Preached on the Third Sunday in Advent, December 14, 2014
Scripture reading: Luke
Two young brothers were known all over town for their
trouble making. The boys’ parents were at their wits’ end.
Four Pictures Taken at Desert Aire WA: November 2014 |
Then they heard that there was a new minister in town
and, since no one else had been able to make a difference in their sons, they
were so desperate that they were willing to try anything new. So they called
the new pastor and he said he would talk with the boys, one at a time, starting
with the youngest.
He came to their house, and sat in the living room,
and stared the youngest boy in the eyes for about five minutes. Then he asked,
“Where is God?” The boy stared back. The minister spoke, louder than before,
“Where Is God?”
The boy kept staring back, but he was a few shades
paler than he was before. Then the minister shouted, “Where Is God!”
The boy screamed, and he tore up the stairs, and he
ran to the room he shared with his brother. He grabbed his brother and yelled,
“We’re in big trouble!” His older brother said, “How come?” And the littler boy
said, “God is missing, and they think we did it!”
In the time leading up to the birth of Jesus, God’s
people may have been wondering where God was, or what God wanted them to do in order
for him to come in a way that they could see him. They believed, but they
didn’t see, and so they struggled to make the presence of God take shape in the
form they thought was promised to them.
They were looking for the kingdom and they thought it
should come with power to set them free. God’s power was there but they didn’t
see it or understand how that power works.
Quirinius was a man who served the power that he
knew. Without realizing it, by putting the emperor’s decree into effect for his
province, Quirinius was serving an alien power that he did not know. Quirinius,
the imperial Governor of Syria, signed a paper that made Joseph take Mary from
their home in Nazareth of Galilee on a long ninety mile walk to Bethlehem of
The world power that was Rome was a complete system that stood between
God’s people and their longing for a life in which they would not need to ask,
“Where is God?” Rome
took God’s people into an alien world ruled by a vast conspiracy of power, and
wealth, and force that blocked them at every turn. Their world was ruled by a
power and a system that was not their friend. Their world seemed designed to
hold them down, hold them back, and suck them dry.
They wanted to be free. They wanted to prosper. They
wanted to be fulfilled. They wanted to prove themselves and their cause. They
wanted to be winners. We would all like to achieve this. We would all to be a
success, to be winners.
Without this, we don’t feel free. Instead, we find
reasons for not being able to do what we want. We feel poor as if we had a Rome of our own sucking
our life and our energy and our resources. We feel robbed of being what will
make us happy. If we can’t prove ourselves the way we want, we feel like
losers. We look at ourselves and at our situation and we don’t see where God
If we could go back to the world of Rome and the Emperor Augustus and the
Governor Quirinius, we might actually see God in a lot of places. We might see
God in all the roads and ships the Romans were building so that the disciples
of Jesus would be able to carry the message of Jesus all over the place. We
might see God in the Roman peace that eliminated the old borders and frontiers
that might have stopped the news of Jesus from being carried so far, fast
around the ancient world. We might see God in the synagogues of the Roman
occupied Holy Land and the Temple in Jerusalem where so many people were praying for the savior
and the kingdom
of God to come. And it
would all be true. But I don’t know if God’s people looked at these things and
saw enough to show them where God was.
If we could go back to that world, the place where we
would find God most was inside the body of a woman, the same kind of place
where all babies come from: where miracles come from. There was a woman named
Mary who was walking to Bethlehem ,
if her husband wasn’t able to acquire a donkey. God was inside Mary.
Perhaps she walked part of her journey on a Roman
road. It was certainly a road where Roman soldiers marched and Roman couriers
rode on the business of power. Mary’s husband, Joseph, walked beside her; or in
front of the donkey, holding the reins, like in the pictures and the songs.
It would have been treason to say that there was any
king but Caesar, but Caesar was only a servant (and an unwilling servant at
that) of the real king who was inside Mary’s womb. The Emperor Caesar made a
decree, but the real law was made long ago by the king who was now living
inside Mary.
There was the prophecy that the king of the kingdom of God
would come from Bethlehem .
