Scripture reading: Acts 2:1-13
The wind
was howling, the lightening flashed, and the thunder boomed like cannons. A
mother heard her little girl crying and calling for her. The mother put her
arms around her daughter and told her that she didn’t need to be afraid of the
storm because God was with her all the time. The little girl said, “I know that
mommy, but I want someone with me who has a face.”
May 2016 Photos: 2 Foot Tall Ant Hill at Desert Aire, WA |
We have a
God whom no one would ever have seen, except that he came down and made himself
a face for us, in Jesus. There is a comfort, a feeling of friendship, that
comes from knowing that Jesus, as God come down to us in flesh and blood, has a
face. He has been one of us, and still is one of us.
He comes
to us on his own terms, but he also come to us on our own level. He has a face.
We can
imagine quietly walking with Jesus among the brown hills and the waving grain
of Galilee. We can imagine coming across him while we’re fishing by the lake.
Even though, deep down, we realize that Jesus may not be so sweet and gentle as
some of the songs tell us, we know that the very word gospel means good news,
and that one of the Lord’s promises to us is the promise of peace John 14:27),
and that he will be with us always. (Matthew 28:20)
Jesus left this planet in order to be closer to us than ever in heaven, Jesus
promised to send his people the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is part of his
presence with us, and one of the names he gave to the Spirit was a gentle,
peaceful name. Jesus said, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another
“counselor” to be with you forever – the Spirit of truth.” (John 14:16-17)
We think
of counselors as quiet. They need to be quiet in order to listen to us and hear
our deepest feelings.
The older
translations translate this name for the Spirit as “Comforter”. That’s another
peaceful, gentle name. It also means “the friend who comes alongside.”
But when
the promised friend actually came to the people of Jesus, as they gathered, and
prayed, and worshipped in the upper room, we find that the Spirit acted exactly
like the storm that frightened the little girl.
It was
worse than that, because his appearance and his sound was more like a fire-storm.
The Holy Spirit is the Lord of the roaring wind and fire.
The Holy
Spirit is the secret, invisible working of the presence of God, but the Spirit
is also like glory, which is not so peaceful or gentle. Glory is more like
power and light: too much light. The Spirit glorifies the Father and the Son.
(John 16:14-15)
When the
Son is glorified the effect can be blinding. We can read about that in the
story of the transfiguration of Jesus. (Matthew 17:2)
Spirit is mysterious, and we don’t see his face. But, sometimes the Spirit has
given himself a face to help us understand its work.
Mark, and Luke tell us that the Spirit fluttered down on the baptism of Jesus. He
flew down with the face of a dove; or else those who saw him imagined that what
they saw reminded them of a dove.

Spirit working in us can make us humble, and quiet, and gentle. The Holy Spirit
can make us into a true offering of love, and sacrifice, and mercy. The Holy
Spirit can make what we offer to God enough, and more than enough; no matter
how unimportant and inadequate we feel. We, as humans, can receive from the
Holy Spirit what Jesus received when he became one of us.
On the
great Jewish feast of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit showed a different face so
that we, and all the people of Jesus, can see what kind of gifts he was giving
the church. In order to be the kind of Comforter we need most of all, the
Spirit was going to work on us like a Biblical fire-storm.
Wind and
fire, in the Old Testament, were signs of the presence of the awesome God. Wind
and fire were the way that God chose to show his power and energy.
When the
people of Israel escaped from slavery in Egypt, and were being led to the
Promised Land, the Lord guided them and showed them that he was with them by a
great column of cloud, like a giant whirlwind, that went with them everywhere.
It makes me think of a tornado, but it was a tornado of fire during the night.
Fire, and cloud, and storm came with the Lord to the top of Mount Sinai when
Moses climbed the mountain to receive the ten commandments from God.
Beetle on My Porch One Night |
In the
Hebrew of the Old Testament, the words for wind, and breath, and spirit are the
same word. The Greek of the New Testament also has only one word for wind, and
breath, and spirit.
In the
Old Testament, at the creation, the Spirit of God is described as hovering over
the unformed universe. It is as if the Spirit were a power like a great wind,
waiting for the word to come and send him pushing the creation into shape,
according to the will of God.
In the
New Testament, in the third chapter of the Gospel of John, Jesus described the
Spirit being like the power of the wind that works invisibly, and yet you can
hear it, and see what it does. “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear
its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it
is with everyone born of the Spirit.” (John 3:8)
When the
Spirit came in wind and fire, the disciples, who had often thought about the
stories of the Old Testament, thought about these things: creation; Exodus;
Moses and the prophets; the power and glory of God! The wind and fire of
Pentecost stand for supernatural power.
disciples had been ordered to stay put. They had been ordered not to try to
carry out the mission of Jesus until they knew this experience. Christians can’t
fully carry out their mission as Christians, and the Church can’t fully
function as the Church, unless we know that there is a supernatural power from
God that stands behind us and works through us.

When the
wind and fire hit them, the disciples knew that the Holy Spirit was making them
into the fellowship and the followers of Jesus in a way that they could never
be on their own. The same Spirit hovers over us; over us as a group, as a
family. The same Spirit hovers over you individually, as a follower of Jesus.
