Scripture readings: Genesis 12:1-13; Genesis
July Summer 2013: Church and Manse Gardens |
We are living characters in a living story about a living
God who created the world as a place to live with us. It could have been the
story of a happy adventure. It became a story gone wrong, almost as soon as we
came along.
We humans put the story wrong. God created the ideal
setting for human life, and gave us no reason to be moved by anything other than
love. It was a sin against love that made the story to go wrong and this sin
altered human nature, because we were made to love.
God showed us, from the very moment that we went
wrong, that he himself would come to set us right. God also allowed the human
story to continue, in order to demonstrate that we could not expect to save
The experiment of Cain and Abel, the children of Adam
and Eve, demonstrated that some future generation will not be able to change
the world. The experiment of righteous Noah and his family demonstrated that,
given a fresh start, the best and brightest people in the world will not be
able to change the world.
God, himself, would need to come into the world for
our story to be set right; but first he would create an environment for his
coming. God would create a family, a tribe, a people, a nation in which to make
his home and live.
God would use this special environment to discipline
the human race in the use of the proper tools for transforming human life.
These tools could only be used at their best when the building material for our
transformation was finally delivered.
There is a sense in which God became human, in Jesus,
so that God, himself, would be the new human material for a human story that
was set right.
The Bible word for the core center of human nature is
the word “heart”. In the Bible the heart is not just about human emotions and
feelings. The heart is about priorities, and choices, and the human will.
More than simply beating, our heart is what makes us
tick; and the wrong things make our heart tick. Every human being has a
We inherit our heart from Adam and Eve. They gave us
the motivations that make all humans tick. God became human in Jesus to make a
new human heart so that all humans could receive that heart; so that all human
hearts might tick with the love and the passions of God. This is what we were
created for.
Jesus met and exposed himself to the disease of our
sick hearts. He met and defeated our sin and death. So Jesus has a heart with
the perfect resistance (the perfect immune system) to sin and death. Having the
heart of the Son of God within us gives us eternal life.
The tools of God for transforming human life are like
surgical instruments that will make the transplant possible. God first
introduced those instruments to Adam and Eve, when they left the Garden of
Eden. Noah knew about these instruments as well. But God planned to create an
environment full of people who would be trained and disciplined to use these
instruments, and teach their use to others, when the time came for the new human
heart to arrive.
God’s surgical instruments of transformation are
grace and faith. The environment of people which God intended to create was the
family of Abraham. In our story, which is God’s story, God planned to transform
Abraham and Sarah into a family, and then into a nation.
Then (through the coming of God in Christ, through his
death for our sins on the cross, and through his resurrection to conquer death)
God would transform the nation of Abraham into a kingdom for all the nations.
It would be a kingdom that had the heart of Jesus at its center. Every man,
woman, and child of that kingdom would have the heart of Jesus beating within
them, and that kingdom would be called the Kingdom of God .
The two surgical instruments of God to transform
human life are grace and faith.
The Bible tells us about a seventy-five year old man
named Abram (though we usually call him Abraham) and his more-or-less
sixty-five year old wife Sarai (or Sarah). They were a couple who were settling
into a dignified and childless old age. They were city people and well-to-do.
The Lord came to Abraham and told him to go into the
desert to live, and become a nomad, and that he would lead Abraham to a land
that would become his family’s future home. (And, by the way, Abraham, you and
your wife are going to have a baby.) This calling was the gift of grace, and
this grace made the faith of Abraham possible.
Mark Twain told a story where a school boy was asked
by his teacher to define the word “faith”. The boy said it like this, “Faith is
believing what you know ain’t so.” In Lewis Carol’s “Through the Looking Glass”
(“Alice in Wonderland”) the White Queen says to Alice , “Why sometimes I’ve believed as many
as six impossible things before breakfast.”
It can look as if the Lord gave Abram any number of
impossible things to believe at the same time. Seeing it like this can give us
a serious misunderstanding of faith. It can make us think that faith is a
matter of thinking something, or holding a troubling thought in your head, and
telling yourself not to bother about it.
The truth is that we often find ourselves believing
impossible things. If those things are nothing more than our own ideas (or if
they are the ideas of just anyone) then that can get us into a lot of trouble.
But the call to go and live as a nomad, and the call
to go and be parents, and the call to go and live a blessed life (and to be a
blessing to others, and to the whole world, for all time to come) were not
Abram’s own ideas. They were God’s ideas.
And Abram didn’t merely hold them together in his
head as well as he could manage. Abram actually did those impossible things. He
didn’t live to see them all through to the end, but he started them, and the
generations to come also did their part in those things.
It was all to create an expanding environment of
faith: a culture and a way of life of faith. As a way of life, it wasn’t a way
of merely thinking. It was always a way of life. It was a way of living.
