Preached on the Second Sunday in Advent, December 7, 2014
There was the law of God in the Old Testament. It was
for the purpose of guarding the holiness and righteousness of God’s people. The
Old Testament law was designed to protect the holiness of the human body, the
holiness of sex, the holiness of children, and the holiness of marriage and
family. The law was for more than teaching, it was for enforcement. It required
the holiness of every foundation of human life, and so sex outside of marriage
was punishable by public execution by stoning. (Deuteronomy 22:24ff)
The one thing that Joseph was not allowed to do was
to marry Mary, unless he was the true guilty party. Then Joseph would have
dishonored both families, and Mary, and himself.
There were people who wouldn’t do business with him.
A good carpenter would make a good living. Although Joseph was surely a good
carpenter, he chose to be poor. At the very least, Joseph chose to be a
laughing stock.
Joseph had a heart after God’s own heart, and after
Jesus’ own heart. He chose to be with Mary always. Holding Jesus, Joseph held
in his arms, and he held in his heart, “God with us”. Every day Joseph was a
living, breathing example to the growing Jesus, of what it means to be with
anyone in need.
The word righteous sounds strange and ugly to the
world because it sees an ugly righteousness in the people who claim to love
God. But Joseph was truly righteous with God’s righteousness, and no one gave
him any credit for it.
Scripture reading: Matthew
Joseph loved God and Mary enough to do the wrong
thing. This was what God wanted and what Mary needed. This is what true
righteousness does, and the Gospel of Matthew tells us that Joseph was
Pictures at Desert Aire, WA; November 2014 |
It can be hard to be righteous when you are young and
trying to figure out what it really means to be a man, or a woman, or (most of
all) a grownup. Joseph (counter to what the old carols say) would have been
young. If Joseph’s life followed the normal pattern, he would find a good girl
like Mary, and he had done that. Then he would negotiate and make arrangements
with her family to get betrothed or engaged to her, and he had done that. Then he
would work, and save, and plan, during the year that followed, in order to get
ready for their marriage and prepare for their future life together. Joseph was
on his way there.
Being normal meant that Joseph’s full plan would be
accomplished by the time he was about eighteen, or nineteen, or twenty. So
Joseph would be young.
Joseph had received a little bit of early education
in the synagogue school so that he could read the scriptures and do some
arithmetic. Then he had gone to work, maybe around the age of ten or so, to get
training and experience as a carpenter; maybe from his own father, or from an
uncle or cousin.
Joseph contributed to his family’s income and his
room and board. He took his training seriously. He worked hard and learned all
that he could, because he was probably a righteous boy and he wanted to be
respected. He wanted to be trusted with responsibility. Then people would want
him to work for them, and that felt good. The evidence of this would have
pleased the good parents of a good girl like Mary. It would have helped Joseph
cinch the deal.
Joseph saved up for the bride price that he would pay
for Mary. He saved what he could for his future business, and for the start of
what would be their home together.
Joseph was almost there. He was joyful at the thought
of Mary. He wasn’t allowed much contact with her, and they would never be
allowed to be alone together. That would have been completely wrong. But Joseph
would have seen her and watched her.
Mary, he could tell, cared about much that he cared
about. He could tell that she thought before she spoke and acted. Mary tried to
say and do the right thing, the decent thing, the honorable thing; the graceful
and the lovely thing. Yes, Mary was righteous too.
Then Mary left for a long visit to cousins in the
south. She was gone for months. When Mary returned, there was a slight swelling
of her belly. Could it be fat?
No, it was something else. It was something wrong. It
was not the right thing, the decent thing. It was not the honorable thing; the
graceful, lovely thing. It was the wrong thing.
How could Mary betray and shame him like that? How
could Mary betray and shame her family, and her self?
Now there was a right thing for Joseph to do; or a
menu of possible right things.
The rabbis worried that when people were truly intent
on being holy, they might become recklessly holy. They might break the law in
their effort to keep it. So they might make holiness unholy, and inhuman, and
ugly. So the rabbis created a comprehensive set of precautions and
preconditions around this sort of execution so as to make it difficult and
uncommon. But it could still happen. Someone was bound to bring it up.
Because of the rabbis’ complicated reasoning, there
was another private way of execution: a sort of black market form of execution.
At Joseph’s discretion he or a member of his family could quietly kill Mary for
the sake of their own injured honor. If Joseph dawdled, then Mary’s own family
might do the deed. These things happened and they still do happen in that part
of the world.
There was another way than death. At Joseph’s
discretion, there could be a public divorce, or a private divorce. In both
cases, there would be shame upon Mary and her family, and Mary would have to go
The newer translations often give Joseph’s preferred
option as divorce. The original Greek literally says (as the King James Version
says it) that he “was minded to put her away privily (or privately).” To put
someone away can mean any number of things, whether in ancient Greek or in
modern English. It could mean “kill” and there is nothing else, in the literal
words as they stand, to give us a final answer as to what Joseph was
considering as the right thing to do.
It was an issue as big as the village of Nazareth
and as big as both of their extended families; and family was almost
everything. Joseph was innocent so, if he cared about doing the right thing for
everyone involved, as he was required to do; if he was truly righteous in the
sense that he had been taught by everyone during all his young life; then he
must not marry Mary. No one would tell him anything different.
But God told Joseph something completely different.
We know so little about Joseph. We don’t know how
long Joseph lived after Jesus turned twelve. We don’t know whether Joseph lived
to understand his own relationship to the child who was swelling Mary’s belly,
except that he understood himself to be part of a deeply scandalous and
misunderstood miracle.
