Preached on Sunday, September 8, 2013
Scripture readings: Genesis
1:1-2:4a; Genesis 8:13-22
Summer Vacation, June 2013: Around the Home-Place |
In 1971, I graduated from what they used to call
“junior college”. For our graduation speaker we had John Madden, who was still
a fairly new head coach for the Oakland Raiders. I remember that he gave a
great speech but I don’t remember anything he said.
But it was fun. Coaches are fun to listen to because
they never forget to stay close to the basics. For instance John Madden is
famous for saying, “You can’t win a game if you don’t score any points.” John
Madden also said, “To get more yards it’s best to move the ball from the line
of scrimmage down the field.” Even I can understand that.
The Bible is a big book; a seemingly complicated
book; seemingly a whole library of all kinds of books: there’s history, law,
wisdom, poetry, predictions. But, in another way it is a very simple book.
Genesis is the beginning of a long story that shows
us who God is and who we are. It is a very personal story of love, and war, and
hopes, and disappointments, and conflict, and sacrifice. A story like this can
never be told by charts, and outlines, and manuals.
The Bible is not a textbook, but an object that you
pass back and forth between you and God. It is useless without contact and
intimacy. It is useless without questions, and listening.
The first chapter of Genesis is like the building of
a dream house from a plan that you yourself have made. The creation follows
God’s house-plan for a world that he would share with you. The plan, as we read
it in Genesis, is organized by rooms and what goes into them.
When I was eighteen my family built our long
cherished dream house. By calling it our dream house, I don’t mean that it was ever
a fancy house. We talked about it for years before it was built, and it was
intended to be a house not for just anybody, but for us. The house would be as
perfect for us as we could imagine, or afford to build.
I have told you that my dad had built a lot of
furniture. The rooms of this house were designed to hold that furniture and
make it look as if that furniture was made for that house, but the house was
built to fit that furniture.
My room had a huge set of bookshelves. My room was
designed for me.
The creation in Genesis tells us about the plan for
the house that God would build for us and share with us. The plan shows us the
house room by room. First it shows us the vast room of dark and light. Then it
moves us into the room of sky, and air, and water. Then it moves us to the room
where the water is cleared away to make a room of land. That is our room.
After showing us the rooms, the plan shows us how God
furnishes and fills the rooms.
The first room is filled with the sun, and the moon,
and the stars, and the planets. Even though there are some humans living up
there in the international space station, and though there are plans for more,
that big room is still not quite the place for us.
The second room is filled with birds and fish. Some
people sail, and water-ski, and fish, and fly, but that room is still not quite
the place for us.
Our room is filled with plants and animals. This is
the place for us. This is the place that fits us, and the place where we fit.
God is unimaginably amazing, but he is also amazingly
humble. So The Great Story is about God’s desire for us. Creation shows his
glory, but it also shows his love.
We know that the story quickly goes wrong, and that
the rest of the story is about God handling the wrong and making everything
right. In the Book of Revelation, when everything is back in place, when
everything is made right, we are told this: “Behold, the dwelling of God is
with men. He shall dwell with them and they shall be his people, and God
himself will be with them.” (Revelation 21:3)
The completion of the story brings us completely
around; back to the simple basics of Genesis. It is the story of God and us.
But to truly know God and to truly know ourselves we
have to see how the story has played out, and how it is still playing out. To truly
know ourselves is to know that we have gone wrong. To truly know God is to see
what he has done about us, and what he is doing still.
The Story of Jesus is the story of what God would do
if he came into our world as one of us, and what we would do if we met such a
God. The story tells us that we would misunderstand such a God and kill him.
It tells us that when God came the closest to us he took
care of those of us in need, and he went on to die the death that we dished out
to him. He took the worst we could do to him and he turned it to our salvation.
He turned our worst into to our transformation. But it takes a story to tell
God made us for love. God made us in his image and in
his likeness: a spitting image, a chip off the old block. God made us for a
common life in which he would fit us and we would fit him. In other words God
made us for love.
