Scripture readings: Psalm
22:1, 16-31; Matthew 21:1-17
One of the silvery haired couples who came to worship
every Sunday was famous for sitting together, holding hands in church. Another
church person came up to them and told the wife how wonderful it was that they
were still so much in love that they never let go of each other’s hand. The
wife answered: “Love has nothing to do with it. I hold Henry’s hand to keep him
from cracking his knuckles.”
Cherry Orchard, Desert Aire/Mattawa WA: March 2015 |
It looked like such a strong show of affection, that
day when the crowds welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem .
It’s hard to know what to think about it.
If we didn’t know what was going to happen next, we’d
probably think that this was the happiest and most exciting stage in Jesus’
ministry. Knowing the end of the story, we realize that the most joyful things
were yet to come, but also that the most horrible things were to come first.
We know that this is what is called “Palm Sunday” and
that by this Friday all the cheering and singing was going to change. “Blessed
is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!” was going to
change to, “Crucify him! Kill him! Die, Jesus, die!”
We can take the lesson of fickleness to heart. We are
more fickle than we know.
None of the people who welcomed Jesus with such joy
really knew what his coming to the city was about. They welcomed a prophet.
They welcomed a king who would through out the Romans.
They got something much more than they expected, and
also much different. Maybe some of them decided that they didn’t like it and
maybe they turned on Jesus.
Some of the people didn’t know who Jesus was at all.
They had to listen to the words of the songs. They had to question the people
around them. Who could tell how they would make up their minds?
Young Apple Orchard on Trellises, Desert Aire/Mattawa March 2015 |
The disciples themselves barely grasped who Jesus was
and what had come to do. But they would cheer whatever he did. And there were
crowds of disciples besides the famous twelve. There were surely thousands there
who loved Jesus and put their hopes on him.
There were also great crowds of people who thought
they knew who Jesus was and what he represented, and they feared and hated him
for it. We don’t see them much in the Palm Sunday crowd, except that we see them
in the Temple .
To them, Jesus was dangerous: dangerous to Israel ’s peace with the Romans, dangerous to
God’s law as defined by the rabbis, dangerous to the Temple-based economy of Jerusalem . They feared
Jesus because the taught the people about the duty to forgive, and to make
peace, and to love one’s enemy, and to consider the whole world your neighbor.
They hated Jesus because he claimed to have the authority over the Temple . They hated Jesus
because he claimed to have the authority to teach these things because he was
one with God.
When Jesus stood up for the children who sang his
praises; he quoted from a verse in Psalm Eight which says, “From the lips of
children and infants you have ordained praise.” This psalm is about little ones
praising God. In claiming the Psalm, Jesus claimed that this praise was for
Yes, Jesus was clearly dangerous. The ones who hated
and feared Jesus were the heart and core of the crowd that shouted “Crucify
Do you think it seems strange to say that Jesus must
have smiled during this parade? Of course he did stop to weep. The gospels tell
us that he did this once, not for himself but for the city that welcomed him.
You can find that in the Gospel of Luke. (Luke 19:41-44)
Surely the people in the parade sound happy. They
wouldn’t have sounded like that if Jesus had done much weeping. Children
wouldn’t have sung to Jesus if he was weeping, or angry.
The Bible never says that Jesus smiled, but he did
tell funny stories (like the one about the farmer who let weeds grow up in his
fields in order to protect the harvest, which you never do, if you know what
you’re doing), and so Jesus must have known how to smile. Children were not
afraid of him, and so he must have known how to smile.
Jesus knew about the cross and about his coming
death. He had tried to warn his friends but he found them too afraid to listen
to him. Jesus knew about the secret crowd that was frowning down on his parade
from their widows and doorways.
Jesus knew that the joy that surrounded him and the
fanfare that he was deliberately encouraging would provoke the angry crowd to
action. The happy crowd, without realizing it, were welcoming Jesus to his
It must have been hard for Jesus to avoid thinking
about this. But the only sign of distress on Jesus’ part was that sudden burst
of tears that Luke tells us about: tears for the people and not for himself.
When Jesus stood up for the children, he was
defending their capacity to enjoy, and celebrate, and praise. They were happy
and Jesus wanted to enjoy their happiness no matter what was going to happen
next. He didn’t want them to stop.
As his cross drew nearer, the natural human feelings
that Jesus came to earth to share with us show themselves. Anger and anguish
come out; but they don’t take him over. In the garden of Gethsemane
Jesus was so tormented that he sweated blood (Luke 22:44); but, when the troops
came to arrest him, he talked them into leaving his friends alone. (John 18:8)
Anger and anguish never took over Jesus.
I picture Jesus entering Jerusalem smiling and laughing and, when the
people blessed him, he blessed them right back.
The New Testament Letter to the Hebrews says a
mysterious thing about the joy of Jesus. In the twelfth chapter of Hebrews the
author described “looking to Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith who,
for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross, despising the shame.”
And the reason for this was so that we “will not grow weary or lose heart.”
(Hebrews 12:2-3)
Even the Twenty Second Psalm (that begins with the
words that predict the agony and the torment of the cross) turns into joy. “I
will declare your name to my brothers; in the congregation I will praise you.”
(Psalm 22:22) The agony did not take over the joy.
Jesus, on the cross, shouldered our sins and the sins
of the world. Jesus absorbed into himself the experience of all human pain,
guilt, injustice, and despair. Yet, even there, he had some awareness of the
great peace and joy that lay just ahead of him. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus
said this to the man on the cross beside him, “I tell you the truth, today you
will be with me in paradise.” (Luke 23:43)
Knowing this is good for us. When I was a teenager, I
seemed to be, more and more, on my way to being a misfit and an outcast. I
would pray about this in the dark after I went to bed, and pour my heart out to
God. In the end I would run out of words and be completely exhausted. And Jesus
was there.
In these experiences of mine, over and over again,
there was simply Jesus and silence. But (within the silence) there was this
steadiness of Jesus, and there was the presence of this joy of Jesus that
nothing fazed. Nothing could overcome it, and this joy didn’t need to use words
to tell me that I belonged to this joy. This joy was my friend, whether I felt
it or not.
The crowd didn’t know what was ahead of Jesus and
they didn’t understand him at all. But I think they understood this: his
terrific fearlessness and joy.
The people in the crowd knew that the Roman soldiers
posted at the gates and along the road were watching them. Guards sent from the
temple could be seen watching them. And surely they knew there were traitors
and spies watching them. It was at least mildly risky for the people in the crowd
to be there. But the fearlessness and joy of Jesus rubbed off on them. They
made the most of their celebrating.
Jesus does this. Jesus makes this possible. The world
is dangerous and uncertain. We have got responsibilities and worries to deal
with. We have got our own crosses to bear, and we know that some crosses kill
in the end.
Road Going Down to Desert Aire: March 2015 |
But we can welcome Jesus in; who is the king of
courage and joy. He can inspire us to live unconquered lives where we can still
smile and laugh and praise because he is part of us. I have seen this happen
many times.
When we turn to Jesus and let him get through to us,
he will enable us to do more than merely exist. He will also enable us to help
those around us to live with more peace and confidence, because of our king who
faced the cross bravely for us and rules above it all in heaven in joy.
But, even though he seems above it all, he really
isn’t, when it comes to us, his children. His cross is not only grace, and
mercy, and forgiveness. His cross is also courage, strength, and happiness. His
cross is joy.
This is where our salvation comes from. This is just
a small part of the new life that Jesus, and his cross, and his resurrection
make possible.
Jesus, King of Courage and Joy.
ReplyDeleteI remember reading somewhere that Christians should be known not for their great knowledge of the Bible, but for their JOY!