Preached on Mothers Day, Sunday, May 14, 2017
readings: Matthew 25:31-40; Acts 9:36-43
More of That Walk in April 2017 Along the Columbia River, Mattawa/Desert Aire, WA |
A woman used her husband’s car for some
errands, and when she got back she noticed how dusty the outside of the car was.
So, she cleaned it up a bit and, when she went into the house, she said to her
husband, “The woman who loves you the most in the world just cleaned your
headlights and windshield.” Her husband looked up surprised, and said, “Mom’s
here?” (From “1001 More Humorous Illustrations”, Michael Hodgin, #563)
We don’t know much about Tabitha, as a
mother. In fact we don’t even know if she was a mother. What we can see for
ourselves is the fact that she mothered people. She took care of people. She
helped people.
After Easter, the rising of Jesus from
the dead makes us think about how the power of God gives us a new life and a
changed life. The people in the Book of Acts, like Tabitha, are examples of this
power of God shaping the lives of those who follow Jesus, and who live in the
power of the Holy Spirit.
Thinking about Tabitha, let’s look at
how God shapes a kind of mothering instinct in God’s people.
Who do we see Tabitha mothering?
Apparently, she mothered the widows of the church. And so, she mothered the
mothers, and maybe even the whole community.
The Old Testament puts a lot of weight
on paying special attention to the needs of widows, and orphans, and aliens. The
Bible tells us this, over and over again in the books of the law and the
prophets. These groups of people are singled out by God as people who are most
likely to be neglected, or forgotten, or taken advantage of.
They were God’s special test cases to
see if his special people were truly people of love and compassion. Would God’s
people take care of the most defenseless people, the most neglected people, in
their society?
The strange truth is that, even though
the Lord put the greatest weight on giving attention to the needs of these
particular people, they continued to be the people of greatest need. And they
still are (to this day), along with others we could mention.
As the commentaries informed me, the way
the Greek text describes them showing this clothing to Peter seems to make them
point to themselves when they point to the clothing. (It’s called “middle voice”.)
They showed the clothing by pointing to themselves, because they were wearing
the clothing, themselves.
Clothing was expensive in the ancient
world. Clothing was used for barter. It was used for collateral for loans. Average
people seldom had much extra clothing beyond what they had on their backs. The
people who were below average had even less than this. Widows tended to be such
Why do we have what we have? Why do we
have money? Why do we have time? Why do we have talents? Part of the answer to
that is, that we have what we have in order to help others.
We don’t have what we have in order to
be the slaves of others. What God enables us to have is for blessing and for joy.
But joy comes not only by enjoying what we have, for ourselves. Joy comes, most
often, from sharing.
This has to do with mothers; but also
with fathers, and with all kinds of servants, and with all the people of God,
because we are all called to be mothers, in a way. We are all called to be
people of help in a “me-centered” world.
The great loves you have are not just
for yourself, but they are to be shared with your children. So, you better love
to share your great loves with them; like fishing, or flying, or gardening, or
music, or making things with your hands. And you have to go farther than that.
Knowing that their kids have great loves of their own, mothers and fathers pay
attention to the things that their kids love; like games, and playing, and
laughing, and talking.
We live in a world where the message is
that self-fulfillment comes from self-indulgence. But that message can never
build a family. It can never build a marriage. It can never raise children to
be happy adults. It can never build the mission of Jesus.
This woman was the gazelle. A gazelle is
graceful, and quick, and a long-distance runner. When a need arose in Tabitha’s
vicinity, it was gracefully, quickly, and almost unnoticeably met. Children
think that their mothers really prefer chicken wings, and necks, and backs, and
like them much better than drumsticks and thighs, because their mothers are so
graceful, and quick, and steady about their choice.
I think I was a teenager when I actually
asked my mom about this, and found out the truth. She did it so that I could
fight my dad and my sisters for the drumsticks and the thighs.
When the Holy Spirit makes us people of
help, those we help may hardly notice. And if we don’t always give help in a
way that’s as graceful and quick as a gazelle, then, maybe, we can give the
kind of help that runs as long-distance as a gazelle.
This is what a mother’s or a father’s
help does. You help a child grow into courage, and perseverance, and strength,
and confidence. This is also the kind of help which God’s people are called to
give to each other. But God’s people are also called to give this to anyone in
The very shape of the miracle of Tabitha’s
life is basically a replica of what Jesus did. Peter and the others, as they
would visit each other, were being like little Jesuses, wherever they went.
They were all little Jesuses in the things they did for each other; not only in
the way that miracles happened, but in their whole attitude; their whole spirit;
their whole way of humbly learning and serving. They would see Jesus at work
around them, and they would see Jesus in each other, because they were being
Jesus to others.
They would see Jesus in each other, not
because of their power, but because of their love. They would even see Jesus in
each other because of the others’ need for love. They would see Jesus in those
who seemed the smallest. They would even see Jesus in those who counted the least,
and who needed the most.
In marriages, in your lives as parents
or grandparents, and in our lives as children of parents, we see the sacrifice
of Christ in the sacrifices that others make for us.
We also see the need of Christ in those
who need us. We see, in them, their need for the sheer love of Christ. That is
how we are called to relate to each other, and to our neighbors, and to
everyone in this world.
The love of Christ, as we see that love
on the cross, and as we see that love in his rising from the dead: that love is
the ultimate help. The love of God, in Christ, gives us mercy and forgiveness.
The love of God, in Christ, gives us peace with God, and a new heart, and a new
life, and a whole new set of motivations in life.
At the Lord’s Table we meet that love. We
see that our spiritual life depends on the nourishment of that love as much as
our bodies depend on food and drink.
At this table, we learn that Jesus is
glad to be our host. He personally invites us to feed upon him, and to share
his life, and to be transformed into people of help because, through Jesus, we
know the help of God.
To be people of love, sharing the love. That is what we strive for!