Let’s reflect on Joseph, and on the effect his choice
had upon the rest of his life. What was it that resulted from Joseph doing what
everyone else believed to be wrong? Joseph was called to follow Jesus, which
included taking up his own cross.
It was the cross of dishonor and shame. It was the
cross of misunderstanding. It was the cross of suffering out of love for the
weak and needy. It was the cross of suffering for the sins of others. It was
the cross of a love that committed itself to be present in a world of sin and
sinners. It was the cross that made Joseph, on a human level, a man who was
very much like the man this child Jesus would prove to be, when he grew up.
Joseph would prove to be, in his own way like Jesus, and so (in his own way)
Joseph was very much the father of Jesus who was born of the Virgin Mary.
Mary was as innocent as Joseph, but she would be
labeled as a sinner, as worse than most, because she was more caught than most.
There was, after all, that baby boy who was the evidence of her sin.
Innocent Joseph took Mary’s label on himself. He
identified with sinners and people judged him alongside Mary.
The people who thought of themselves as righteous
would call Mary and Joseph sinners. They would judge them. Joseph was righteous
but (even before he got fresh orders from God) he was inclined to be quiet
about others. The righteous tend to love teachable moments when they can speak
up and make a point. Joseph was righteous and he wasn’t going to say anything
at all. Joseph was righteous and stood up for the one who would be blamed.
Joseph stood up for her and he stood with her, and took the blame with her.
That is true righteousness.
Joseph was a secret hero. Mary was in danger. Joseph
came to her rescue. The word salvation means, at its heart, rescue from danger,
and harm, and crisis. Salvation from sin is the same thing. Joseph was a kind
of savior (and a kind savior, at that) for Mary.
It’s why he took her with him to Bethlehem . Joseph could have handled the
census business in Bethlehem
by himself. Men of the family were the official, legal agents for their
Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem to keep her safe from the dangers
of neighbors and cousins who resented her. There was no telling what form their
meanness would take without him beside her. Joseph was Mary’s hero and savior.
There’s a verse in Isaiah where God tells us
something about himself. God says, “There is no God apart from me, a righteous
God and a savior; there is none but me.” (Isaiah 45:21)
In Matthew, the angel told Joseph who this boy would
be. “You are to give him the name Jesus; because he will save his people from
their sins.” (Matthew 1:21) This boy, who grew up to die for our sins on the
cross, was truly what only God can be. This boy, this man Jesus, is what God
says that only he, himself, is: “a righteous God and a savior.”
Joseph had a heart after God’s own heart; a heart
after Jesus’ own heart. Joseph knew he was not God, but he did try to be a
savior, and that was essential to his righteousness.
Matthew tells us about another prophecy from Isaiah
about Mary and Jesus. ‘“The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a
son, and they will call him Immanuel” – which means, “God with us.” (Matthew
It is the nature of God, who loves us enough to
rescue us from danger, and harm, and crisis, and everything that threatens to
separate us from God and from each other – it is the nature of this God to be
“God with us”.
At the end of the Gospel of Matthew Jesus says that
this is his own nature. “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the
age.” (Matthew 28:20) Jesus is God with us.
Jesus knew that Joseph was the person chosen by God
to be with him always, for as long as he could. Jesus grew up every day in the
presence of an earthly father whose earthly heart was like his own heart, as he
was coming to know himself.
Joseph was just as human as we are. Before the angel
came, Matthew tells us that Joseph was “considering” what to do, but that word
for thinking is an emotional word. It speaks of the presence of anger in
Joseph’s heart. The letter of James says, “For the wrath of man worketh not the
righteousness of God.” (James 1:20 KJV) Or: “For man’s anger does not bring
about the righteous life that God desires.” (NIV)
Joseph was innocent, but this miraculous child also
brought Joseph the burden of bearing the brunt of a sinful world and carrying
that burden for those he loved. In order to join Mary and live with her,
sharing the dishonor and the hardships that would come from it, Joseph had to
change his anger into grace.
Personal anger makes our righteousness into
self-righteousness. When the reasons for our anger get personal we run afoul of
the old proverb that no one really understands. We talk about “hating sin but
loving the sinner”. But we don’t really do it. We make things hard for the
sinner just to make sure they appreciate our love. In Jesus we see that whatever
we may call the anger of God is revealed as grace, and as being with others,
and as standing by them.
This is what God did in Christ on the cross. The
language of about anger turned into wounds and blood. Anger became faithfulness
and grace, even to death. Jesus made excuses for those who crucified him and
mocked him. “Father , forgive them
for they do not know what they’re doing.” (Luke 23:34)
Imagine that. God makes excuses for you and me: not
to enable us but to make us know ourselves and know him better.
God and his Son have a different righteousness than
we do. Isaiah says this about the savior who was coming to Mary and Joseph. “He
will not shout or cry out, or raise his voice in the streets. A bruise reed he
will not break and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he
will bring forth justice….” (Isaiah 42:2-3)
Joseph was a quiet, angry young man, who became
quieter, and turned his anger into costly grace. It was costly to him but so
needed by Mary, and by the whole world, and by us.
It was a secret, a Christmas secret. It was the cross
he carried under his love for God, and for Mary, and for the child.
We can carry that cross in our own way; because Jesus
grew up to carry his cross for us. He came to “save his people from their
That’s us. It’s also the world. The God who is “God
with us” calls us to lovingly stand with the world he came to save in order to
prove just who God is: the God who we meet in Jesus.
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