At the same time, Abraham, and those who followed
him, didn’t do a very good job of it. Whether we could have done it any better
than they did, we will never know, and that’s not even the point.
The surprising point is that they actually did it. They
didn’t do it in a very attractive way. They didn’t do it in a very likeable
But they did it. And they faltered. They hesitated.
They stumbled.
They sinned. Abraham lied about his wife being his
sister and not his wife, at all, so that the Egyptians would not kill him in
order to get her.
But here the instrument of faith still worked,
because the Lord didn’t want Abram in the land that Lot
would have chosen. Lot chose to live in the land
of Sodom and Gomorrah which, even in our ignorant times,
we sort of know must have been the wrong place to be.
What happened to Abraham is that he did live by
faith. When he gave his nephew Lot the first
choice of territory Abraham was living by faith.
Faith is not so much about thoughts and expectations,
although our thoughts and expectations can wreck our faith. Faith is not even
about our obedience, though faith requires our obedience in order to avoid
being make-believe and phony. God will not allow a make-believe faith that
avoids actually living itself out. As James says, “Faith without works is dead
(or useless).” (James 2:20)
Faith is a kind of surrender. Faith is like dying to
yourself because it is the only way of coming to the end of your self, and
coming into the resources of some one else. Faith is letting the water support
you when you swim. Faith is letting the surgeon do his work. Faith allows God
to make you a new creation on his own terms.
“The Story” of the Bible, as we are learning it, is
about God’s love for us, but that doesn’t make the story all about us. When you
meet someone who wants the story of their life to be about you, what better
time can you find to make your story about them? That, in part, is how faith works.
It is that kind of surrender.
Grace and faith cannot work separately. They are
tools that go together. The call of God to go and be a blessing was a gift. It
was grace.
The people whose lives most fill our hearts are the
people who have become a blessing to us. They are grace. The people who live
the most are not the daredevils and the wild ones. The people who live most are
not even the heroes who get all the attention of this world and who get
reported in the news, unless they are people of blessing.
The people who live most are the people of blessing.
For those people everything and everyone is grace. Those are the people who
teach us most about love.
God’s calling to Abraham and Sarah was pure and
undeserved grace. The grace of this calling had the power to unsettle an
absolutely settled old man and his old woman. Without the appearance of the
grace of God in his visit and calling to Abraham, Abraham and Sarah would never
have moved, and we would never have possessed their heritage of training in the
transforming purposes of faith and grace.
It was almost thirty years later when Abraham and
Sarah had their son. They lived the life of always hanging in the balance
between faith and impossibility for thirty years. And then it happened. Grace
and faith did their work.
The story of Sarah’s maid Hagar was a shortcut to the
promises of God. It went wrong and became the story of a surrogate mother who
got thrown out with her child in the middle of the desert. But grace came and
created faith.
Abram was almost the killer of his son, and Isaac was
almost killed by his own father. What a life! As horrific as this was; grace
came and even Isaac, for all he went through grew up to be a quiet man who had
the faith to pray to the God of his Father
Jacob ran away from home because he had cheated his
brother of his share of the inheritance and because his brother threatened to
kill him. After years of exile, the Lord commanded Jacob to go back to his
brother. Jacob had no idea, apart from his brother’s death threats, of what to
expect when he came home. But Esau was gracious to Jacob.
Jacob was so surprised that he told his brother “To
see your face is like seeing the face of God, now that you have received me
favorably.” (Genesis 33:10) Grace and faith go together.
If you want to know the God of The Story (the God who
made the world for you and you for the world; the God who came in Jesus to set
all things right), if you want to call yourself a person of faith, you have to
know God’s pattern. You have to know that God’s plan is to transform you by his
special surgical instruments of grace and faith, and that calls you to a life
of impossible possibilities.
If you have a fear of water, the God of grace and faith
may require you to be a deep sea diver. If you have a fear of gambling, the God
of grace and faith may require you to be a farmer.
So what are you afraid of? What barriers seem to make
it impossible to be what God calls you to be? Is it the barrier your age? Is it
the barrier of time? Is it the barrier of your upbringing, or your life history?
Is it the barrier of your talents, or your own pride and dignity, or something
There is no other God than the God of grace and
faith. There is no other reality, and so where else will you go?
The story of God building a nation upon the life of
Abraham is the story of a God who transforms lives using the tools of grace and
faith. These are the instruments of love, and God intends to use them to build
an new heaven and earth. Then the kingdom
of God , and his dwelling
place, will truly be with us. But, until that time comes, grace and faith are
the way that God has designed for us to live with him right now. The heart of
God’s grace and faith are in Jesus. Follow him.
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