readings: Psalm 73:21-26; Philippians 1:19-30
“How many of you want
to go to heaven?”
An old-time preacher
asked the question, “How many of you want to go to heaven?” And everyone raised
their hands, except one child. The preacher asked the child, “What about you?
Don’t you want to go to heaven?” And the child said, “Yes I do; only I thought
you were trying to get together a load to go right now.”
The Heavens Desert Aire/Mattawa, WA March 2017 |
Paul wrote a strange,
radical thing to his friends in Philippi, in the north of Greece:
“For me, to live is
Christ, and to die is gain.” (1:21)
Paul was living the
life of a prisoner. He was chained up in a stinking, underground dungeon. The
remains of this dungeon can still be seen today. He was being held for trial
before the emperor’s court, in Rome. He was on trial for his life.
Being on trial for his
life was a very familiar experience for Paul, except for the part about the
emperor. That part was exciting. But Nero was the emperor now, and Nero had
started to persecute Christians as dangerous conspirators, the enemies of
humanity and enemies of the order of the empire.
There had been a great
fire in the city of Rome. Some citizens blamed Nero who had been making plans
to redevelop the city.
Nero needed someone
else to blame, so he blamed the Christians, and he had many of them tortured
and killed. And once he had painted them as the real enemy, if he didn’t want
to look dishonest, he had to keep it up.
Things did not look
good for Paul. It was a serious time to settle the mind, to keep focused on
what was truly important. But the question was: was it time for Paul pray for
inner peace and strength, or else should he prepare to let it all go, and focus
on heaven?
Or else, should Paul
pray for a dismissal, or an acquittal in court?
And should he pray
about his old missionary plans? Should his goal be traveling west to Spain; or
back east again to visit the churches he had started in Greece, and beyond?
What should he want?
Paul’s friends wanted him
to live. They wanted him around.
Paul tells us what he
believes, “For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.”
Now this is sort of
like saying, “To live is great, and to die is even greater.” If we found ourselves in Paul’s situation, it
would be understandable if we considered our life to be over and hopeless. But,
for Paul, sitting in the stink of one of Rome’s worst jails, waiting to have
his case heard by an emperor who was politically motivated to torture and kill him...
for Paul, in that time and place (even there) to live was Christ.
When he says that “to
die is gain” he doesn’t mean “There is nothing left for me here.” There is more
to it than meets the eye. Even here, in this prison, in the shadow of death, life
is Christ.
I once heard a
professional mountain climber being interviewed. This man was well on his way
to his goal of climbing the fourteen highest mountains on the earth, and doing
it without any bottled oxygen. We are talking about heights of twenty-eight
thousand feet, and more. Up there, the air is so thin that the muscles and the brain
begin to starve, for the lack of oxygen. The muscles are depleted. The brain
loses judgment, and a clear sense of time and direction. Up there, the
exhaustion and cold are torture.
Climbing each mountain
takes months of training, and preparation, and attack. By the time of his
interview, this climber had conquered nine of the fourteen mountains. He loved
doing this! For him to live was mountain-climbing.
Paul was a spiritual
mountain climber. And he was facing the tallest mountain of his life. And he
said, “For me, to live is Christ.”
Here is the Christian
life as a great thing. For a follower of Jesus, having sisters and brothers in
Christ is one of the things that make living great. There are people you belong
to, and they belong to you. But this sense of belonging doesn’t happen only
because you share a common cause, or because you’ve spent time together, or even
because they may be your very own flesh and blood. There is a sense of
belonging that can include all that, but it’s much more than that.
There’s a sense of
belonging that comes from knowing the fact that we don’t own each other. The
greatest sense of belonging comes from knowing that we are given to each other
by God. Actually, everyone we know, everyone we meet, is God’s gift.
The most normal thing
in the world, when you think of your brothers and sisters in Christ… the most
normal thing in the world is to give thanks. In every letter but one
(Galatians), Paul starts out by giving thanks for the people to whom he is
writing; even when they are driving him crazy with their backsliding, and their
immaturity, and their conflicts.
When Paul says that he
hopes to remain with them, and he says, “I know that I will remain, and I will
continue with all of you,” the word translated as continue is really a
side-by-side-continuing. “I will stay, and I will stay beside you, with all of
you.” This staying side-by-side with people who are given to you by God, and
made a part of you by God, is a part of following Jesus. It is something that
makes following Jesus a great thing.
Other things that make
following Jesus great are these: standing for the truth, being witnesses of
good news in a world that is crying out for good news. There is having a
God-given purpose in life. There is standing for compassion and mercy. There is
being prayed for by others, and praying for them. There is being a servant.
There is the help of the Holy Spirit, or the supply of the Spirit. This comes
when the Lord renews your strength, or gives you insight into life and shows
you the way. To live (following Jesus) is great.
Partly, this is a
matter of what is important to you. For instance, you might say: “Farming is my
life”, or “Education is my life”, “My work is my life”.
You might say: “Success
is my life.” You might say, “Survival is my life”. Or you might say: “My family
is my life”. Or you might say: “My happiness, my comfort, is my life”. These
are answers to the question: What is the most important thing for you? And then
you could say: “Christ is my life”. That brings us closer to what Paul is
Now what if you are
like me, and you have a lot of different things are important to you? What if
there was a conflict between your work and your family, and both were in
competition for the center of your life? What if your work was not good for
your family life; or your spouse and children hated the work you did? That
happens to people working in the ministry.