This is
the Spirit that first created the Church, and that hovered over the uncreated
universe. What kind of Christian is the Lord hovering over you to bring into
being? What kind of family and mission does the Spirit want to make of us
told his disciples to wait for the Spirit to empower them, but waiting, in the
Bible, requires a high level of concentration, and prayer, and attention.
Waiting means being eager and ready for anything. It’s like waiting to go
onstage and play your part in a theater where God is both the audience and the
Thistle on Trail at Desert Aire |
The wind
of the Spirit pushed and whipped the creation into shape. Is life pushing you and
whipping you into some shape? Do you think that this pushing and whipping comes
from the Holy Spirit?
Or maybe
the pushing and whipping are going the wrong way. Are you so busy being pushed
and whipped by your life that you aren’t ready for the different shape that the
Spirit wants to give you? Are you eager and ready to be made into something different?
We have
been praying for the Spirit to make us into something different here. We have
to offer ourselves to the power of the Spirit, and maybe we need to use quite a
bit of our own energy in the process.
Spirit brand of waiting can be hard work. The Lord will support us and work
through us and give us an inner confirmation that we have his help and his
there is the fire of Pentecost. Fire shows us what the Holy Spirit intends to
do with us.
My dad
loved guns. He loved hunting, and shooting, and he just loved guns. He never
put his reasons into words. I think he loved being part of what they were.
For the
sake of the Spirit of fire, it might be good to remember, here, that another
word for guns is “firearms”. One way my dad became part of what they were was
by making his own bullets and you need fire for that.
My dad
bought lead. We had thick sheets of lead in our garage and barn. My dad had a small
furnace to melt the lead. And he had molds to shape the melted lead into
different kinds of bullets.
Fire is
the power that changes things. It changes ore into metal, and it changes impure
metal into bright, new, useful metal. It works on old lead, by purifying it and
making it shine.
change is a process of separation. The Holy Spirit separates us from whatever
keeps us from being useful, or beautiful, and even the most useful object can
be beautiful if you appreciate it as you should.
The list
would be too long to tell, of all the behaviors, and habits, and attitudes that
work against our being what God has created us to be, and against our being
what God has saved us for, in Jesus. The fire of the Spirit aims at burning
away our fears, and prides, and stubbornness, and prejudices.
The first
Christians to receive the fire of the Spirit found themselves serving people
they would never have served, and going places they would never have gone, and
doing what they would never have done, and accepting what they would never have
accepted. They had to learn a completely different way to be God’s people than
they were prepared for. It wasn’t easy to live in the fire, and to have the
fire in you. Read the Book of Acts.
A Farmer's Playful Stunt, East of Mattawa WA |
what having the fire of the Holy Spirit will mean for us, if we are eager and
ready for absolutely anything. It shouldn’t have surprised the first disciples,
and it shouldn’t surprise us either. We ought to know that having a God who
became a baby might ask anything of us. We ought to know that having a God who
deals with a sinful world, and with our own sin, by dying on a cross; that such
a God might ask anything of us. We ought to know that having a God who dies in
order to create resurrection might ask us to die to ourselves, and to die to
everything we hold dear, in order for us to rise, with him, to a new life that
we could never have imagined.
You might
as well say that the Holy Spirit gives us fire simply because Jesus is a
consuming fire. We think that the Letter to the Hebrews, that says “our God is
a consuming fire” (Hebrews 12:29) refers to a warning for those who don’t
follow him. It’s actually written as a joyful promise to us.
consuming fire is a promise for those whom God prepares for his kingdom. The
fire is the beauty and faithfulness of God to see us through. It comes from
Jesus, the cross and the empty grave. The coming of the Holy Spirit in wind and
fire on the feast of Pentecost enabled Peter, and the other disciples, to make that
connection and to understand it. The Holy Spirit enables us to know the good
news of Jesus as a consuming and beautiful fire.
More than
three hundred years ago, there was a young mathematician, and scientist, and
inventor named Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) who met Jesus and became a Christian.
He wrote his experience on a piece of parchment that he had sewn into his coat
above his heart, as a reminder of what he found. Listen to his words.
found something wild in Jesus. There is something about Jesus, and the Spirit
he gives us, that is more like riding on the storm than standing on a rock. It’s
like riding a horse that breaks into a gallop against your will. The Spirit is
alive and has a mind of his own.
power, this wind and fire, is a person who loves you. He also loves us together
in this movement and mission called the church. This wind and fire wants to do
something through us that we can’t (and probably would never choose to) do on
our own. We aren’t brave enough for this. That doesn’t matter.
surprise is that this Spirit of wind and fire wants to blow us into a storm and
set us on fire; and we’ve been talking about him calmly for years. We have let
others teach us to call him gentle and sweet. Listen to the word of God. Let
God tell you what is waiting to happen to you. Be eager and ready for anything.
What a powerful sermon. I have listened to many sermons on Pentecost and this really has the power of the Holy Spirit behind it.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kay!
DeleteGreat sermon, Dennis. Thanks!