Preached on Mothers' Day, Sunday May 8, 2016 with Holy Communion
Scripture readings: Proverbs
31:10-31; John 19:25-27
A mother
and her young son walked into an ice cream parlor. The boys made his order,
then the clerk turned to the mother, “And you, ma’am, what would you like
today?” And she said, “Nothing today, thank you, I’m on a diet.”
The last
chapter of Proverbs asks the question, “A wife of noble character who can
find?” It goes on to describe a woman who can do the work of ten men, and who
makes her family rich, and gets her husband on the city council that met at the
city gate.
In our
translation she has what is called a noble character. The King James
translation says she has virtue, which means she has a powerful goodness. It
means courage.
This word
is a warrior word. The Lord used the word to describe Gideon, one of the judges
of Israel, when the Lord first gave Gideon his calling. “The Lord is with you,
you mighty man of valor.” (Judges 6:12) There the translation is “valor”. That’s
this wife and mother.
So here
is an example of an amazing woman. The most amazing thing about her is that no
one seems to be afraid of her, unless her husband was afraid to admit it.
The lines
here begin to describe a wife, but they end up describing a mother, and her
husband, and her children, and the whole atmosphere of their home. Proverbs is
about wisdom, and this is a home where wisdom lives.
in the home where wisdom lives will learn that when God’s love lives in a person’s
heart, that love is whole-hearted. That kind of love isn’t on duty sometimes,
and off duty other times. Verse twelve says this: “She brings him good, not
harm, all the days of her life.”
It tells
us that a wife, or a husband, should want to be helpful, and never hurtful.
This is important because, sometimes, we like to be a little bit hurtful. Maybe
we want to go beyond teasing to a lower level. A husband or wife might be good
in every way except that they reserve to themselves the right to an occasional
is a good example of this. Evans Family men are proud of their talent for
sarcasm, but my cousin Don, who is a better Christian that I am, has really
devoted himself to detoxifying himself of the Evans gift of sarcasm. He knows
it’s dangerous, and I am trying, with difficulty, to learn from his example.
learn about whole-hearted love from their parents, and how their parents relate
to others. If the children are to grow up to be wives and husbands who really
care about their spouses and their children, who are really capable of giving
whole-hearted respect to others, giving a love that is on duty all the time,
they need to see this in their mothers and fathers.
has a lot to say about the wisdom of loving work. That is; it is a wise thing
to learn to love work. Here is a woman who does that.

Once I
overheard one of his friends talking to Glen, asking him why his parents made
him do all those things. Glen was surprised, and he said, “I like doing those
things!” Glen had learned from his parents to love work. He had learned from
his parents’ example, and his parents were always there supporting him.
Maybe I
should add that I tried to make my youth group fun. We played together as well
and learned together. For Glen, a lot of his work was play for him.
I think
that the work I like best is the work I think is fun, and I can make some of my
work into play. I also have trouble playing unless I work hard at it.
great about the mother in Proverbs is not that she was always working. She
wasn’t always working, because she also had time to sit and think about the
future and laugh about it. (Proverbs 31:25) She had time to notice when other
people were hurting and when they were in need, and she took time to help them.
(Proverbs 31:20)
wasn’t always working because she had time to look around her and to see
opportunities. The children in her family would grow up learning to see what
they could do, instead of brooding over what they couldn’t do, and why they
couldn’t do it.
In her
care for others, remember how the saying goes. “She opens her arms to the poor
and she extends her hands to the needy.” (31:20)
There is
something physical about true caring. You can use your hand to put something in
another person’s hand. But this woman opened her arms. She probably held out
her hand to hold someone by the hand. You open your arms to make others
welcome, even embarrassingly welcome. Children learn to be comfortable making
other people welcome from their parents.
mother in Proverbs loved giving just as much as she loved working, and
building, or earning. She knew how to make giving into loving.
Scottish author, George MacDonald, wrote about his parents’ thriftiness, but he
was especially proud of the way his mother was just as concerned to teach her
children how to give and how to save. The children of the mother in Proverbs
would learn to love to give. They would love to bring others in, and make them
welcome. They would love to open their arms to others.
There was
a mother who gave her daughter two dollars on Sunday morning, one for the
offering, and the other for ice cream after church. While the girl was walking
to Sunday school, a big gust of wind caught hold of one of the dollars and blew
it away. She tried to chase it down, but she couldn’t catch it, and so she
shrugged her shoulders and said, “Well, there goes the church’s dollar.” She
wasn’t opening her arms.
Proverbs it says, “When it snows, she has no fear for her household; for all of
them are clothed in scarlet.” ( 31:21) None of the commentaries understand
this. At least they think that the Hebrew word “scarlet” is there because a
copyist misspelled a similar word that means “double”: that her family’s
clothes were double thickness in the winter.
children in the home of the Proverbs mother would grow up knowing the
importance of looking out for the well-being of others. In a loving home,
everyone cares about the safety and the whereabouts of each other. They grow up
knowing that they are their brother’s, and their sister’s, and their neighbor’s
Then it
says, “Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among
the elders of the land.” (31:23) There would be an open area inside the city
gates, sometimes with benches built into the walls, where the most respected
citizens acted as the town council and made plans for the community.
children would grow up in a home where they were taught to make others look
good. We read that the husband was extravagant in his praise of his wife, and
that was his loving way of making her look good, even to herself, if she ever
doubted it.
We see
that their children learned the lesson. They were praise givers too. “Her
children arise and call her blessed.” (31:28)
In verse
twenty-six we are told that “faithful instruction is on her tongue.” The King
James translation says, “in her tongue is the law of kindness.” Are our tongues
ruled by the law of kindness? Older teachers in the school notice a decline in
kindness among many young people. Kindness is learned at home. At the center of
every home, God wants someone there who can teach us to be kind and faithful.
Here was
a wife of noble character, a mother of courageous character: and what about the
father? Let’s have everyone be noble. Why should anyone be let off the hook?
Why should anyone miss out on the good stuff? Otherwise children will grow up
thinking that nobility is optional: that nobility is for some people, but not
for them.
God wants
us all to grow up to be noble: to be able to live with a courageous goodness;
to have integrity and goodness that don’t pop like a bubble when things get
hot; a goodness that is aggressive, that changes the world around us. This
nobility, which God wants us to have, is mostly learned in a family, but the
church is called to be God’s family, and so the church is a family where we
learn to be noble.
The truth
is that we learn this from Jesus who labored to do the impossible for us. Jesus
is our savior, but he is also our brother. In a sense Jesus is our mother too,
since his cross and his resurrection give birth to the new life that comes from
him. The pains of the cross were the pains of Jesus giving birth to us.
mother in the last chapter of Proverbs, who does the work of ten, is sort of an
impossible standard, but she also points us to a holy ambition, she is a mother
who makes us want to do noble things.
gives us a holy ambition to do noble things, like an older brother, or a loving
mother or father.
author David Hansen writes, “…the soul can be awakened and made stronger
through the miracle of love, and the spirit can be harnessed and disciplined
through the miracle of confrontation.”
Lord’s Supper is a meal in God’s family where we are confronted by the noble
love of God. The love and the discipline of the cross become real; something is
offered here to us to make us stronger. Here is something to make us noble:
more noble as parents, and more noble as children in the family of God, and in
the work of Jesus.
"A holy ambition to do noble things". I like that. If anyone everasks me if I have an ambition, I will tell them this. With God's help maybe it can be achieved!
ReplyDeleteVery good photos you have on this post, are they from your family?
Kay, the photos are of grandparents, parents, and us kids.
DeleteWell they are of family, except for two of them.