“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah,
out of your will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins
are from of old, from ancient times.” (Micah 5:2)
It was an accusation made by the Greeks of the old
religion that the disciples were people who “turned the world upside down”.
(Acts 17:6) And they spoke the truth, because the disciples belonged to a king
who was born, and lived, and died to turn the world upside down. Our world, and
the powers that seem to control it, and that seem to control us; the world that
makes us say “what’s the use”; the world that makes us decide what’s possible
or not; needs to be turned upside down, and that turning upside down is God’s
specialty. It’s his gift to us. It is what we see, when we see God in Jesus.
God would be born in a manger and die on a cross.
That is upside down from our way of thinking. It is like having a treasure map
and missing a clue because the map has to be held upside down so that we can
read it.
God’s heart, as we meet him, is Jesus. God’s heart is
manger shaped and cross shaped. God is in the gift of receiving but, first and
foremost, God is in the gift of giving.
When the world was pushing Mary and Joseph around and
keeping a pregnant mother from staying safe at home, God was there in the cross
of their journey. That road was one of many that would create the love that
would surround the growing boy named Jesus. The strongest love is not created
on the easy roads, but on the hard roads.
In a life of many hard roads, Joseph and Mary shared
such faith, and such love, and such poverty, and such joy for Jesus that it
made them one of the greatest success stories in history. That is how salvation
came into the world.
Coyote in Desert Aire WA: December 2014 |
At least we can say that winning is found in the
little things where many people miss it. When we die we will not regret that we
didn’t spend more time at work making money instead of spending time with our
family (if we have a family) or instead of spending time with the people who
are God’s gift to us.
It’s true that we grow in our love for others as we
watch them give themselves for us. It’s true that we grow in our love for
others as we receive gifts of love from them.
It’s also true that we grow in our love for others as
we let them watch our giving ourselves for them. We grow in our love for others
as we give to them.
Maybe not everyone finds this, but I have seen this
at work, not just in the people who serve in the helping and teaching
professions. I have seen love grow in the care-giving that happens in families.
A parent loves their child because they have nursed them, and wiped their
bottoms, and taught them, and spent sleepless nights over them. And the same
truth works out the other way around.
Giving is the real center of power and wealth; but
giving is not the center of force. None of the great forces of this world can
stop the power and the plan of God. None of the great forces of this world,
even at their most cruel and brutal, can keep the power of God from working.
We have family heritages and histories where great
forces like depressions, and world wars, and the vast slaughters of innocent
people were the places where God’s unseen power was still at work.
People found amazing ways to give, and to love, and
to be the hands and the feet and the voice of God made flesh. Both the people
who were swallowed up and lost in those forces and the people who survived them
achieved love, and courage, and devotion.
I sometimes wonder how the power of the world as it
is (the power that seems to move the world) is shaping the generations today.
The power that moves the world as it is can frighten those of us who have been
shaped by an older world. It can frighten us when we think of the future of
those who are younger than we are.
But the same hidden power that made life, and love,
and giving, and courage possible in the older worlds is still at work, under
the surface. There is a higher power than we can see when we ask, “Where is
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Riverside Community Church Desert Aire WA December 2014 |
A woman I used to visit in an assisted living home
would often tell me about what she described as “the secret working of good”.
We have a God who lived out this secret working as the baby in Mary, and in the
manger, and on the cross. The powers of this world cannot stop that greater
power that moves in the secret working of good.
The story about the Empire and the Holy Family simply
helps us to see where God is. We need to see this.
The Lord’s Supper serves in the same way. It shows us
where God is. It gives us the gospel. It gives us the message of Jesus.
The message is not only in powerful things like great
art and music and big buildings and great programs. These can be moving and
inspiring, but they don’t go to the heart of the truth.
The real power is found in little pieces of bread and
sips from a cup, because God (in Christ) is willing to give us himself here.
The power is found in the God who is found in Christ, who gives us himself to
us through each other.
It is all a mystery: the power of the cross beneath
the power of the world. Yes, it can be hard to see. But it’s one of the secrets
of Christmas.
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