They needed to die to themselves. They needed to be
with Jesus on the cross, so that they could rise to a new life with a new order
and with the riches of the life of Jesus and the Spirit within them.
This is the heart of the plan. This is the new
organization of God that overthrows the order that we would choose for
ourselves, if we were in charge.
hello pastor dennis,
ReplyDeletethank you for a great and inspirational sermon!
...we may succeed, but will always fall short of what God has planned for us.
wishing you a wonderful day!
p.s. i'm sorry for only just now commenting.
...organized chaos
ReplyDeletehow brilliant!