Scripture readings: John 16:12-16;
Acts 2:1-20
Three-year-old Kamryn, the granddaughter of David and
Karen, was riding in the back seat of their car and, as David was putting the
car in gear, Kamryn yelled, “Turn on the wheels! Let’s get going!”
Photos: Washtucna Community Church And a Drive East Through the Palouse Region |
These are good words for the time of Pentecost, for
two reasons. For one thing, Pentecost is what we might call, the birthday of
the church. Pentecost is when God said “Let’s get going!” Everything got going
because the Holy Spirit empowered the church to be what Jesus had called it to
And, then, “Turn on the wheels! Let’s get going!” fits
Pentecost because they are words of the heart, or the words of a child, to whom
the world is new. Pentecost is like the birthday of a new world coming into
being before our eyes.
This new world is only new to us because we have been
newly born into the timeless and ancient world called the Kingdom of God .
This kingdom rules through the new creation of human hearts through the work of
the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit fills our hearts with wonder when we
open our hearts to its work. We can look at the miracle of Pentecost as it took
place so long ago, and gain a basic understanding of what the Spirit wants to
do in each of us and in all of us.
The one thing you need to know about the wind and
fire is that everyone who belongs to Jesus has fellowship with God in all his
glory. Belonging to Jesus and fellowship with God and being filled with the
Holy Sprit are all a part of the same thing.
The wind and the fire are the presence of the glory
of God. When we are the people of the Father ,
and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, that glory may be invisible and inaudible but
it is always there. In one way, the miracle of Pentecost is simply the
experience of what we have been given through Jesus.
We have been given wonders to live with every day. We
have been forgiven. We have been recreated in the image of Christ by the grace
of God and by faith. We have been made into a new kind of person that hasn’t
been seen since the creation of the human race. As hard as this is to see we
have been made into people who are fit for paradise.
Paul writes about this reality that we cannot see, or
hear, or feel. Paul writes this, in his letter to the Ephesians: “And God has
raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly places in
Christ Jesus.” (Ephesians 2:6)
In the miracle of Pentecost we see that we live in
two worlds at the same time. We live in heaven and on earth at the same time.
And this should tell us that, heaven and earth are never far apart.
It is important to know that God plans to create a
new heaven and earth, and the heart of that plan is his coming to earth in
Jesus. Since God has come to earth in Jesus, and died for the sins of the
world, and risen from the dead to defeat the power of sin and evil and death in
this world. The kingdom and the rule of God, in Jesus, are at work in this
world even now.
This plan of God is carried into each person who
receives Jesus. Then Jesus sends us out to live for him in this world as his
witnesses. The miracle of Pentecost allowed his kingdom his live and work among
the people of his new creation. His kingdom works through us as he fills us
with his Holy Spirit.
If you look further than the miracle of the wind and
the fire of Pentecost you will find the miracle of the tongues or languages of
People from all over the known world had come to Jerusalem for the feast
of Pentecost. It was one of the celebrations of the exodus when God brought his
people out of slavery in Egypt .
It was also a harvest festival. Most of all, it was a good, safe, comfortable
time of year to travel, and people made the most of it. People of the Jewish
faith travelled to Jerusalem
for Pentecost in even greater crowds than for any other of the great feasts
simply because it was a good, safe, and comfortable time to travel.
What we see, in the miracle of Pentecost, is that
people of many different ethnic origins were out in the streets when the
disciples left the house speaking in many different languages. The disciples
had never learned to speak these languages. The power of the Holy Spirit gave
the disciples the supernatural ability to speak these languages. There is no further
mention in the Bible of these disciples ever communicating the good news of
Jesus in this way.
In some ways, this miracle was completely unnecessary,
and that’s what makes it so amazing. If the disciples had gone out into the
street filled with the Spirit and speaking only Greek, which they all spoke
anyway, pretty much all the ethnic groups on the street would understand them
perfectly well.
In those days, Greek was the common second language
of almost everyone between India
and the Atlantic Ocean . Greek was the English
of the ancient world. Those with the means to travel to Jerusalem would surely know Greek.
As important as the mind is, our minds have fortifications
built around them to protect us from what we don’t want to hear. Our hearts
have played a part in building those defenses.
In so many ways we all offer Jesus little more than a
blank wall to talk to, instead of letting him speak to our heart. If we imagine
the work of the Holy Spirit as the construction of a new creation; then the
fullness of the Spirit tears down the old and builds up the new. The Spirit has
to tear down those defenses.
The miracle of Pentecost was a supernatural power. It
enabled the disciples to be witnesses of Jesus by breaking through all the defenses
and speaking to the hearts of others. Some of those others listened and they heard
wonderful things. “We hear them declaring the wonders of God.”
Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would introduce us to
wonders. “I have much more to say to you, more than you can now bear….the
Spirit of truth….will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making
it known to you. All that belongs to the Father
is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it
known to you.” (John 16:12-15)
The Holy Spirit makes us know the wonders of God, not
only as a matter of our mind, but as a matter of our hearts. The Holy Spirit
smuggles the wonders of God past our defenses in order to bring those wonders
to our own hearts. Then we can share them as if we were children speaking to
other children. Then the Holy Spirit reaches out through to the hearts of
The wonders of God are the cross and the
resurrection. As the miracle of Pentecost went on, the people who listened were
“cut to the heart”. (Acts 2:37) God reached their hearts.
Even though they were not in Jerusalem when Jesus was crucified, the
people in the crowd of Pentecost were involved in it anyway (as we all are) because
they were sinners. They had the rebel nature planted in their hearts. They
would have done it if they had been there, just as we would have.
And the mercy and power of King Jesus was being
offered to them. Here were the wonders that cut them to the heart: wonders that
made them weep and want to change.
They felt joy and sorrow; sorrow and joy. And so they
wanted to know what to do. They were like the child yelling, “Turn on the
wheels! Let’s get going!”
The miracle of Pentecost was something Jesus had told
his friends to wait for and pray for. This way of life, in which we are given
the power to speak to the heart, is something for us to watch, and wait, and
pray for. Try as we might, we know we can’t do it on our own.
Someone you know needs someone who can speak to their
heart with the good news of Jesus, with the good news of mercy, with the good
news of a new way of life. God has a right time and place for that person’s
heart to hear the news they need most. The right time and the right place,
along with your waiting heart, may be the time and place of the fullness of the
Spirit for you and for them.
Being a witness for Jesus involves who you are and
what you do, just as much as what you say. Jesus said to his disciples, “By
this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
(John 13:35)
Remember that Jesus said this right after he had
washed his disciples’ feet. He said to do the same for others. In the call of
Jesus to be witnesses we are also called to be lovers, forgivers, and foot-washers.
The miracle of Pentecost gave the people of Jesus the
power to be and do whatever they needed to be and do to in order to give their
witness for Jesus. Jesus told them to wait, and waiting was to be a time for
hoping, and anticipating, and praying, and desiring. Why should God give us
something we don’t desire? We all need to spend such time with God.
For the fullness of the Spirit (the power to be and to
do what Jesus has made possible) the requirement is to approach it as a deeply
desired miracle. We approach it with longing and prayer.
Being “filled with the Holy Spirit” is much more than
a mere experience. Being filled with the Spirit is an empowerment for a purpose
that needs the partnership of the Spirit to keep us going.
The Holy Spirit helps us meet one of our greatest
needs: simply our need to think, and speak, and act like a lover of Jesus. The
disciples prayed for this filling of the Holy Spirit, time and again, because
being filled with the Sprit is not a status you can claim, or a promotion in
the Christian life. It is a constant need you can never outgrow.
There is a much stranger side to the miracle of
Pentecost. That is the fact that many of the people who were there did not see
If they were charitable skeptics they could have seen
it as grown people babbling like little children who have gone hyper. What we
hear them say is that they saw the miracle as grownups who were drunk. “They
have had too much wine.”
Peter replied, “These people are not drunk as you
suppose. It’s only nine in the morning!” (Acts 2:15) And so Peter started the first
Christian sermon with a joke.
The miracle of Pentecost did not make life any easier
for those disciples, because it left them ordinary, just as it does with us.
Anyone could dismiss them out of hand. Anyone could find reasons to ignore
their message and their lives. “Are not these men who are speaking Galileans?”
(Acts 2:7) Are these people not peasants?
Paul wrote what it felt like to know the wonders of
God’s love and his own unending ordinariness. “We have this treasure in jars of
clay to show that the all-surpassing power is from God and not from us.” (2
Corinthians 4:7) So all the drama of Pentecost left them looking ordinary, and
even feeling ordinary.
True miracles never say anything about us, or even
about our faith. True miracles always point to God, never to us. Ordinariness is
God’s protection against the danger of pride.
Jesus started it all. Jesus, in spite of the
wonderful things he said and did, always appeared entirely ordinary. This must
be at the very heart of the plan and the miracle Christ living in us. We might
wish that we were not ordinary anymore, but this is a gift and it is something
we very well equipped to give to God.
When I was about nineteen or twenty I tried to work
out how to follow Jesus’ call for me to be in the ministry. It was a calling
that first came to me when I was twelve. It was a calling I had not wanted, for
many good reasons. I knew that I was the most unlikely person in the world to
do what I am doing now. There was no way that I could make people believe that
I was called by God to be a minister or pastor.
I was not mistaken. It turned out to be a real
problem, over and over again. In fact it’s a problem that has never entirely
gone away.
Augustine the fifth century Roman Christian wrote, “O
Lord, grant what you command, and command what you will.” It appears that this
is the very thing he does command: for us to be ordinary, and yet filled with
We can be perfectly ordinary, obviously ordinary. And
we can pray for the power of the Holy Spirit to fill our ordinary lives when, and
where, and however he grants it. So, “Turn on the wheels! Let’s get going!”
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