Scripture readings: Psalm
47:1-9; Matthew 28:16-20
If you were in charge of everything, everywhere, and
had the power to do whatever you like with it, what would you do?
Saddle Mountains, Hanford Reach: February 2015 |
Jesus said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me, go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” (Matthew
28:18-19) This means that Jesus is in charge of everything, everywhere, and
that he has the power to do whatever he likes with it: and what he likes is
sending you and me into his world.
This didn’t make any more sense two thousand years
ago than it does now. There was too much wrong with the world. It needed
setting right. What needed setting right was that, as it stood, might made
right. There was no justice for the weak. The world placed no value on
humility, or kindness, or gentleness. There was no compassion for those in
need. The Romans ruled their world and laughed at the God of Abraham, Isaac,
and Jacob, and Jesus.
The world was full of conquered peoples and Roman
crosses. The disciples were hated and threatened by the rulers of their own
people. They were completely outnumbered, and they had no refuge and no allies.
The world was against them and the world was too big
for them. Naturally, since all power in heaven and earth was in his hands,
Jesus decided to overcome this world by sending his outnumbered and overwhelmed
people (including us) into it, and spreading us through it. In the world
according to Jesus, that was the change the world needed.
In the Gospel of John Jesus said, “In this world you
will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) It
was true the moment he said it. Jesus overcame the world by dying on the cross
for the sins of the world, and by rising from the dead. Jesus overcame the
world by defeating the power of sin and death. Jesus has not finished
overcoming the world, but that was the beginning of it.
It is by going into the world that we show how Jesus
has overcome it, and that he has all power in heaven and on earth to do what he
Jesus was being very clear about this. He can’t mean
anything else. Think about this and it will also become clear how the disciples
thought about it. It will become clear why, when they saw Jesus in Galilee , some of them worshiped him and others doubted
Jesus said, “Make disciples of all nations.” In our
own small way, we are focused on all nations. In our own small way we help
support a mission to one of the most dangerous parts of the world for
Christians and for sharing the gospel. We support missionaries who serve in Lebanon , Syria ,
and Iraq .
Long ago I felt that God was calling me to be a
missionary as well as a pastor. I thought about going to Thailand or to Latin
America . I never made it. I had a rocky enough road merely to be
ordained to the ministry, and none of my early inquiries into the mission field
panned out.
When I was ordained it was when I felt called by God
to a small town on the south coast of Oregon .
It was lumber town, a rough town, truly a lawless town. All the people in our
congregation knew this. It was unlike any place I had ever lived.
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.” I
could have made disciples of all nations by simply staying in my home town and
taking it seriously. My home town had Hispanics, Portuguese, Filipinos,
Japanese, and East Indians (including plenty of Hindus and Sikhs, and one or
two Muslim families). My home town had Okies and Arkies too, and I used to be
able to speak their language.
The disciples were born and raised in the land called
“Galilee of the Gentiles”. “of the Gentiles”
means “of the nations”. That means that Galilee
was like my home town. In the case of Galilee ,
it was “of the nations” because it was full of Jews, and Syrians, and Greeks,
and Romans, and many other groups.
We know that we live Grant County
of the Nations. There are many nations around us here. And so we find we live
in a place that fits exactly with what Jesus had in mind. How could any
disciple possibly complain about this?
There are other kinds of nations as well. There are
people who work for the government and there are people who pay taxes to pay
the salaries of those who work for the government (of course the people who
work for the government pay the same taxes). There are farmers, and engineers,
and teachers, and school staff. There are golfers, and fishers, and boaters,
and swimmers. There are the retired people, and the not retired, and the
half-tired people. There are the well-to-do and the not-so-to-do. There are
young and old. We can make disciples of all nations because the nations have
come to us.
Think about the opportunities. Think about how much
you have in common with the first disciples: that small group that looked at a
world full of people who seemed so unapproachable and so different from them.
Like them, you have the chance to become something new that you have never been
before: something that Jesus wants you to be.
The disciples thought of themselves as being
disciples. But they also had a heritage in the form of an identity. They
represented an ancient cause and an exceptional nation. They were very proud of
who they were and what they stood for.
Jesus was calling them to cross over the line of
their own identity because there was no other way to help other people cross
over the line of their own identities. To belong to Jesus calls us to belong to
a whole new world, and to a whole new purpose and way of life.
This did not come easily. Jesus called them (and he
calls us) to be thankful people, and that means valuing what he has given us
and what he has made us to be in the past. But Jesus also called them (just as
he also calls us) to be willing to become something completely unfamiliar.
We are called to become something that we have never
been before. You know that life itself requires this of us. Sometimes becoming
what you have never been before has been wonderful.
Other times life may seem to call us to become
something less than what we were before. That scares us.
Jesus always calls us to be something different in
the sense of becoming something more than what we were before. This also scares
us. This is part of following Jesus. It has always been this way.
Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all nations.”
This is a traditional English pattern for translating this verse, but that
means that the English language has changed somehow. It would be better, in
modern English speaking and thinking, to say, “Go and disciple all nations.”