Ancient kings would have monuments built along the
borders of their kingdom with their image and name on them. These images served
to tell outsiders that these lands were ruled by a particular king.
We were created to be little monuments to God. We
were created as little signs that would tell anyone who looked our way that
this was a world created by a God of love. We were created to be the proof that
such a God exists. And that shows us how far we have fallen.
As the image of God, we were created to share in the
rule of God over his creation. We were not created to dominate the creation but
to be inspired by the house plan of God with a place for everything and
everyone, and everyone and everything in its place; everything functioning in
balance, as a picture of harmony and as an image of love.
Adam and Eve did much, much more than sin against a
command. They sinned against love. They chose suspicion and doubt over love.
When they sinned, they chose running from God over confessing to God. They
chose to make their own plans and to get their knowledge of good and evil on their
own terms.
Adam and Eve decided that the fruit was good, but
that the plan and the rule were bad. They decided that God who made the rule must
not truly love them, or else he would let have eat the fruit now. So they
gained a way of knowing good and evil that was false and bad.
This bad knowledge became part of our very nature,
our spiritual DNA. The children of Adam and Eve never ate the forbidden fruit,
but they inherited the bad seed of that fruit. It ran in their blood.
So when Cain and Abel grew up and made offerings to
God, Cain decided that God’s acceptance of his brother was bad. Cain decided to
rule over his brother (and to overrule God) by killing his brother. Cain killed
one fourth of the human race in a single day.
The fruit that went bad is still in our blood. We try
to reform and, when we do, we still find so many reasons to be ashamed. We
organize constitutions and governments to help us govern well, and human nature
manages to use our best plans in the worst ways; for selfishness, for greed,
for show, and for the lust for power.
After generations of patience, God concluded that
young human race was a failed experience that ought to come to an end. But God
paused, and God chose the best people in the world (Noah and his family) to be
the core of a new human race.
Even with the best possible people, it turned out to
be the same old human race. Noah became a wino, and his sons mocked their father.
The best of us carry the seed of the fruit that went bad in our blood.
God knew this would happen. God knew that he would
have to bear with us and let us build a world that would tell the truth about ourselves.
God would let that world go on, and on, and on as a gift of love that would
hold a mirror up to all our faces and show us that we have to turn our faces to
After Adam and Eve had realized what they had done to
themselves (and what it might mean to God’s plan) they were afraid to let God
see them. Instead of loving, and trusting, and going to God, to see what he
would do, they ran away, as if they could live as they were without God. That
is the part of the story we write for ourselves every day.
They tried to make a cover-up that didn’t cover up
anything. They tried to make clothing out of fig leaves. And when their
individual cover-ups failed they tried to escape by blaming others.
God’s reaction to this was faithfulness and grace. He
made clothing to cover their feeling of nakedness and shame. He made this
clothing from the skins of animals, which brought a new thread into the story.
It gave them, and us, the message that we cannot cover ourselves. Something or
someone else must pay the price for our sin and for our re-creation.
This promise came true in the story of Jesus. The
serpent’s forces crucified Jesus who was both the Son of God and the Son of
Adam and Eve. Jesus was wounded in his hands and feet, just as if the serpent
had bitten his heel.
Jesus crushed the serpent’s head; the power of the
devil (the power of sin and death). He crushed them by meeting our sin and
death on the cross and defeating them by rising from the dead.
By doing this he is able to give us life. He is able
to restore his image in us and make his home with us again.
I often feel sorry for God; for all that he sees and
puts up with; and for having to work through us. But that is only part of the
great story.
The great story God wants us to know is the story in
which his patience, and his continued presence, and his constantly faithful
interference in our lives, and his sacrifice of himself to give us life,
becomes our life. The great story becomes the place where we live in peace with
God and with each other.
An excellently retelling of a great story's beginning! Well done, Cousin!
ReplyDeleteI am meant to be a monument to God. I need to work harder at it, much harder.