The Bible doesn’t
really say that one kind of work is more holy than another. It just says to
work, if you can, and to do honest work.
The Bible says to work
so that you can eat. It says to work so that you can have something to give.
Otherwise you’re free. You have lots of options; unless God gives you only one.
And then the Bible says
to be a good husband or wife. Be a good parent. Sons and daughters: be good to
your parents by obeying them. These are not options. Here we are not free.
Surely your family life is more important than the work you do. And if they are
more important than your work, then they will motivate how you relate to
whatever work you do; so you do the right work, in the right way.
If Christ is your life,
then the Lord will make your relationships with your family into ministries.
Your spouse, your parents, your children will all be holy ground for you. If
Christ is your life, then even your relationships with strangers will turn into
ministries. Christ will give you your priorities, and he will show you where to
sit tight, and when to hang loose.
But you can say “Christ
is my life” and still not understand what it means to say, “For me, to live is
Christ.” You can say “Christ is my life”
and be only a slave in the way you live for Christ. You can be a drudge for
To say, “For me, to
live is Christ” is more like being in love, which is wonderful, and scary, and
joyful, and challenging, and frustrating, and exciting, and confusing, and
fulfilling, all at the same time.
The word atonement, in
the Bible, which refers to something that brings people together with God, and
brings peace with God, means the action of making them “at one”. Atonement
means “at-one-ment”. There (in “at-one-ment”) to live is Christ.
It’s like marriage,
where two become as one. In love, there is passion and the desire to be together
all the time, and even if that seems to cool down, there are always thoughts
like: “She would love to see this.” or “This is something he wouldn’t like.” To
say, “For me, to live is Christ” means “He is my reason for living. And he is
not only my reason for living; he is the very source of my life. He is the love
of my life. He is my joy and my peace.”
“For me, to live is
Christ and to die is gain.” I think this means something like, “For me, to live
is Christ, and to die is to gain more of Christ.” Paul surely says this very
thing when he writes: “I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better
by far...” (Philippians 1:23)
Heaven will bring us
the pure enjoyment of love and thanks in a way that is separate from
usefulness. This is very strange. When Paul talks about staying, he talks about
his presence with his people being necessary, and then he talks about leaving
that behind.
Going on to be with the
Lord will be something different from usefulness. It will be the end of being
of use, and of being necessary. Or it will be a graduation to something better.
Perhaps there is something more wonderful than being of use, and much better
than being necessary.
I do believe that there
may be some kind of joyful work or service to do in the everlasting life, after
we depart to be with the Lord. It’s possible. But we will not do it because we
are indispensable, or even merely useful. We will not be loved for what we do;
we will do because we are loved, and because we love.
If we want to know
anything about the Lord, we have to know that the whole message of the good
news of Jesus Christ is that he did something for us that we could not do for
ourselves. Until we get that, we don’t get anything. And here we fret and we
think that our life has no purpose if we cannot do things for others, or even
for ourselves.
But that isn’t true. We
have a purpose because God made us, because God loves us, even when we are
helpless and useless. This is the truth. But it is very, very hard to grasp.
A new born baby has a
purpose in life. An unborn baby has a purpose. A flower in a vase has a
purpose. A hug and a kiss have a purpose. The clasp of a hand has a purpose. A
song has a purpose. A sunset has a
purpose. None of these things are of any material, practical use to us at all.
But they are priceless: absolutely priceless.
Part of heaven will be
the experience of this love. “For me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.” To
die is to gain more of Christ.
Often the Bible
compares death to sleep. The body stops, and takes a long, long rest. Other times the Bible talks about death as
moving away from our bodies and this world, into the presence of the Lord. “You
guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.”
“I desire to depart and
be with Christ.”
The word that’s
translated as “depart” tells us what it means to die. The word could be used a
number of different ways. It literally means the loosening or the untying of something.
It’s the word people said when they struck camp; when they loosened the ropes
and the stakes on their tents, to pack them up and move on.
When I was a kid, we
went camping every summer, and it was one of the great rituals, setting up the
tent. And it was just as important a ritual to take it down exactly right, so
it would go up exactly right, next time. And when we struck camp for the last
time, then it was time to go home.
The word “depart” means
loosening, and untying of the moorings of a boat, so that it can launch out.
In one of the churches
I served, we went for an annual rafting and kayaking trip every summer. On these
trips, we had this great ceremony in the mornings, when the rafts were packed
and ready, and everyone was in their places, we said a prayer, the knots were
untied, and we pushed off down the river.
There’s a phrase from
an old prayer that goes like this: Help us to live as those who are prepared to
die. And when our days here are ended, enable us to die as those who are ready
to go forth and live, so that whether we live or die our LIFE may be in Jesus
Christ our risen Lord.
Paul said, “For me, to
live is Christ, and to die is gain.” Earth is for life. Heaven is for life.
Living is for life. Even dying is for life. In Christ, it is like being in
This is what Paul
believed. This is what the Bible teaches. This is what we believe.
AT ONE MENT. That is an amazing way to look at that word.