A pastor told a story about a member of his
congregation who always tried to have a constructive attitude toward what was
going on in his life. But he also wanted to be honest. When this member was
asked how he was doing, he wouldn’t say that he was doing fine, unless he was
really doing fine and felt good about it.
When things were difficult, this member learned to
answer like this. If you asked him, “How are you doing?” he would answer, “I’m
learning and growing.” I’m learning and growing.
This is the answer of any true disciple. We are
always learning and growing. To disciple other people means introducing them to
a life full of learning and growing. In particular it means learning and
growing to be like Jesus.
Jesus related to others by the thousands. He served
others by the thousands. He healed and fed others by the thousands. Jesus
discipled twelve men.
There were other disciples beside the twelve. Jesus
had friends. They were disciples as well, and they learned from him. He loved
them and they loved him back. But Jesus concentrated most of his time on the
How did Jesus disciple his twelve? He said, “Come
with me.” He fished with them. He ate with them. He boated with them. He walked
with them. He sat in their houses. He sat on hillsides with them. He grilled
meals with them on the beach. He talked about farming and gardening with them.
He talked with them about food, and wine, and birds, and flowers, and families,
and marriages. We can all do that.
Gerald Sittser writes, “Christians bartered in the
same markets, drew water from the same wells….The church thus attracted
outsiders through natural networks.” (In “Water from a Deep Well: Christian
Spirituality from Early Martyr to Modern Missionaries” Intervarsity Press, p.
57) Bob Moll writes, “The Christians’ message was received in these private
settings where people offered one-on-one friendship, care, and support.” (“What
Your Body Knows about God”; Intervarsity Press, p. 75)
Discipling is about learning. Matthew thought enough
about what Jesus said about “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded
you” to have put together whole chapters of the teachings of Jesus in his
gospel. There are five long collections of what Jesus taught that can be found
in the Gospel of Matthew. The Sermon on the Mount is one of these.
Being a disciple is about being a learner. It is also
related to the idea of discipline. There is the idea of practice and mastery of
what we learn. There is also the idea of a frame of mind and an inner life that
changes along with what you are learning.
In the discipline of geology you learn to look at the
countryside you drive through and you can often read the story of how that land
was formed. In the discipline of Jesus, you look at the world, and the people around
you, and you can often read the story of how Jesus loves them and the purpose
that Jesus may have for them.
The learning of a disciple and the changing life of a
disciple is not a matter of learning facts or being consumed by the facts.
Jesus said, “It is enough for the student to be like his teacher and the
servant like his master.” (Matthew 10:25) Being a disciple is not about
knowledge, it is about relationship. For the Christian, being a disciple means
being like Jesus, and it means looking for ways to make others into disciples
of Jesus.
When we disciple others, the aim is not to make them
like us. It is not about making them listen to the music we like, or using the
jargon we use, or enjoying going off on our favorite holy tangents. We better
not want other disciples to aim at being like us, because we should know that
we are not enough like Jesus yet.
Being a disciple means being like Jesus; not too much
like us. Being a disciple means being merciful and forgiving. It means being
brave, and thankful, and taking joy in what is worthy of joy. It means being
patient. It means putting others first. Being a disciple means not making life
to be all about a list of information and rules on a checklist, but about the
heart. Being a disciple is not about building walls but opening doors.
Jesus had shown authority before: the authority to
forgive sins, the authority to heal and to cast out devils, the authority to
teach the will of God in a new way. At the end of Matthew, something new had
happened in order for Jesus to say, “All authority in heaven and on earth has
been given to me.”
Dying to sin and rising from death are the form of
authority that he entrusts to us. We have our own crosses to carry. We have to
die to ourselves. We have to rise with Jesus above the deadly and destructive
things that come out in us. When we have a disciple-making relationship with
others, our authority is seen, at its best, when others can see the greatest
things of Jesus at work in us. Others have to see us die to ourselves and rise
above ourselves through the love, and the grace, and the power of Jesus.
Being a disciple is about relationships, and that is
why we cannot be disciples on our own. That is also why Jesus never called
people to follow him in solitary lives.
Being a disciple is about relationships and so there
is the discipline of fellowship. There is the discipline of commitment between
There is a holy discipline in the family, where you
are bound by holy promises and by relationships that cannot be taken lightly.
It’s like the discipline of parent and child. These relationships define who
you are, and you can never live as if they were not a part of you.
As Christians we can never live as if the brothers
and sisters we have in Christ are not a part of us. They are always part of us,
and we will be side by side with them in heaven. Such relationships are mostly
beyond the imagination and the motivation of this world.
The family and the church are fertile fields for
crosses and empty tombs. Holy relationships require lots of dying to ourselves
and rising from the dead. This is how we receive the authority to disciple
others. This is how we love Jesus, and his world, and the people around us.
This authority, when it is real, has no room for
pride, because it’s usually born from humiliation or desperation. It is also
born from a love that will not be stopped. This authority for making disciples
has its roots in the authority that Jesus won by his dying and rising.
It is part of the reason why we can trust the promise
of Jesus to be with us always. We can go and make disciples who are not like
us, but like Jesus, because we are people who are never alone. In all of the
dyings and risings of life, Jesus is God with us.
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